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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

repertus,-a,-um (part.A): found, discovered, encountered, met with [> L. reperio, repperi or reperi, ripertum, 4, to procure, obtain, get or find again; to find, meet with, discern, find out “either by searching or by accident” (Lewis & Short); to discover; to learn; to invent, devise, discover]; see ‘discovered;’

- differt carina minus obscure colorata et forsan fructu hucusque nondum reperto, it differs by the keel less indistinctly colored and possibly by the fruit up to now not found.

- in ligno semiputri serra truncato (abietino, ut videbatur) semel reperta (S&A), on half-rotted wood cut with a saw (fir, as it seemed) found once.

- species ad 160, per totum orbem dispersae, paucae inter tropicos in summis montibus repertae (B&H), species to 160, dispersed throughout the whold world, a few found within the tropics in mountain peaks.

- Dicellostyles jujubifolia, in Bootan et Sikkim reperta, est Kydia jujubifolia, Griff. (B&H), Dicellostyles jujubifolia discovered in Bhutan and Sikkim, is Kydia jujubifolia Griff.

reperit: third-person singular present active indicative: [he/she] it discovers, finds, obtains.

repperit: third-person singular perfect active indicative: [he/she] it has discovered, had found.

reperimus: first-person plural present active indicative: we find, discover, encounter; we learn;

repperimus: first-person plural perfect active indicative: we found.

reperiri: present passive infinitive: to be found, encountered, discovered.

reperitur, third person singular present passive indicative; [he,she] it was discovered, found;

- Var. quae etiam sylvestris reperitur, forsan tamen ex hortis migrata (DeCandolle), a variety which also was found wild, perhaps, however, transporetd from gardens.

- (moss) columellam notam genericam non habemus, nam in generibus variis diversissima, mox immersa mox exsertae (e gr. Pottia c. Desmalodonte), nunc cylindrica, nunc globosa (e. gr. Splachnaceae) reperitur (C.Muell.), we do not consider the columella a generic character, for it is extremely different in various genera, discovering it to be at one moment immersed, at the next exserted, for example Pottia c. Desmatodon), sometimes cylindric, sometimes globose (for example Splachnaceae).

reperiuntur: third-person plural present passive indicative: they are found.

- (moss) frequentissime unicum tantum genitalium, nonnunquam duo, rarius tria, quatuor rarissime impraegnata reperiuntur (Hedw.), most frequently only one of the sex organs, sometimes two, more rarely three, extremely rarely four, are found fertilized.

NOTE: the basic stem of the verb ‘reperio’ has one ‘p’ in all cases, except the perfect, pluperfect and future perfect active indicative and subjunctive, when the stem has a double ‘p:’ all stems in the passive use the single ‘p.’

example of the perfect active indicative tense: repperi, I have found repperimus, we have found

repperisti, you have found repperistis, you (pl.) have found

repperit, he,she,it has found reppererunt (-ere), they have found. However, some authors, such as F. Mueller and E. Boissier, appear to spell the perfect active indicative with a single ‘p,’ with the result that ‘reperit,’ and ‘reperimus,’ of the present, have the same spelling in the perfect. Also Mueller spells ‘reperi’ (‘I have found it’), with one ‘p’ rather than ‘repperi.’ Classically, ‘reperi’ is the imperative second person-singular form of the verb ‘reperio.’

reperi (for repperi): I have found;

- reperi in vineis loco dicto Tajo de Ronda prope urbem ejusdem nominis (Boissier), I found it in vineyards in a place called Tajo de Ronda near a city of the same name.

- antherarum par alterum semper cassum reperi (F. Mueller), I found the other part of the anthers always empty.

- reperi etiam in stagnis terrae Arnhemicae Eriocaulon setaceum (L. fl. Zeyl. 50) aliis plantis Indiae aquaticis consociatum, e. g. Najadi Indicae, Hydrillae verticillatae, Otteliae Indica, &c. (F. Muell.), I found Eriocaulon setaceum (L. fl. Zeyl. 50) also in the pools [i.e. stagnant waters] of Arnhamica Territory associated with other aquatic plants of India, for example Najadi Indicae, Hydrillae verticillatae, Otteliae Indica et cetera.

- amentum fructiferum unicum examini subjectum reperi sesqui-pedale ovatum (F. Muell.), the single fructiferous ament submitted for examination I found [one half foot [sc. long], ovate.

- novam ut videtur hujus ordinis et forsan hujus generis stirpem flore fructuque carentem reperi in vallibus petraeis fluvii Roper, (F. Muell.), I found an apparently new plant of this order and perhaps of this genus lacking flower and fruit in the stony vallies of the river Roper.

- in remotis montanis meridionalibus pervulgati, sed propius nondum reperti (S&A), very common in in distant southern mountain [sc. locis or regionibus], but more closely not yet found.

- In Cleome (Polanisia) flava nullam strophiolam reperi, quae autem in Cleome (Siliquaria) tetrandra membranulam efformat (F. Muell.), in Cleome (Polanisia) flava, I have found no strophiole, which, however, in Cleome (Siliquaria) tetrandra develops a small membrane [i.e. membranule].

reperit (for repperit): he/she/it has found;

- in planitiebus argilloso-arenosis paulo salinis deserti juxta flumen Murray, ubi primo reperit cl. Behr. M.D. (F. Muell.), in the clay-sandy, somewhat salty plains of the desert beside the river Murray, where the eminent Behr, M.D. first discovered it.

- in planitiebus argilloso-arenosis paulo salinis deserti juxta flumen Murray, ubi primo reperit cl. Behr. M.D. (F. Muell.), in the clay-sandy, somewhat salty plains of the desert beside the river Murray, where the eminent Behr, M.D. first discovered it.

reperimus (for repperimus): we have found;

- nullam Commelynearum stirpem in Australia Felice et territorio coloniae South-Australia hucusque reperimus (F. Mueller), we found no plant of the Commelyneae in Australia and in the territory of the colony of South-Australia up to now.

- sphaerulam evacuatam reperimus vere (S&A), we found the sphaerule evacuated in spring.

- hanc quoque nonnisi semel, sed frequentem, aggregatam et sparsam, ad ligna pinea fabrefacta reperimus (S&A), this too we met with only once, but frequent, aggregated and scattered, constructed on piny wood.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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