Spiral fern Madagascar Biodiversity and Conservation  
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Traveling Exhibit

Conservation issues

Madagascar Periwinkle
Madagascar Periwinkle
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Called a blessing to humanity, the famous Madagascar Rosy Periwinkle is the source of alkaloids used to treat childhood leukemia. The plants are now being grown in Texas, and no benefits from the pharmaceutical market return to Madagascar. We simply don't know what valuable species may be lost to extinction in the next few decades.

Preserving Madagascar's remaining wildlands would be relatively inexpensive, as they are now being lost for very little long-term gain. Relieving pressure on the land, however, will require an unprecedented program of protection and education, and extension of a minimal level of prosperity to the poorest people in Malagasy society.

Previous  Next
1.Large moth
2.Plateau village
4.Clearing primary rainforest
5.Disappearing forest
6.Rainforest disappearance map
7.Air view of erosion
8.Red river (Betsiboka)
9.Roadside charcoal
10.Cissus takeover
11.Mananara River gallery forest
12.Poles from Ankarana
13.Galapagos tortoise
14.Reserves and vegetation map
15.Ranomafana entrance station
16.Masoala view
17.Black and White Ruffed Lemur
18.Black and White
Ruffed Lemur call

19.Madagascar Periwinkle
Golden Mantella, Mantella aurantiaca

 © Copyright 1996-2001 David R. Parks and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Link to Exploratorium