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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

effusus,-a,-um (part.A): effuse, diffuse, spread out, outspread, widespread, outspread, indeterminate, straggling, loosely spreading (referring to habit of growth), lit. 'poured out' (Stearn); “poured out: patulous, expanded” (Jackson); “very loosely spreading” (Fernald 1950); (in fungi) “expanded; spread out; (of stroma of Diaporthaceae) having a number of separately erumpent perithecia or more than one group of collectively erumpent perithecia within the same entostromatic area (Wehmeyer, 1932)” (S&D); cast out, sent out, thrown out [> L. effundo, -fudi, -fusum, 3, to pour out or forth, shed, spread abroad, to cast or send out; to produce abundantly]; opp. contractus,-a,-um (part.A), q.v., drawn together, compressed; opp. ‘compact,’ q.v.;

NOTE: in botany ‘diffusus,-a,-um (part.A)’ appears to be a synonym: diffuse, spread out flat, without definite form, as in lichens (WIII); although diffusus seems to be more reserved for shrubs: of branches, spreading widely or loosely, spreading in all directions, straggling. Effusus seems most used for branching organs, such as umbels, panicles, etc.; see diffusus,-a,-um (part.A); cf. amorphus,-a,-um (adj.A), amorphicus,-a,-um (adj.A), amorphous, shapeless, with irregular form, without definite shape;

- (fungi) macula circum sphaerulas haud raro effusa (S&A), not rarely is there a blotch spread out around the sphaerules.

- (fungi) basidiomata effuso-reflexa vel substipitata, basidiomata spread out-reflexed or substipitate.

- T. major, congestus, late effusus, tomento dense complexo crasso subiculari flavicanti insidens, T. major, congested, broadly out-spread, seated on a densely complex, thick, yellowish subicular tomentum.

- flores parvi, cymulis laxis in thyrsam v. in paniculam late effusam dispositis (B&H), flowers small, with the cymules lax, arranged into a thyrse or in a broadly outspread panicle.

- flores saepius numerosi, in cymas terminales paniculatim effusas v. contractas nunc capitatas dispositi (B&H), flowers very often numerous, arranged into terminal, paniculately loosely widespread cymes or contracted [cymes] sometimes [the cymes] capitate.

- corymbi paniculati, axillares et terminales, effusi (B&H), corymbs paniculate, axillary and terminal, [widely and loosely] spreading

- panicula effusa v. thyrsiformis (B&H), the panicle loosely wide-spreading [i.e. diffuse] or thyrsiform [i.e. a compact panicle].

- facies Galii linifolii quod differt caule erecto tenuiori, panicula effusiore (Boissier: Elenchus), the appearance of Galium linifolium which differs by the erect stem thinner... by the panicle more widely spreading.

- floribus numerosissimis minimis effuso-paniculatis (DeCandolle), with the flowers very numerous, very tiny, loosely-spreading-paniculate.

- vaginis glabris, umbella effusa cymoso-composita vel semicomposita (F. Mueller), with the sheaths glabrous, with the umbel loosely spreading, cymose-compound or somewhat compound (Fimbrystylis).

- initio subfulvum, caespites constituens parvos: dein longe ac late effusum simul canescit aut expallescit (S&A), in the beginning somewhat fulvous, forming small sods; then spread out far and widely, at once growing gray-white or turning very pale.

- [Fimbristylis] umbella effusa cymoso-composita vel semicomposita, (F. Mueller), with the umbel loosely wide-spreading, cymose-compound or half-compound.

Lichens (Nylander), ‘of indefinite shape or form:’

- [Synalissa] Forma paullo minor hujus speciei, thallo magis curio, confertiore, granulose effuso, a form somewhat smaller of this species, with a more unusual thallus, more compact, granulose-effuse [i.e. diffuse, without definite form].

- (Synalissa] Thallus tenuis effusus, thalus thin, effuse [diffuse].

- [Pyrenopsis] Thallus fusco-niger sat tenuis effusus, supra rugulosus, thallus dark brown to black, quite thin, diffuse [i.e. without definite shape], rugulose above.

- [Collema] species facillime dignota parva, effusa (Nyl.) the species is very easily distinguished, small, effuse [i.e. of indefinite shape].

- [Collema] Thallus vix altit. 1 millim. adtingens, sat effusus, the thallus scarcely reaching 1 millimeter in height, quite effuse [i.e. without definite shape].

- [Collema] foliolis varie lobato-divisis margine crenatis, anguste dissectis et fasciculàtim multifìdis, fere corallinoideis (seu isidioideis), subimbricatis, satis effusus, with the leaflets variously lobate-divided, crenate on the margin, narrowly dissected and multifid in fascicles, almost corallinoid (or isidioid), somewhat imbricate, quite effuse [i.e. straggling, shapeless].

effuso-diatrypoideus,-a,-um (adj.A): (in fungi) “having broadly erumpent stroma of the ‘diatrypoid’ sort; essentially the same as ‘eutypoid’ (Wehmeyer)” (S&D); see diatrypoideus,-a,-um (adj.A); see eutypoideus,-a,-um (adj.A).

pustulato-effusus,-a,-um (adj.A): (in fungi) “(of an ‘effuse’ stroma of Diaporthaceae) having a dorsal zone dipping into the bark between the perithecia or perithecial groups (Wehmeyer, 1932)” (S&D).

Juncus effusus, ‘loosely spreading’ as opp. to ascending or appressed; Potentilla effusa; Silene effusa floribus numerosissimis minimis effuso-paniculatis,(DC), with the flowers very many, tiny, wide-spreading-paniculate.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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