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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Glandule, a small gland; “a viscid gland in Orchids and Asclepiads, which holds the pollen-masses in their place; the retinaculum” (Jackson): glandula,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. glandula [> L. “a glandular swelling esp. on the neck;” “the glands of the throat, called also tonsillae; swollen glands in the neck, enlarged tonsils” (Lewis & Short)]; see gland;

“…the term glans [q.v.[ [is used] for an acorn or similar fruit and … glandula for the rostellar gland of Orchidaceae” (Stearn).

Retinaculum, a holdfast or organ of attachment to the substrate; “a viscid gland belonging to the stigma of Orchids and Asclepiads, and holding the pollen masses fast” [the glandule, q.v.](Lindley); “1. the gland to which one or more pollinia are attached in Orchids” (Jackson): retinaculum,-i (s.n.II),q.v., abl. sg. retinaculo;

- glandula sessilis sphaerica unicellularis minuta impleta suco viscido ochroleuco vel incolorato, glandule sessile spherical one-celled minute filled with juice sticky yellowish white or colorless.

- glandulae petiolo v. pagina inferiore v. margine folii non raro adsunt, glandules not rarely on the petiole or lower surface or margin of the leaf.

- petalis glandulis sat crebris indutis, with petals clothed with moderately numerous glandules.

- petiolis glandulis prominentibus exasperatis (DeCandolle), with the petioles roughened with prominent glandules.

- torus saepius in discum carnosum pulvinatum cupulatum, explanatum v. in glandulas divisum (B&H), the torus more frequently spread out flat into a fleshy, pulvinate disc or divided into glandules.

- discus 0, nisi glandules 5 tubo stamineo saepius adnatae(B&H), the disc none, except for 5 glandules more often adnate to the stamineal tube.

- stamina nunc definita glandulis squamisve alternata, nunc oo (B&H), the stamens sometimes defined [in number] alternate with the glandules or scales, sometimes indefinite.

- petala 0, nisi stamina exteriora in glándulas stipitatas mutata (B&H), petals none, except the outer stamens transformed into stalked glandules.

- pili glandulis caeruleis minutissimis terminati (Swartz), the hairs terminated by the smallest blue glandules.

- glandulae duae oppositae juxta basin foliorum ad latera petiolorum, subrotundae, depressae (Swartz), the glandules two, opposite, next to the base of the leaves on the sides of the petioles, nearly rotund, depressed.

- glandulis oblongis pellucidis panduriformibus, liquore geniturae repletis (Swartz), glandules oblong, pellucid, panduriform, replete with the fluid of generation.

- glandulae 2. ad basin germinis (Necker), glandules 2, at the base of the ovary.

- phyllodiis acutis glándula terminali orbatis (F. Mueller), with the phyllodia acute, lacking a terminal glandule.

- antheris subovatis viridi-flavis, glándula earum infra-apicali minuta (F. Mueller), with the anthers subovate, greenish-yellow, the infra-apical glandule of these minute.

- antherae glándula conspicua terminates (F. Mueller), the anthers terminating in a conspicuous glandule.

- calyx cylindraceus sexdentatus, squamis glandulisque orbatus (F. Mueller), the calyx cylindaceous, with six teeth, lacking scales and glandules.

- [Orchideae] pollinia granulosa, in quoque loculo basi in caudiculam producta, caudiculis anthera dehiscente extremitate glandulae a rostello solvendae affixis, quacum pollinarium deciduum efficiunt(B&H), the pollinia granulose, in each locule at the base prolonged into a caudicle [i.e. strap attaching pollen-masses to the stigma], with the caudicles breaking up when the anther is dehiscing, attached to the end [i.e. the tip] of the glandule [i.e. retinaculum] breaking free from the rostellum, by which they develop a deciduous pollinarium.

[Orchidaceae] Pollen powdery, or more or less collected into grains or waxy or mealy masses (pollinia); the masses free, or attached by their stalk, (caudicle), to a gland or glands (retinacula) at the apex (rostellum) of the stigma (Bentley).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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