A Checklist of the Mosses of Chile
Welcome | Abstract | Introduction | Acknowledgments Systematic Arrangement of Genera | Recognized Species
Checklist | Literature Cited
Each accepted taxon in the following pages will be linked to the
nomenclatural database, associated authority files, and specimen lists.
Taxon Groups:
- Glyphomitrium ligulatum Mitt. == Ptychomitrium ligulatum
- G. fernandesianum Mitt. == Ptychomitrium fernandesianum
- Glyphothecium Hampe (PTYCHOMNIACEAE
- G. gracile (Hampe.) Broth.
- Mitten 1869; Thériot 1915; Reimers 1926; Herzog &
Hosseus 1938; Herzog 1954, 1960; Seki 1974; Hattaway 1984; Deguchi
1991b (as Cladomnion gracile, Mitten 1869; Dusén
1903b; as Glyphothecium gracile var. nanum, Herzog
Dist. V. Valparaiso; VI. Colchagua; VII. Curico (Landrum
5118), Linares; VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin, Malleco (Mahu
6109); X. Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 21159), Valdivia
(Mahu 23433); XI. Aisen; XII. western Pagatonia.
- G. gracile var. nanum Herz. = Glyphothecium gracile
fide Hattaway 1984.
- G. sciuroides (Hook.f.) Hampe
- Hattaway 1984; Deguchi 1991b (as Cladomnion valdivae).
Dist. X. Chiloe, Llanquihue, Valdivia; XI. Aisen.
- Goniobryum Lindb. (RHIZOGONIACEAE
- G. reticulatum (Hook.f & Wils.) Lindb.
- Cardot 1908; Thériot 1934b; Herzog & Schwabe 1939;
Herzog 1954; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. X. Valdivia; XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Hermite Is.,
Hoste Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan.
- G. subbasilare (Hook.f.) Lindb.
- Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Matteri 1985b (as
Rhizogonium subbasilare, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b).
Dist. XII. Hermite Is., Hoste Is., Str. of Magellan, Tierra
del Fuego.
- Grimmia Ehrh. ex Hedw. (GRIMMIACEAE
- G. alpicola Hedw. var. rivularis (Brid.) Broth.
- Schistidium rivulare
fide Deguchi 1987.
- G. amblyophylla C. Müll. ==
- Schistidium amblyophyllum
fide Ochyra & Hertel 1990.
- G. anodon Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G.
- Deguchi 1984.
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 12166).
- G. apocarpa Hedw. == Schistidium apocarpum
- G. arachnoidea Dus., nom. nud. =
- Grimmia orbicularis var. patagonica
fide Cardot 1908.
- G. chilensis Thér. ex Herz. = Grimmia navicularis
fide Deguchi 1987.
- G. consobrina Kunz. ex C. Müll. = Grimmia trichophylla
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. crassiretis Card. & Broth. = Grimmia trichophylla
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. depressa var. terrestris C. Müll.
- Dusén 1903b.
Dist. Patagonia australis.
- G. dicksonii (Dus.) Dus., illeg. hom. = Grimmia trichophylla
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. donati Herz. == Schistidium donatii
fide Ochyra & Matteri 1996.
- G. fallax Dus. = Schistidium apocarpum
fide Bremer 1980.
- G. fasciculata Dus., hom. illeg. = Schistidium falcatum
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. fastigiata Card.
- Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
- G. flexicaulis C. Müll. var. dicksonii
Dus. ==
- Grimmia dicksonii fide Seki 1974 = Grimmia trichophylla fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. flexiseta Dus., nom. nud. = Grimmia reflexidens
fide Dusén 1906b.
- G. grisea Card.
- Thériot 1934b; Matteri 1985b.
Dist. METRO. Santiago; XII. Magallanes.
- G. humilis Mitt.
- Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Bartram 1952;
Deguchi 1984.
Dist. METRO. Santiago; XI. Coihaique; XII. Str. of Magellan.
- G. hyalinocuspidata C. Müll. == Schistidium hyalinocuspidatum
fide Bell 1984.
- G. imberbis Kunz. ex C. Müll.
- Mitten 1869; Dusén 1906b; Herzog 1960.
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio.
- G. laevigata (Brid.) Brid.
- Deguchi 1984, Deguchi 1991a (as Grimmia murina, Dusén
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 20487), Santiago (Mahu
12166, 13547); IV. Choapa (Mahu 20957); V. Petorca
(Mahu & Mahu 13272). VIII. Bio-Bio.
- G. macropulvinata Dus. = Grimmia trichophylla
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. murina C. Müll. = Grimmia laevigata
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. navicularis Herz.
- Deguchi 1991a (as Grimmia chilensis, Seki 1974; Deguchi
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 20523), Cordillera
(Mahu 22191, 23062), Santiago (Mahu 23350);
V. Petorca (Mahu 10277, Mahu & Mahu 13247);
VII. Linares (Taylor & Gereau 11044);
VIII. Bio-Bio; IX. Cautin (Mahu 23784), Malleco; X. Osorno,
Valdivia (Crosby 11732); XI. Aisen.
- G. nivea Dus. = Grimmia plagiopodia
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. occulta C. Müll. = Schistidium apocarpum
fide Bremer 1980.
- G. orbicularis Bruch
- Dusén 1905a, 1906b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
- G. orbicularis var. patagonica
- Cardot 1908 (as Grimmia arachnoidea, Dusén 1903b).
Dist. XI. Aisen.
- G. pachyloma Mont. == Vittia pachyloma
fide Ochyra 1987b.
- G. pachyphylla Dus. = Grimmia dicksonii fide
Dusén 1906b =
- Grimmia trichophylla fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. perplexa Thér. = Schistidium apocarpum
fide Bremer 1980.
- G. phyllorhizans Broth. in Skottsb.
- Brotherus 1924b; Robinson 1975.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
- G. plagiopodia Hedw.
- Deguchi 1984
(as Grimmia nivea, Dusén 1905a, 1906b; Seki 1974).
Dist. XI. Aisen.
- G. pulvinata (Timm ex Hedw.) var. africana
(Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wils.
- Deguchi 1984.
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 21117, Robres 7511),
Cordillera (Mahu 5981, 23730), Santiago (Mahu
5539, 10362); V. Aconcagua, Los Andes (Mahu 6426,
23593); VI. Colchagua (Mahu 3825, 9686);
XI. Aisen (Mancilla 8510).
- G. pycnophylla Dus., nom. nud. =
- Grimmia
flexicaulis var. dicksonii fide Dusén 1905a
= Grimmia trichophylla fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. reflexidens C. Müll.
- Mitten 1869; Dusén 1906b; Deguchi 1984; Deguchi 1991a
(as Grimmia flexiseta, nom. nud., Dusén 1903b).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera (Mahu 3833), Santiago; VIII.
- G. scabripes Bartr. == Schistidium scabripes
fide Deguchi 1984.
- G. serripila Dus., Thériot 1923, invalid, no
- G. trichophylla Grer.
- Deguchi 1984, 1991a (as Grimmia consobrina, Mitten
1869; Dusén 1906b; Thériot 1917, 1921, 1935; Reimers
1926; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog &
Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952; Herzog 1954; Seki 1974; as Grimmia
crassiretis, Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Grimmia dicksonii,
Dusén 1906b, Cardot 1908; as Grimmia flexicaulis
var. dicksonii; as Grimmia macropulvinata, Dusén
1903b, 1906b; as Grimmia pachyphylla, Dusén 1905a;
as Grimmia pycnophylla, Dusén 1903b).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 20492, 22627),
Cordillera (Mahu 22169, 23355), Maipo (Mahu 20858,
22128), Santiago (Mahu 8619, 23542), Talagante
(Mahu 10575); IV. Choapa (Moreno 13827), Limari
(Mahu 23127); V. Petorca (Mahu & Mahu 13188,
13301), Quillota (Moreno 20549, Tapia 21134),
San Antonio (Mahu 13450, 13562), Valparaiso (Mahu
11338); VI. Cachapoal (Mahu 10312, 24028), Cardenal
Caro (Mahu 13429), Colchagua (Mahu 23059);
VII. Curico (Mahu 5549, Landrum 5119), Linares (Taylor
& Gereau 11016, 11081); VIII. Arauco, Bio-Bio
(Mahu & Mahu 11072), Nuble (Mahu 22991,
Queirolo 13618); IX. Cautin (Mahu 11269, 23943),
Malleco (Crosby 13071, Mahu 6022); X. Llanquihue,
Osorno, Valdivia (Crosby 11577, Mahu 23798); XI
Aisen, General Carrera.
- Gymnostomum Nees & Hornsch.,
nom. cons. (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
- G. aeruginosum Sm.
- Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio, Nuble; X. Valdivia; Juan Fernandez
- G. calcareum Nees & Hornsch. var. calcareum
- Dusén 1906a; Thériot 1921; Brotherus 1924b;
Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b, (as Weissia
calcarea, Mitten 1869).
Dist. V. Valparaiso; X. Valdivia; XI. Aisen; Juan Fernandez
- G. calcareum var. tenellum Schimp. in
- Herzog 1954.
Dist. METRO. Santiago.
- G. tenerrimum (C. Müll.)
Wijk & Marg.
- (as Anoectangium tenerrimum, Mitten 1869).
Dist. VIII. Nuble.
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