Indri Lemur
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Bounding from tree to tree, they move rapidly through the forest. Called "babakoto" in Malagasy, Indri Lemurs are very cute and also very loud-their territorial calls can be heard for at least a mile. Because some Indris in the Perinet Reserve see people frequently, one can follow them unobtrusively and watch for hours as they go about their business.
1.Ranomafana National Park
2.Analamazoatra Special Reserve
·Pool with Pandanus
·Pandanus leaf skeleton
·Indri Lemur
·Indri Lemur call
·Indri Lemur
·Gasteracantha spider
·Tiger beetle
·Crossbar moth
3.Montagne d'Ambre National Park
4.Masoala Peninsula
5.Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve
6.Former rainforest near Sambava