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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

conveniens,-entis (part.B) + dat. or cum + abl.): agreeing with, corresponding to, coincide with, harmonious with [> L. convenio,-veni,-ventum 4., inf. convenire, to assemble, to meet together, to come together (with the place to or at which, usually designated by in + acc.) (Lewis & Short), to meet, visit; to unite, join, combine, couple; to agree with in wishes, decisions, etc., to accord, harmonize;’ to suit, to be adapted to’]; opp. recedens,-entis (part.B), separating from, departing from; see ‘agreeing with;’

- speciminibus omnino cum descriptione Kunthii convenientibus, with specimens entirely with (to) the description of Kunth conforming (Stearn 1983).

- OMPHACARPUS, species 2 v. 3 ex Archipelago Indico et una ex Africa tropica, fructus sarcocarpio fibroso-subexsucco, ceterum cum Grewiis veris convenientes (B&H), species 2 or 3 from the Indian Archipelago and one from tropical Africa, withe the sarcocarp of the fruit fibrously nearly juiceless, otherwise corresponding to true Grewiae.

- HEMISPADON differre dicitur antheris alternis castratis, sed in speciminibus a nobis examinatis, cum icone citata caeterum omnino convenientibus, antherae certe omnes perfectae et uniformes (B&H), Hemispadon is said to be different by the anthers alternate, castrate [i.e. lacking anthers], but in specimens examined by us, agreeing otherwise in every way with the illustrated cited.

- plantam possidemus Mexicanam pluribus notis cum Pictetia convenientem, sed stylus superne hirtellus (B&H), we holf [i.e. regard] the Mexican plant by many features agreeing with Pictetia, but the style is hirtellus above.


1. third-person singular present indicative active: [he,she) it agrees (with), is consistent (with);

2. also third-person singular perfect indicative active; (he,she) it agreed (with), corresponded to.

conveniunt, third-person plural present indicative active: they agree;

- habitu, statione, tempore &c. Dianthera quidem a Justicia quodammodo differt, charactere vero floris essentiali omnino convenit, ideoque inter Justicias collocanda (Swartz), at least by the habit, station [i.e. habitat], season &c., Dianthera differs in a certain way from Justicia, yet certainly by the essential character of the flower it thoroughly agrees, therefore it is to be placed among the Justicias.

- ab auctoribus pluribus generice distincta, melius ad sectionem Cheiropsim, cum qua optime habitu convenit, refertur (B&H), by many authors generically distinct, are better returned to the section Cheiropsis, with which it best agrees by the habit.

- multis notis Simarubaceis convenit sed recedit staminibus oo, ovulo et arillo. (B&H), it agrees with the Simarubaceae in many features but it departs by the [numerous] stamens, the ovule and the aril.

- omnia Anonaceis conveniunt, sed stamina supra germen inserta(B&H), all conform to Anonaceae, but the stamens inserted above the ovary.

- vera biologia nititur perfecta anatomica cognitione organorum quorum opere vita peragitur. Hoc respectu plantae conveniunt cum animalibus. (DozyMoek), true biology rests upon complete anatomical knowledge or the organs by the work of which life is accomplished. In this respect, plants correspond with animals.

- [Hieracium pumilum] CREPIS pygmaea, annuente Cel. Gouan illustr.p.57., & omnino conveniunt (Swartz), H. pumilum is Crepis pygmaea, indicating the eminent Goan’s illustration on page 57, and completely corresponds to it.

- Microdesmis ovario 3-loculari, seminum indole, etc., nobis videtur magis cum Euphorbiaceis quam Bixineis convenire (B&H), Microdesmis by the 3-locular ovary, the nature of the seeds, etc., by us seem to approach more to the Euphorbiaceae than the Bixineae.

- Odontocarya, e Brasilia, et Antitaxis, e Malacca, quarum stirpes masculae solae notae sunt, nullo certo charactere ab Euphorbiaceis distinguuntur, nec inflorescentia nec habitu Menispermaceis conveniunt (B&H), Odontocarya, from Brasil, and Antitaxis, from Malacca, the male plants of which only are known, are distinguished by no definite character , neither by the inflorescence nor the habit do they conform to the Menispermaceae.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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