Orange and blue leafhopper
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The insects of Madagascar, such as this Leafhopper, are mostly from familiar families, with some endemic and some widespread species. In the eastern US, you should be able to find the very similar looking Scarlet-and-green Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea).
1.Ranomafana National Park
·Tree Flower
·Brown Lemur
·Research station
·Kids in town
·Vatoharanana River
·Orange and blue leafhopper
·Saribia butterfly
·Yellow line caterpillar
·Wasp on nest
·Pygmy Grasshopper
·Spider with a sewed leaf nest
2.Analamazoatra Special Reserve
3.Montagne d'Ambre National Park
4.Masoala Peninsula
5.Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve
6.Former rainforest near Sambava