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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

mitrate, mitre-shaped, mitrate, mitriform [incorrectly mitraeform]: “having the form of a mitre; that is to say, concical and not slit on one side; applied to the Calyptra of Urn-mosses, in opposition to dimidiate” (Lindley); conic and undivided (similar to a bishop’s mitre) or equally lobed at base, referring to [bryophyte] calyptrae (opp. cucullate, q.v. or split on one side); e.g. Grimmia, Ptychomitrium: (Magill 1990); mitratus,-a,-um (adj.A), mitriformis,-e (adj.B) [> Gk. mitra (s.f.I), a linen girdle or band; a headband, snood; a Persian cap; > mitratus,-ak-um (adj.A), wearing the mitra, q.v.]; see campanulate; see cucullate; see dimidiate; cf. galeatus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- calcar compressum, obtusum, breve, quasi mitraeforme (DeCandolle), the calcar [i.e. spur] compressed, obtuse, short, as if mitriform.

- stigma mitraeformi-dilatatum (B&H), the stigma mitriform-dilated.

- stigma verticale, submitraeforme, lobis divaricato-deflexis placentis oppositis (B&H), the stigma vertical, nearly mitriform, with lobes divaricately-deflexed, opposite the placentas.

- semina pendula, arillo mitraeformi crasso circa semen membranaceo lacero coronata (B&H), the seeds pendulous, crowned with the aril mitriform, thick, around the seed membranaceous, lacerated.

- calyptra conico-mitraeformis, laevis (DozyMoek), calyptra conic-mitriform, smooth.

- calyptra thecam totam primum tegens, dehinc horizontaliter rumpens, mitraeformis s. [seu] campanulata tenerrime membranacea flavida fugacissima (Mueller), the calyptra at first covering the entire theca, then bursting horizontally, mitriform or campanulate very thinly membranaceous, yellowish, very transitory.

- calyptra mitraeformis parva basi pluries profunde fissa (Mueller), the calyptra mitriform, small, at the base many times deeply divided.

- formae autem calyptrae tres observantur: conica s. [ser] campanulata; mitraeformis basi lobata et dimidiata (Mueller), however, three forms of the calyptra are observed: conic or campanulate; mitriform, lobed at the base, and dimidiate [i.e. split on one side].

- calyptra e basi lobata (submitraeformis) (Mueller), the calyptra lobed from the base (nearly mitriform).

- [Schistomitrium] Nomen graccae compositionis a verbis [schistos] ‘fissus,’ et [mitrion] ob calyptram basi fimbriatam deductum (Mueller), the name of Greek composition derived from the words [schistos] ‘divided,’ and mitrion [i.e. cap] due to the calyptra fimbriate at the base.

- calyptra mitraeformis basi in pluries lacinias latas inferne integras fissa (Mueller), the calyptra mitriform, divided at the base into many broad laciniae, entire below.

Calyptra,-ae (s.f.) campanulato-mitrata: calyptra cylindrical and undivided or equally lobed at the base, e.g. Grimmia raui” (Magill 1990).

Calyptra mitriformis, “one which is entire at the base (W. J. Hooker)” (Jackson).

Peridium,-ii (s.n.II) mitriforme (adj.B), abl. sg. peridio mitriformi: “the receptacle of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Coniomitrium, a genus of mosses having conic-mitriform calyptrae; Crossomitrium, krossos, fringe or tassle + mitra, cap, alludes to the uniseriate, multicellular hairs consituting a fringe around the basal rim of the calyptra in this genus of mosses; Glyphomitrium, > Gk. glypho, ‘sculptured’ + mitrion, ‘a cap’, ‘from the furrowed calyptra; Macromitrium Brid. (s.n.II): Gk. macros, large + mitra, a cap + dimin. -ium; Physcomitrium > Gk. physcE, ‘a bladder’ + mitrion, ‘a cap’ “a not very appropriate reference to the calyptra;”(Dixon); Ptychomitrium BSG (s.n.II), Gk. ptycho-, ‘a fold or wrinkle’ + mitrion, ‘a cap,’ in reference to the plicate calyptra; Rhacomitrium Brid., rhaco-, 'frayed' + mitrion, cap, in reference to the frayed or fringed calyptra (Dixon); Schizomitrium, refers to the lobed margin of the calyptra.

Mitrophora,-ae (s.f.I), the generic name perhaps derives from the ‘upper limb galeate:’ “Perigynanda propria, 2-plex. Exterior, brevis, 2-sepala, incurva. Interior, 1 -sépala, ringentiformis, staminifera : limbo superiore galeato, inferiore 3-fido. Stamina 2 parietibus perigynandae innata (Necker), Characteristic perigynanda [i.e. involucre] 2-fold. The outer short, with 2 sepals, incurved. The inner 1-sepaled, ringentiform, stamen bearing: with the upper limb galeate, the lower 3-fid. Stamens 2, borne on the walls of the perigynandra.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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