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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

vis.: abbrev. for visus,-a,-um (part.A), q.v., 'seen.'

Vis, gen. sg. vis (s.f.III), dat.sg. vi, acc.sg. vim, abl. vi; nom.& acc.plur. vires, gen. pl. virium, dat. & abl. pl. viribus: force, power, strength; potency, vigor, intensity; vigor of body, physical strength; power to enable an effect, ability, virtue; violence; impetus, energy; (of disease) virulent, deadly; (physics) energy, force; “(of herbs, drugs, etc.) power to produce some physical effect, potency” (Glare); (medicine) vires = ‘properties’ = Gk. ‘dynameis’ of Dioscorides; cf. the “predominate fourfold paradigm of paired properties (heating/loosening, cooling/binding)” (Everett);

- vires et usus, powers and uses.

- De Viribus & Usibus Plantarum in Cibo & Medicina (Ray), on the properties [i.e. potencies, powers] and uses of plants in Food and Medicine.

- [Bryonia dioica] viribus acris et calefactoria, propter quod oleum in quo est cocta ad acopa et malagmata facit (Galen in Everett), with bitter properties and warming, because of which the oil in which it is cooked produces salves and emollients.

-[Herba savinia (Juniperus Sabina L.)] herba savina omnibus nota est. Habet vires acres et excalfactorias (Galen in Everett), the savine plant is known to all. It possesses sharp and warming powers [properties].

-[moss] aqua etenim frigoris et caloris vim pariter minuens, non adeo diversa temperie sub diuersissimis zonis gaudet (Brid.), since water equally curtails the intensity of the cold or the heat, still more is it happy with a moderate blend of atmospheric conditions under [i.e. subject to] the most diverse [climatic] zones.

- vires autem habet acres et sudorem suscitantes. Unde et tussientibus et suspiriosis et hydropicis et coxiosis prodest et ad serpentum morsum facit (Galen in Everett), it has sharp properties and induces sweat [i.e. perspiration]. For this reason it is beneficial both for those who are coughing and with labored breathing, and dropsical [i.e. suffering from dropsy] and with hip ailments, and also it is effective in dealing with the bite of serpents.

- (fungus) modo sessile, modo substipitatum; teretiusculum, dum vi vitali vigentissima, turget, dein in formam obcordatam vel obovatam plus minus compressum (S&A), sometimes sessile, sometimes somewhat stalked, roundish, it puffs up as long as it is most flourishing with vital force, finally it is more or less compressed into an obcordate or obovate shape.

- in speciebus nonnullis affinibus articuli vix nisi vi separantur v. legumen integrum remanet (B&H), in some related species the joints are scarcely separated except by force or the legumen remains entire.

- [Octospora; fungi] semina ista, e thecis, aquae guttulae immissis, vi exploduntur (Hedwig), those seeds, from the thecae, when [the thecae] are introduced into a drop of water, are exploded away with force.

- vis, gen.sg. vis (s.f.III) volcania, abl. sg. vi volcania, ‘fire.’

- [Usnea barbata] Miscetur idem balanino unguento & aliis quae unguendo sunt, ob spissandi vires, quas habet (Dill.) The same is mixed with an unguent prepared from balsam, and with others which are for annointing [i.e. with an oily substance], due to the properties for making [the body] firm] which it has.

- [Usnea barbata] Vires & usus. Dioscoridi adstringendi vim habet (Dill.), powers [i.e. properties] and uses: to Dioscorides it has the power of constricting [i.e. tightening].

- frutices bacciferi foliis deciduis non spinosi sunt vel erecti aut suis se viribus sustinentes (Ray), the berry-producing shrubs are with leaves deciduous, not with spines, erect or supporting itself with its own strength.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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