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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Indoles,-is (s.f.III), abl. sg. indole: an inborn, inherent or native character or quality, a natural quality; ability, faculty, genius, nature, disposition; cf. character;

- indole staminis, by the nature of the stamen; indole staminum, by the nature of the stamens; indole fructus, by the nature of the fruit (sg.); indole fructuum, by the nature of the fruits (pl.).

- (inprimis etiam pulveris indoles colorisque), especially also by the natures of the powder [i.e. spores] and of the color.

- de insigni antherarum indole, regarding the remarkable nature of the anthers.

- haec divergens foliis enerviis, calycis dentibus obtusioribus, nec non fructuum indole. (F. Mueller), this diverges by the leaves lacking veins, by the teeth of the calyx more obtuse, and also by the nature of the fruits.

- Magnoliaceae ab affinibus imprimis sepalorum petalorumque indole distinguuntur, a Dilleniaceis insuper arillo nullo, ab Anonaceis albumine non ruminato (B&H), the Magnoliaceae is distinguished by the disposition of the sepals and petals, from the Dilleniaceae, moreover, by the lack of an aril, from the Anonaceae by the albumin not ruminate [i.e. ‘chewed’ or erose].

- Genus e staminum indole commode in sectiones 4 dividitur, quarum nonnullae ab auctoribus pro generibus habentur. Nimis tamen artificiales sunt, пес habitu consonant (B&H), a genus that is aptly divided into 4 sections, of which some, by authors, are taken for genera. However, they are highly artificial, nor do they agree by their habit.

- Sphaerostema genus ad species Asiaticas constitutum differre dicitur sepalis petalisque ordine ternario nec quinario dispositis et staminum indole. Sepala tamen in omnibus gradatim in petala mutata sunt et in speciebus Asiaticis uti in Americanis, aequo fere jure quina v. terna dicuntur (B&H), the genus Sphaerostema [arranged with regard to the Asiatic species] is said to differ by the sepals and petals arranged in a triple order [i.e. in groups of three] not quintuple [i.e. in groups of five] and by the nature of the stamens. In all of them, the sepals, however, are changed gradually into petals, and in Asiatic species as in American, equally almost they are authoritatively pronounced [i.e. dictated] to be by fives or by threes.

- nobis (si perianthii indolem rite intelligimus) in omnibus nisi staminum structura cum Bixineis convenire videntur, et vix non carum subordinem constituent (B&H), by us (if we correctly understand the nature of the perianth) in all except the structure of the stamens, seem to correspond with the Bixineae, and hardly constitutes a worthwhile suborder.

- Microdesmis ovario 3-loculari, seminum indole, etc., nobis videtur magis cum Euphorbiaceis quam Bixineis convenire (B&H), Microdesmis by the 3-locular ovary, the nature of the seeds, etc., by us seem to approach more to the Euphorbiaceae than the Bixineae.

- Tamariscineae;, Caryophylleis Portulaceis Elatineis Frankeniaceisque affines, ab omnibus ovulorum seminumque indole facile distinguuntur (B&H), Tamariscineae: related to the Caryophylleae, Portulaceae, Elatineae and Frankeniaceae, are easily distinguished from them all by the character of the ovules and seeds.

- Polygaleae nulli Ordini arcte junctae, inter Irregulares olim Rhinanthaceis et postea Legumninosis comparatae, a prioribus différant corolla polypetala nec vere gamopetala, staminibus, etc., a Leguminosis petalis staminibusque hypogynis, eorundem forma et indole et, Krameria excepta, sepalorum petalorumque situ, axi inflorescentiae respectu (B&H), the Polygaleae, closely connected to no Order, counted among the Irregulares, at one time to the Rhinanthaceae and later to the Leguminosae, from the former [genera] they may differ by the corolla polypetalous, not truly gamopetalous, by the stamens, etc., from the Leguminosae by the petals and stamens hypogynous, of the same ones [they may differ] by the form and character and, with the exception of Krameria, by the position of the sepals and petals with respect to the axis of the inflorescence.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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