Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus

Dates of collection:


Region of collection:

Russian Caucasus: Elbrus area

Georgia: Kazbek area

Azerbaijan: western coast of the Caspian Sea (including Talysh)


Meyer C.A.

Hoefft F.A., Hohenacker F.R., Szovits O.J., Frick

Volume of collection:

Over 100 000 sheets, 2000 species

Income date to LE:


Income method:

The herbarium is bought by Botanical Museumof Academy of Sciences

LE Section of storage:

Section of Caucasus

Type colections of section of Caucasus


The collection is provided by handwritten labels. A part of the sheets, in addition, has printed labels with the printed text: "Fl. Caucas., legit C.A.Meyer, 1829, 1830" and handwritten numbers. The text of handwritten (field?) labels was not copied onto printed ones.

A part of the collections of C.A.Meyer was incorporated in the collections of J.G.Klinge, R.E.trautvetter. These sheets have respective labels ("Herbarium J.Klinge") or stamps ("Herbarium Trautvetter").


Caucasian flora conspectus / Editor-in-chief A.L.Takhtajan. Vol. 1 / Ed. G.L.Menitsky, T.N.Popova. St.Petersburg, 2003. 204 p.

Lipschitz S.Ju., Vassilczenko I.T. Herbarium centrale URSS. Leningrad, 1968. 142 p.

Lipsky V.I. Flora Kavkaza. Svod svedenii o flore Kavkaza za dvukhsotletnii period ee issledovaniya, nachinaya ot Turnefora i konchaya XIX v. [Synopsis of data on the flora of the Caucasus over bicentenary period of its investigations, from Tournefort and up to XIX century.] SPb.,1899. 584 p. (Acta Horti Bot. Tiflis., issue 4)

Compiler & Date:

Sokolova I.V., 2006

Asparagus ledebourii Miscz.


Allium oreophilum C.A.Mey.

(Specimen authenticum)

Crocus caspius Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

(Specimen authenticum)

Iris acutiloba C.A.Mey.

(Specimen authenticum)

Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

(Representative specimen)

Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

(Representative specimen)

Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

(Representative specimen)

Achillea tenuifolia Lam.

(Representative specimen)

Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

(Representative specimen)

Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.

(Representative specimen)

Bidens tripartita L.

(Representative specimen)

Calendula persica C.A.Mey.

(Representative specimen)

Campanula lambertiana A.DC.

(Representative specimen)

Cirsium ciliatum (Murr.) Moench

(Representative specimen)

Cirsium uliginosum (Bieb.) Fisch.

(Representative specimen)

Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

(Representative specimen)

Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.

(Representative specimen)

Crataegus atrofusca (C.Koch) Kassumova

(Representative specimen)

Crataegus atrofusca (C.Koch) Kassumova

(Representative specimen)

Filipendula hexapetala Gilib.

(Representative specimen)

Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf

(Representative specimen)

Ranunculus arvensis L.

(Representative specimen)

Thalictrum simplex L.

(Representative specimen)

Trollius patulus Salisb.

(Representative specimen)

Trollius patulus Salisb.

(Representative specimen)