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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

pedalis,-e (adj.B):

1. pedalis,-e (adj.B): of or belonging to the foot, foot-.

2. “twelve inches long, or the length of a tall man’s foot” (Lindley); about one foot (12 inches) long (about 30 cm.); English foot,12 inches or 30.5 cm.; Paris foot, 32.5 cm.: semipedalis,-e (adj.B), about 1/2 foot (6 inches) long (about 15 cm); sesquipedalis,-e (adj.B), one-half of a foot, ca. 6 inches [> L. pes, gen. sg. pedis (s.m.III): the foot];

- [Pelargonium pumilum] valde accedit ad P. scandentem sed pedale aut tantum sesquipedale (DeCandolle),strongly approaches to P. scandens, but a foot long or only one half of a foot.

- caulis herbaceus, subdivisus, 3-pollicaris ad pedalem (Swartz), the stem harbaceous, somewhat divided, 3-inches to a foot-long.

- paniculae axillares v. extraalares, pedales et ultra [vel infra], laxe ramosae (B&H), panicles axillary or (extraaxillary, i.e. on the internode beyond the axil), a foot long and more [or below, i.e. less], loosely branched.

- frondes in profundiori mari elongatae 3 - 4 pedales vesiculiferae, in vadis abbreviata semipedales evesiculosae , fronds in the deeper sea elongate, 3-4 feet, vesicle-bearing, in the shallows shortened, one-half foot, without vesicles.

- caulibus elongatis 1 -2-pedalibus debilibus e fissuris rupium pendulis (Boissier), with the stems elongate, 1-2-feet, weak, dependent from the fissures of rocks.

- juba 2-pedalis, panicle 2-feet (long).

- caulis duo pedales vel ultra altus, stem 2 feet or more high.

- fronde usque pedali lineari, with the frond to a foot (long), linear.

- tripedalis,-e (adj.A) [> L. ter] of three feet in measure

- latitudo trunci tripedalis, the length of the trunk three feet.

- caulibus 6-pollicaribus pedalibusve (Boissier), with the stems 6 inches to [or] one foot.

- pileus nonnumquam pedalis et ultra (S&A), the pileus sometimes a foot long and beyond.

- caulis initio brevissimus, simplex, persistens, adultior elongatus, foliis prioribus, calycibusque emarcidis tectus. (hac ratione saepe pedalis) (Swartz), in the beginning the stem is very short, unbranched, persistent, the more mature one elongate, covered with the earlier leaves and the withered calyces (for this reason often a foot high).

- caulis pedalis & ultra, teres, filiformis, pennam corvinam vix crassitie aequans (Agardh), the stem a foot and more, round, thread-like, in thickness scarcely equal to a crow’s feather.

- specim. sylvestre videtur vix palmare demissnm, hortense erectum 2-3-pedale (DeCandolle), a native specimen seen low-lying, scarcely 3 inches, a horticultural [specimen] erect, 2-3-feet.

- petioli 2-5-pollicares, saepe in aquosis pedales (Swartz), the petioles 2-5-inches, often in watery [sc. places] a foot long.

- folia majora, saepe pedalia (Swartz), leaves larger, often a foot long [i.e. each single leaf is one foot long, but the adj. ‘pedalis’ modifies the (neuter) plural noun ‘folia’ (singular ‘folium’).

ultrapedalis,-e (adj.B): more than a foot [i.e. in height or length];

- [algae] caulis ultrapedalis, semilineam latus (Agardh), the stem more than one foot [i.e. in length], one half of a line [i.e. 2.1 mm] wide.

GYNANDROPSIS palmipes, a plant 15 inches high.
-pedalis,-e (adj.B): (a specified number of) feet long;

- decempedalis,-e (adj.A), ten feet long; spatium (s.n.II) decempedale, abl. sg. spatio decempedali, a space ten feet long.

- caulis 2-5-pedalis (Swartz), the stem 2-5-feet.

- caulis bipedalis, stem two feet [i.e. 2-pedalis].

- arbuscula trunco 15-20-pedali (Swartz), a small tree with a trunk 15-20-feet [high].

- caulis herbaceus, 2-pollicaris - 1/2-pedalis (Swartz), stem herbaceous, 2-inches to 1/2-foot [i.e. 6-inches].

- folia magna, 1-2-pedalia (Swartz), leaves large, 1-2-feet.

- legumen 2-pedale, 3-quetrum, 3-valve, striatum, 1-loculare (Swartz), the legume 2 feet long, 3-cngled, 3-valved, striate, 1-locular [i.e. with one cavity].

- rarius suffrutices ad summum tripedales (DeCandolle), more rarely a subshrub three feet long to the summit.

- caule ultra pedali geniculato ad nodos quasi viviparo (DeCandolle), with the stem more than a foot [long], geniculate, at the nodes as if viviparous.

palmipedalis,-e (adj.A): a foot and a palm in length, i.e. 12 inches plus 3 inches.

semipedalis,-e (adj.B): one half foot (long), i.e. six inches; 1/2-pedalis,-e (adj.B);

- culmi caespitosi, semipedales & infra (Swartz), the culms sod-making, one half foot [i.e. 6 inches] and below.

- legumina saepius semipedalia et longiora (B&H), the legumes more often 6 inches and longer.

- [algae] caespes in mari natans fere sphaericus, ultra semipedalis (Agardh), clumps floating in the sea almost spherical, more than one half foot [i.e. + 6 inches].

- legumen subsemipedale (B&H), the legume nearly one half foot [i.e. 6 inches].

sesquipedalis,-e (adj.B): sesquipedalis, one and a half feet (about 45 cm.) long;

- [algae] caespites usque sesquipedales (Agardh), the clumps to one and a half feet (about 45 cm.) long.

- planta nunc digiti minimi longitudine, nunc pedalis imo sesquipedalis (DeCandolle), a plant sometimes with the length of the smallest finger [ca. 3/4 inch], somtimes a foot long, from the very bottom a foot and a half [i.e. 18 inches].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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