1887-1893, 1895-1897 and later
Russian Caucasus: Black Sea area (Novorossiisk), the Kuban and the Terek Regions, Stavropol Province, Elbrus area, Dagestan
Georgia: Abkhazia, Batumi, Tiflis Province
Azerbaijan: Baku Province, Talysh, Karabakh
Armenia: Erivan Province
Turkey: Ararat
Lipsky W.I.
Purchased in 1895: 3000 sheets
Purchased in 1909: 2400 species, 10 000 sheets
The total amount of the collections is much more
1895, 1909
The herbarium is partly bought, partly received as duplicates from the Kiew University.
Section of Caucasus
Type collections of the section of Caucasus
The labels are wholly handwritten, or written by hand on printed form-sheets.
The materials received as duplicates from the Kiew University have labels with the title: "Herbarium Universitatis Imperialis Sancti Wladimiri, Kiew"
The most mounting sheets have tags with the title: " W.I.Lipsky, Plants of the Caucasus (1889-1895), W.H.Lipsky, Plantae Caucasi".
Lipsky V.I. Flora Kavkaza. Svod svedenii o flore Kavkaza za dvukhsotletnii period ee issledovaniya, nachinaya ot Turnefora i konchaya XIX v. [Synopsis of data on the flora of the Caucasus over bicentenary period of its investigations, from Tournefort and up to XIX century.] SPb.,1899. 584 p. (Acta Horti Bot. Tiflis., issue 4)
Lipschitz S.Ju., Vassilczenko I.T. Herbarium centrale URSS. Leningrad, 1968. 142 p.
Sokolova I.V., 2006
Dioscorea caucasica Lipsky
Dryas caucasica Juz.
Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl
(Representative specimen)
Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.
(Representative specimen)
Achillea tenuifolia Lam.
(Representative specimen)
Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.
(Representative specimen)
Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.
(Representative specimen)
Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.
(Representative specimen)
Aethionema arabicum (L.) Lipsky
(Representative specimen)
Amberboa sosnovskyi Iljin
(Representative specimen)
Anacyclus ciliatus Trautv.
(Representative specimen)
Ancathia igniaria (Spreng.) DC.
(Representative specimen)
Bellevalia speciosa Woronow
(Representative specimen)
Bidens tripartita L.
(Representative specimen)
Calendula persica C.A.Mey.
(Representative specimen)
Campanula lactiflora Bieb.
(Representative specimen)
Cirsium uliginosum (Bieb.) Fisch.
(Representative specimen)
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.
(Representative specimen)
Cotoneaster meyeri Pojark.
(Representative specimen)
Crataegus pentagyna Waldst. et Kit.
(Representative specimen)
Filipendula vulgaris Moench
(Representative specimen)
Fragaria viridis (Duch.) Weston
(Representative specimen)
Ranunculus arvensis L.
(Representative specimen)
Thalictrum simplex L.
(Representative specimen)
Trollius patulus Salisb.
(Representative specimen)