Decaying leaf
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Considering how well separated the different colored spots on this decaying leaf are, the spots probably represent different fungus colonies, each of which is secreting chemicals to discourage competing colonies in its vicinity.
1.Ranomafana National Park
2.Analamazoatra Special Reserve
3.Montagne d'Ambre National Park
4.Masoala Peninsula
·Beach at Ambanizana
·Black and yellow spider
·Red clawed crab
·Large red and black frog
·Green Treefrog
·Ambanizana River
·Red Ruffed Lemur call
·Red and black click beetle
·Purple flowers
·Fungus Weevil
·Green and black frog
·Green chameleon
·Assassin bug
·Snail on Gravesia leaf
·Gravesia leaf and fruit
·Decaying leaf
·Ambohitsi- tondroina hilltop
5.Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve
6.Former rainforest near Sambava