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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

digitate (Eng.adj.): (in a compound leaf) with leaflets radiating from tip of leaf-stalk, palmate, shaped like an open hand; “when several distinct leaflets radiate from the point of a leaf-stalk” (Lindley); “fingered; a compound leaf in which all the leaflets are borne on the apex of the petiole, as in the Horse-Chestnut” [Aesculus hippocastanum] (Jackson); “compound, with the members arising together at the apex of the support, suggesting the fingers of the hand” (Fernald 1950); (in fungi) “having finger-like divisions” (Ainsworth & Bisby); (in fungi) fingerlike” (S&D); cf. palmatus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., (in a simple leaf) lobed or divided in the manner of an outspread hand with the sinuses between the lobes pointing to the place of attachment (Stearn): digitatus,-a,-um (adj.A) [> L. digitatus,-a,-um (adj.A) “having fingers or toes (e.g. aves, or birds) (Lewis & Short), > digitus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. digito, a finger; toe; claw; twig; as a measure of length, 3/4 of an inch]; cf. palmate, pedate;

digitate: palmately compound.

- folia palmatifida v. digitata (B&H), leaves palmatifid [i.e. divided in the outer third[ or digitate [i.e. divided to near the base].

- Nerio affinis arbor siliquosa, fol. palmato s. dígitato, flore albo (Swartz), a SILIQUOSE tree related to Nerius, with the leaf palmate or digitate, with the flower white.

- folia pinnata v. rarius simplicia v. digitata (B&H), leaves pinnate or more rarely simple [i.e. unbranched] or digitate.

- folia alterna v. sparsa, sajpius inasquilatera, dentata lobata v. digitata. (B&H), leaves alternate or dispersed, more often unequal, dentate, lobed or digitate.

- folia indivisa, lobata, v. digitata, leaves undivided, lobed or digitate.

- bracteola: 3, inciso-digitata, bracteoles 3, incised-digitate.

- vide sub Galegeis species v. foliolis digitatis excepta (B&H), look for species under Galegeae or a few genera excepted with digitate leaflets.

- folia radicalia v. caulina, alterna, exstipulata, digitatim v. pinnatim 3-co-foliolata, (B&H), basal leaves or cauline, alternate, lacking stipules, digitately or pinnately 3-[indeterminate]-foliolate.

- folia palmatifida v. digitata (B&H), leaves palmately divided or digitate.

- folia pinnatim v. rarius subdigitatim 3-foliolata (B&H), leaves pinnately or more rarely somewhat digitately 3-leafleted.

- discus crista transversa digitata instructus.(B&H), the disc provided with a digitate transverse crest.

(Folium): fingered, (digitatum), when the base of several leaves [i.e. leaflets] rests on the point of one foot-stalk, as in the horse-chesnut, Aesculus Hippocastanum (Willdenow).

- (Radix): A kind of root of the tuberous variety: “Fingered, (digitata): when a single fleshy knob is compressed, and divided at the point like fingers; as Dioscorea alternifolia” (Willdenow).

digitato-pinnatus,-a,-um (adj.A):, digitate-pinnate, “when the leaflets of a digitate leaf are pinnate” (Lindley); “when the leaflets of a digitate leaf are pinnate” (Jackson); “digitato-pinnate, (folium digitato-pinnatum), when several simply pinnated leaves, from four to five, stand on the point of one stalk, as in Mimosa pudica,” (Willdenow).

semidigitato-pinnatus,-a,-um (adj.A): “twin digitato-pinnate. When the secondary petioles, on the sides of which the leaflets are arranged, proceed in twos from the summit of a common petiole, as in Mimosa purpurea” (Lindley).

peltato-digitatus “(obsol.) a digitate leaf with the petiole much enlarged at the setting on [i.e. attachment] of the leaflets” (Lindley).

quadridigitato-pinnatus: “having four digitate divisions, each of which is pinnated” (Lindley).

tridigitato-pinnatus,-a,-um (adj.A) = ternato-pinnatus,-a,-um (adj.A): “”when the secondary petioles, on the sides of which the leaflets are attached, proceed in threes from the summit of a common petiole” (Lindley).

tridigitatus,-a,-um (adj.A): divided into 3 finger-like divisions or lobes.

NOTE: often contrasted with ‘pinnate:’ with pinnae, branches or leaflets in a compound leaf spreading on both and opposite sides of the elongate axis.

Adansonia digitata; Fucus digitatus


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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