A Checklist of the Mosses of Chile
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Checklist | Literature Cited
Each accepted taxon in the following pages will be linked to the
nomenclatural database, associated authority files, and specimen lists.
Taxon Groups:
- Warburgiella aureo-nitida (Bartr.) Akiyama =
- Rhaphiorrhynchium scorpiurus fide Seki 1974.
- Webera albicans Schimp., nom. illeg. =
- Pohlia wahlenbergii fide Shaw 1982.
- W. alticaulis (C. Müll.) Par. =
- Pohlia wahlenbergii var. glacialis fide E. F. Warburg 1962.
- W. costesii Card. & Thér. =
- Pohlia polycarpa fide Bartram 1949 = Pohlia chilensis fide Shaw 1987.
- W. cruda (Hedw.) Fuernr. == Pohlia cruda
- W. lonchochaete Dus. ==
- Pohlia lonchochaete fide Brotherus 1902-1909.
- W. looseri Thér. == Pohlia looseri fide by this study.
- W. magnifica Herz. == Pohlia magnifica fide by this study.
- W. nutans Hedw. == Pohlia nutans
- W. philonotea (C. Müll.) Par. == Mniobryum philonoteum
- W. sphagnadelphus (C. Müll.) Besch. == Pohlia nutans
- W. timmiaecaulon Dus., nom. nud., Dusén 1903b.
- Weissia Hedw. (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
- Weissia calcarea (Nees & Hornsch.) C. Müll. ==
- Gymnostomum calcareum fide Zander 1993.
- W. controversa Hedw. var. controversa
- Bartram 1957; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. XII. Magallanes; Juan Fernandez Is.
- W. controversa var. amblyodon (Brid.) Sendtn.
- (as Weisia viridula var. amblyodon, Herzog 1954).
Dist. V. Aconcagua.
- W. diffidentia Zand.
- (as Astomum recurvirostrum, Thériot 1924; Tetrapterum recurvirostrum, Brotherus 1924).
Dist. V. Valparaiso.
- W. kunzeana C. Müll.
- Mitten 1869; Robinson 1975, (as Hymenostomum kunzeanum, Brotherus 1924b; Thériot 1935; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954).
Dist. VI. Colchagua, San Vicente; X. Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia; Juan Fernandez Is.
- W. longirostris Mitt., hom. illeg., Mitten 1869.
- W. patagonica Card. & Broth.
- Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Matteri 1985b.
Dist. XI. General Carrera; XII. Magallanes.
- W. poeppigiana (C. Müll.) Mitt. =
- Didymodon torquatus fide Catcheside 1980 = Didymodon vinealis fide Sollman 1995.
- W. viridula Hedw. ex Brid. var. amblyodon Schimp. in B.S.G. ==
- Weisia controversa var. amblyodon
- Weymouthia Broth. (METEORIACEAE Kindb.)
- W. billardieri (Hampe) Broth. ==
- Weymouthia cochlearifolia var. billardieri
- W. cochlearifolia (Sw.) Dix. var. billardierei (Hampe) Dix.
- Thériot 1935; Bartram 1952; Deguchi 1991b (as Pilotrichella krausei, Dusén 1903b; as Weymouthia billardieri, Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1940, 1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Reimers 1926; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Seki 1974).
Dist. X. Chiloe (Crosby 12577, Moreno 20586), Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue (Mahu & Tapia 21346), Osorno (Labbe 22740, Mahu 22275), Valdivia (Crosby 11644, Mahu 11439); XI. Aisen.
- W. mollis (Hedw.) Broth.
- Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924a, 1924b; Reimers 1926; Thériot 1927a; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1952, 1957; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b (as Meteorium molle, Mitten 1869; as Pilotrichella cumingii, Dusén 1903b).
Dist. IV. Limari (Mahu 10243, 21055); IX. Cautin (Crosby 11897, Mahu 22380); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12692, Moreno 20593), Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 20657, 23970), Valdivia (Crosby 11762, Mahu 22355); XI. Aisen (Crosby 16187); XII. Magallans; Juan Fernandez Is.
- W. orbiculata Thér. ==
- Camptochaete orbiculata fide Robinson 1970.
- Wollnya wilsonii (Mitt.) Herz. == Leptobryum wilsonii
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