Section of Caucasus


Akinfiew I.Ja. (Caucasus)

Alexeenko F.N. (Caucasus)

Bieberstein von, F.A. Marschall (Caucasus)

Busch E.A. & Busch N.A. (Caucasus)

Busch N.A. (Caucasus)

Grossheim A.A. (Caucasus)

Gueldenstaedt A.J. von (historical collection)

Koch C. (Caucasus)

Lipsky V.I. (Caucasus)

Litwinow D.I. (Caucasus)

Menitsky Yu.L. & Popova T.N. (Caucasus)

Meyer C.A. (Caucasus)

Pojarkova A.I. (Caucasus)

Ruprecht F.J. (Caucasus)

Sredinsky N.K. (Caucasus)

Szovits O.J. (Caucasus)

Woronow Ju.N. (Caucasus)


Apargia strigosa Bieb.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Arenaria austriaca Bieb. non Jacq.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Arenaria laricifolia Bieb. non L.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Centaurea depressa Bieb.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Gentiana angulosa Bieb.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Lysimachia verticillaris Spreng.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Swertia perennis Bieb. non L.


From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Apargia caucasica Bieb.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Carthamus glaucus Bieb.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Delphinium dasycarpum Stev.ex DC.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Ranunculus caucasicus Bieb.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Sideritis calycantha Bieb.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Achillea millefolium L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Achillea vermicularis Trin.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Achillea vermicularis Trin.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Achillea vermicularis Trin.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Achillea vermicularis Trin.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Achillea vermicularis Trin.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Achillea wilhelmsii C.Koch

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Achillea wilhelmsii C.Koch

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Aetheopappus caucasicus Sosn.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Aetheopappus caucasicus Sosn.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Aethionema cordatum (Desf.) Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Aethionema diastrophis Bunge

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Amberboa moschata (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Amberboa moschata (L.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Amberboa nana (Boiss.) Iljin

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Amberboa sosnovskyi Iljin

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Amberboa sosnovskyi Iljin

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Amberboa sosnovskyi Iljin

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Amberboa turanica Iljin

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Amblyocarpum inuloides Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Anacyclus ciliatus Trautv.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Anacyclus ciliatus Trautv.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Ancathia igniaria (Spreng.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Ancathia igniaria (Spreng.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Ancathia igniaria (Spreng.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Anthemis abagensis Fed.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Anthemis abagensis Fed.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Anthemis altissima L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Anthemis altissima L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Anthyllis caucasica (Grossh.) Juz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Anthyllis caucasica (Grossh.) Juz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Anthyllis caucasica (Grossh.) Juz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Anthyllis irenae Juz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Anthyllis variegata Boiss. ex Grossh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Aster amellis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Aster ibericus Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Aster ibericus Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Aster ibericus Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Aster ibericus Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Aster ibericus Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Aster ibericus Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Aster novae-angliae L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Astracantha microcephala (Willd.) Podlech

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Astragalus asper Jacq.

Representative specimen

From Herbarium of Anton Johann von Gueldenstaedt


Astragalus caucasicus Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Astragalus denudatus Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Astragalus erinaceus Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Astragalus ordubadensis Grossh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Astragalus oreades C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Astragalus oreades C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Astragalus oreades C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Astragalus oreades C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Astragalus oreades C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Bellevalia montana (C.Koch) Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Bellevalia montana (C.Koch) Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Bellevalia montana (C.Koch) Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Bellevalia pycnantha (C.Koch) Losinsk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Bellevalia pycnantha (C.Koch) Losinsk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Bellevalia speciosa Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Bellevalia speciosa Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Bellevalia speciosa Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Bellis perennis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Bellis perennis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Bellis perennis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Bidens bipinnata L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Bidens cernua L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Bidens cernua L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Calendula persica C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Calendula persica C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Calendula persica C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Calendula persica C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Campanula lambertiana A.DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Campanula lambertiana A.DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Campanula lambertiana A.DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Carduus arabicus Jacq.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Carpesium abrotanoides L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Centaurea coronopifolia Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Centaurea ossethica Sosn.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Centaurea polypodiifolia Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Centaurea pseudoscabiosa Boiss. et Buhse

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Centaurea pseudoscabiosa Boiss. et Buhse

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Centaurea pulcherrima Willd.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Cerastium viscosum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Cirsium ciliatum (Murr.) Moench

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Cirsium kosmelii (Adams) Fisch. ex Hohen.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cirsium szovitsii (C.Koch) Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Cirsium tomentosum C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Cirsium tomentosum C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Cirsium uliginosum (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Cirsium uliginosum (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Cirsium uliginosum (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Cirsium uliginosum (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Colchicum speciosum Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Colchicum speciosum Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Colchicum umbrosum Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Cotoneaster integerrima Med.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Cotoneaster morulus Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Cotoneaster morulus Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Cotoneaster multiflorus Bunge

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Crataegus atrofusca (C.Koch) Kassumova

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Crataegus atrofusca (C.Koch) Kassumova

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Crataegus pentagyna Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Crataegus pentagyna Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Crataegus pentagyna Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Crataegus pontica C.Koch

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Crataegus pseudoheterophylla Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Crataegus pseudoheterophylla Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Crataegus ulotricha Pojark.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Crepis rhoeadifolia Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Cyclamen europaeum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Dianthus fragrans Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Eremurus spectabilis Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Eremurus tauricus Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Erythronium caucasicum Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Erythronium caucasicum Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Erythronium caucasicum Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Filipendula vulgaris Moench

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Filipendula vulgaris Moench

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Filipendula vulgaris Moench

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Fragaria campestris Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Fragaria vesca L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Fragaria vesca L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Fragaria vesca L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Fragaria vesca L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Fragaria vesca L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Fragaria viridis (Duch.) Weston

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Fragaria viridis (Duch.) Weston

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Fragaria viridis (Duch.) Weston

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Fritillaria caucasica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Gadellia lactiflora (Bieb.) Schulkina

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Gypsophila altissima L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Gypsophila saxifraga L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Helleborus orientalis Ledeb. non Lam.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Holosteum umbellatum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Lilium szovitsianum Fisch. et Ave-Lall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Lilium szovitsianum Fisch. et Ave-Lall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Merendera raddeana Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Merendera raddeana Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Merendera raddeana Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Muscari leucostomum Woronow ex Czerniak.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Muscari neglectum Guss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Muscari pallens (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Muscari pallens (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Muscari pallens (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Muscari pallens (Bieb.) Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Muscari szovitsianum Baker

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Muscari tenuiflorum Tausch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Myricaria alopecuroides Schrenk.

Representative specimen

From Herbarium of Anton Johann von Gueldenstaedt


Nigella orientalis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Papaver lateritum C.Koch

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Papaver macrostomum Boiss. et Huet

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Papaver ocellatum Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Papaver oreophilum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Papaver oreophilum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Papaver oreophilum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Papaver orientale L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Papaver orientale L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Petasites albus (L.) Gaertn.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Ptarmica ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Galushko

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Ranunculus arachnoideus C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Ranunculus aragazii Grossh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Ranunculus arvensis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Ranunculus arvensis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Ranunculus arvensis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Ranunculus arvensis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Ranunculus arvensis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Ranunculus arvensis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Ranunculus baidarae Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Ranunculus baidarae Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Ranunculus balkharicus N.Busch

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Scilla rosenii C.Koch

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Scilla sibirica Haw.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Scilla sibirica Haw.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Scilla sibirica Haw.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus


Thalictrum flavum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.A. Marschall von Bieberstein from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus


Thalictrum sultanabadense Stapf

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Thalictrum triternatum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Thalictrum triternatum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.Ja.Akinfiew from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.J.Szovits from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.J.Ruprecht from Caucasus


Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.Koch from Caucasus


Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.K.Sredinsky from Caucasus


Tulipa julia C.Koch

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.A.Grossheim from Caucasus