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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Perithecium, (fungi) “the part in which the asci of Lichens are immersed. Any case containing asci. Also a usually coriaceous or horny receptacle among Fungals, inclosing spores which are naked or contained in asci” (Lindley);(fungi) “the subglobose or flask-like ascocarp of the Pyrenomycetes and angiocarpic Lichenes; now limited by some workers to the thin-walled, light-colored covering structure resulting from the development of an ascogonium, and having a hymenium of thin-walled asci and paraphyses” (Ainsworth & Bisby); (in fungi) “a rounded, oval, pyriform or beaked ascocarp characteristic of the Pyrenomycetes, which opens by a pore or slit and within which asci are borne in a characteristic manner; now limited by some to the thin-walled, light-colored envelope and its contents developed from an archicarp; same as ‘pyrenocarp’ (S&D): perithecium,-ii (s.n.II), acc.sg. perithecium, abl.sg. perithecio, nom.& acc. pl. perithecia, dat. & abl. pl. peritheciis [> Gk. peri- ‘a prefix meaning ‘near, around, about’ (S&D) + thEkE, a cover]; cf. subicle, q.v., a felted or byssoid stratum of hyphae, bearing perithecia;

- perithecia globosa folii parenchymati omnino immersa, perithecia globose completely sunk in the parenchyma of the leaf (Stearn).

- perithecia numerosa in hyphis mycelii lateralia subglobosa hyalina levia, perithecia many lateral in hyphae of the mycelium almost globose hyaline smooth (Stearn).

- perithecia in tegete myceliali producta, superficialia vel subinclusa, aspersa, ovoidea, eburnea, tomentosa, parietibus 12-18 um crassis praedita; perithecia, perithecia produced on a mycelial mat, superficial or partly imbedded, scattered, ovoid, yellowish white, tomentose, with walls 12-18 um thick.

- peritheciis sparsis vel gregariis, primum tectis, dein erumpentibus, perithecia scattered or gregarious, at first intact, then erupting.

Alveola,-ae (s.f.I): “the pitted perithecium in certain fungi” (WIII).

Ascus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. asco: (in fungi) ) “a sac-like cell of the perfect state of an Ascomycete, in which ascospores (generally 8) are produced” (Ainsworth & Bisby).

bulbille [sic] (in fungi) a term used by Kowalski (1965) for an aborted ‘perithecium’ in Melanospora (S&D); see bulbil.

Capsula spuria (adj.A): “a spurious capsule (obsol.) is any dry seed-vessel that is dehiscent. Also (obsol.) employed among Fungals, to denote certain kinds of perithecium, or receptacle” (Lindley).

Cavitas,-atis (s.f.III): “(obsol.) the perithecium of certain Fungals” (Lindley);

- [fungus] Octospora bulbosa; trunco e bulbosa basi gracili, elongato; patella rotundata, exterius albo punctata, cavitate pulla, terminato (Hedwig), with a slender trunk [i.e. thallus] from a bulbose base; terminated with a rounded patella [apothecium], the exterior dotted with white, with a blackish-gray cavity [i.e. perithecium].

Cella,-ae (s.f.I): “(obsol.) a name sometimes given to a form of the perithecium among Fungals” (Lindley).

Filamenta (nom.pl.) ostiolaria (adj.A), abl. pl. filamentis ostiolariis: “delicate colorless threads lining the perithecium round the epithecium of Verrucaria” (Jackson): Verrucaria, a genus of fungi Verrucariaceae); synonymous with Trimmatothele Norman ex Zahlbr.

Globulus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. globulo: a little ball, globule; “ a kind of perithecium occurring among Fungals. The antheridium of Chara” (Lindley).

Loculus,-i (s.m.II). abl. sg. loculo: “the perithecium of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Loculamentum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. loculamento: “also the perithecium of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Microsclerotium, (in fungi) “(obsol.) a sclerotium modified by unfavorable conditions, which after a resting period develops into a perithecium (Zukal)” (S&D); see sclerotium.

Perula,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. perula: perule, “the same as perithecium” (Lindley): perula,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. perula.

Pseudoperithecium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. pseudoperithecio: (fungi) “of Laboulbeniales) a structure resembling a perithecium, in which the vestigial wall cells degenerate, leaving the developing ascogonium surrounded only by the walls of the original cells of the distal region; thus the asci and spores finally float free within the structure” (S&D).

Pyrenium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. pyrenio: “either the receptacle or perithecium of certain Fungals” (Lindley); (fungi) “an old name for the ‘sporocarp’ of the Sphaeriales” (S&D).

Pyrenocarp, “a cup-shaped ascocarp with the margin incurved so as to form a narrow-mouthed cavity; same as ‘perithecium’ (S&D).

Rostellum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. rostello: rostellum, beaklet, a small beak or rostrum; a rostel; “the projecting free ends of perithecia in certain Fungi (Travers)” (Jackson).

Verruca,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., “warts. Sessile elevations of a glandular nature. Sometimes applied to the perithecium of Fungals” (Lindley)
perithecium-bearing: perithecigerus,-a,-um (adj.A), peritheciophorus,-a,-um (adj.A).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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