1836-1838 (Ciscaucasia, Military Georgian road, Armenia, Kars Region)
1843-1844 (Tiflis, Akstafa, the Kura, Eastern Transcaucasia)
Ciscaucasia and Northern Caucasus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey
Koch C.
Collections of Thirke (Asia Minor): 1856
Section of Caucasus
Type collections of the section of Caucasus
A part of specimens were incorporated in the collections of F.B.Fischer, C.A.Meyer, J.G.Klinge. The labels of such sheets are written by respective persons and/or have respective marks.
The main part of the C.Koch's collections (about 2500 specied) was kept in the Berlin Herbarium (B) and was destroyed during World War II. In this context, the LE collections have essential importance for typification.
The collections made the base for a number of works, among them:
Koch K. Catalogus plantarum quas in itinere per Caucasum, Georgiam Armeniaque annis 1836 et 1837 collegit K.K. 1841-1843. (Linnaea, tt. 15-17)
Koch K. Beitrage zu einer Flora des Orients. 1848-1851. (Linnaea, tt. 22-24)
Caucasian flora conspectus / Editor-in-chief A.L.Takhtajan. Vol. 1 / Ed. G.L.Menitsky, T.N.Popova. St.Petersburg, 2003. 204 p.
Lipschitz S.Ju., Vassilczenko I.T. Herbarium centrale URSS. Leningrad, 1968. 142 p.
Lipsky W.J. Herbarium Horti Botanici Imperialis Petropolitani (1823-1908). Ed.2. Jurjev, 1908. 238 p.
Sokolova I.V., 2006
Allium syntamanthum C.Koch
(Specimen authenticum)
Crocus suworowianus C.Koch
(Specimen authenticum)
Mespilus caucasica C.Koch
(Specimen authenticum)
Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.
(Representative specimen)
Amberboa moschata (L.) DC.
(Representative specimen)
Amberboa moschata (L.) DC.
(Representative specimen)
Bellevalia montana (C.Koch) Boiss.
(Representative specimen)
Carduus arabicus Jacq.
(Representative specimen)
Fritillaria caucasica Adams
(Representative specimen)
Fritillaria caucasica Adams
(Representative specimen)
Merendera trigyna (Stev. ex Adams) Stapf
(Representative specimen)
Petasites albus (L.) Gaertn.
(Representative specimen)
Ranunculus arvensis L.
(Representative specimen)
Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn
(Representative specimen)
Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn
(Representative specimen)