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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

nunc (adv.): now, right now, just now; in these circumstances, as it is, at present, at the present time, at this time, modern, belonging to the present time or age; cf. olim (adv.): (of past time) some time ago, once (upon a time), formerly;

- ut nunc est: in present circumstances, as matters stand.

- iam nunc: already now; this very minute, here and now; from this moment onwards.

- nunc ipsum, at this very moment, just now.

- nunc dehinc: from now on.

- CROSSOSOMA, Torr., primum Ranunculaceis adscriptum, nunc ad calcem Dilleniacearum collocatur (B&H), Crossoma, Torr., first ascribed to the Ranunculaceae, is at present placed at the end of the Dilleniaceae.

- (algae) postea in opusculo de anabiosi (l851) propter diversam gonidiorum genesin a Characiis separatam sub nomine generico Ascidii proposui, quod nunc propter homonymum Lichenum genus cum Hydrocytii nomine mutavi (Braun), later, in a little work regarding anabiosis, I proposed it separated from the Characia because of the different development of the gonidia, under the generic name Ascidium, which I have changed with the name Hydrocytium at the present time because of the genus being a homonym of Lichens.

- (algae) observationes am. Caspary de triplici huius generis fructificatione nunc publici iuris facti sunt (Braun), the observations made by the most genial Caspary regarding the triple fructification of this genus now are common judgment.

- observatis speciminibus Pyrenaicis intermediis, hanc formam insignem cum S. scordioide ut varietatem jungere nunc melius puto(Boissier), having observed intermediate Pyrenean specimens, I think at the present time it is better to join this striking form with S. scordioides as a variety.

nunc ... olim ..., now ... formerly (once); olim... nunc..., formerly ... at the present time....;

- CROOMIA, Torr., olim Berberideis adscripta, nunc a Gràyio Roxburghiaceis pertinere probatur (B&H), Croomia Torr., once asigned to the Berberideae, now by Gray shown to belong to the Roxburghiaceae.

nunc (adv.) ... nunc (adv.)... : now this way ... now that, sometimes ... sometimes ...; at one time ... at another;

NOTE: "in DC., Prodromus 16. i (1864) Alphonse de Candolle used vel (or nunc...nunc) when describing differences in form seen by him on the same specimen ..." (Stearm 1983); note that many other botanical authors use nunc... nunc... for sometimes [with a specified character] ... sometimes, i.e. at other times or in other species [with a different character];

- carpella tot quot ovaria 1-locularia, 1-oo-sperma, nunc capsularia rima supera dehiscentia, nunc capsularia bivalvia rima infera dehiscentia, nunc follicularia, nunc subcarnosa indehiscentia, nunc, samaraeformia (DeCandolle), the carpels as many as the ovary, 1-locular, 1-[indeterminate]-seeded, sometimes like a capsule dehiscint above with a fissure, sometimes like a bivalved capsule dehiscing from a lower fissure, sometimes follicular, sometimes almost leathery, indehiscent, sometimes in the form of a samara.

- exornatione nunc isolatim undulato-pustulata vel rotundo-pustulata, nunc e cristis discontinuis composita, with ornamentation now isolatedly undulate-pustulate or rounded-pustulate, now composed of ridges discontinuous.

- spiculae biflorae, flore inferiore masculo vel neutro, superiore hermaphrodito, nunc solitariae, nunc geminae vel plures congestae, spikelets 2-flowered with lower flower male of neuter, upper one hermaphrodite, now solitary, now paired or several crowded together (Stearn 1983).

- cornua aliquot plerumque e trunco basive communi in formam nunc fasciculatam, nunc pedatam aut digitatam pronascuntur (S&A), the horns originate rather usually from a common trunk or base sometimes fasciculate sometimes either pedate or digitate.

- verticillastri nunc multiflori axillares vel ad apices ramorum racemosi nunc in capitula terminalia conferti nunc omnes pauciflori, verticillasters (false-whorls) sometimes (now) many-flowered axillary or at tips of branches racemose sometimes in terminal heads crowded sometimes all few-flowered (Stearn 1983).

- stylus rectus nunc brevis vel brevissimus nunc filiformis elongatus, style straight sometimes short or very short sometimes thread-like elongated (Stearn)

- gramina perennia vel annua, nunc elata ramosa nunc humilia caespitosa, grasses perennial or snnual, now tall branched now dwarf tufted (Stearn).

- spiculae biflorae nunc solitariae, nunc geminae vel plures congestae, spikelets 2-flowered, now solitary, now paired or several crowded together (Stearn).

NOTE: sometimes the second of the two 'nunc's is not written out, hence it may be translated as 'sometimes';

- frondibus inferioribus nunc a disco proliferis, the lower fronds sometimes bearing offsets from a disc.

- cotyledones accumbentes (nunc oblique incumbentes in Moriera) (B&H), the cotyledones accumbent (sometimes obliquely incumbent in Moriera).

- achenia capitata v. spicata, stylo brevi nunc brevissimo apiculata, v. longiore rostrata (B&H), the achenes are capitate or spicate, apiculate with a short, cometimes extremely short style, or more longly beaked.

- ejusmodi frondes saepe laciniate, nunc quoque subpalmatae, fronds of this type are often laciniate, sometimes they are also subpalmate.

- achenia capitata v. spicata, stylo brevi nunc brevissimo apiculata, v. longiore rostrata (B&H), the achenes are capitate or spicate, apiculate with a short, cometimes extremely short style, or more longly beaked.

- arbores, frútices, nunc scandentes, v. rarius herbae suffruticesve (B&H), trees, shrubs, sometimes climbing or more rarely herbs or subshrubs.

- folia minora uninervia v. reticulato- pennivenia, nunc 0 (B&H), the leaves smaller, with one nerve or reticulate-pinnate-nerved, sometimes none.

- carpellum 1, stylo 3-fido v. 3-dentato, lobis nunc bifidis (B&H), the carpel one, with a 3-fid style or 3-dentate, sometimes bifid.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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