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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Area (Eng.noun): area,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. area, nom. pl. areae, acc. pl. areas, dat. & abl. pl. areis [> L. area,-ae (s.f.I):


1.“an open space free of buildings or other structures; a forecourt or space before a temple or other building;

2. a threshing-floor;

3. a garden plot, seed-bed; see garden; see bed (of a garden).

4. (in geometry) a plane surface; ‘areae pes,’ a square foot;

5. a free space, room; a site, position” (after Glare);

cf. part, spot, zone; see also locus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. loco; pars, gen. sg. partis (s.f.III); see space (Eng.noun);

NOTE: ‘region’ (region,-onis (s.f.III)) “In morphology it [i.e. region] is often best translated by ‘pars, gen.sg. partis’(s.f.III) [i.e. ‘part’]” (Stearn); or by ‘area,-ae (s.f.III).

e.g. - area hyalina circa rhaphem, area [i.e. not ‘region’] hyaline around raphe (Stearn).

also – pars hyaline circa rhaphem, the part around the raphe hyaline. Area (Eng.noun) “an expanse or tract of the earth’s surface; a region or territory including and surrounding a city, consisting of a large part of a state or country or several states or countries, or embracing an entire continent” (WIII); see region (Eng.noun). NOTE: plaga,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., may also indicate small regions, i.e. an ‘area.’

- Area salinarum, a salt-pan.

- pileus sub vetustate areas virides formans, pileus with age forming green areas.

- axial area (diatoms): area axialis (adj.B).

- central area (diatoms): area centralis (abj.B).

- lateral area (diatoms): area lateralis (adj.B).

- area derasa (part.A), scar area on seed of Sapotaceae (Stearn).

- area hyalina circa papillas, area hyaline around the papillae.

- areis tenuibus atque crassis parietinis, with thin and also

thick wall areas. - area hyaline circa rhaphem, area hyaline around raphe (Stearn).

- in areis hortorum, in open spaces of gardens (Stearn).

- sed trigonis cellularum foliarum permagnis, atque per areas angustissimas parietibus tenuibus praeditas segregatis differt, but it differs by the trigones of the leaf cells massive, and also separated by very narrow areas provided with thin walls.

- [moss] in quibusdam tamen speciebus, superficie inaequali gaudent, vel lacunosá, vt in Phasco serrato, vel circularibus aréis reticulata, ut in Leersià ciliata, vel echinata, ut in Bartramià pomiformi (Brid.), however, in certain species, they delight in an asymmetrical surface, or a lacunose one [i.e. covered with depressions], as in Phascum serratum, or reticulate with circular areas, as in Leersia ciliate, or echinate, as in Bartramia pomiformis.


- [moss] locis aridis, ruderosis, praesertim carbonariorum areis Koelreutera hygrometrica delectatur (Brid.), Koelreutera hygrometrica takes pleasure in dry, rubbly [i.e. full of broken stones] places, especially in the areas of charcoal furnaces.

- [moss] locis aridis, ruderosis, praesertim carbonariorum areis Koelreutera hygrometrica delectatur (Brid.), Koelreutera hygrometrica takes pleasure in dry, rubbly [i.e. full of broken stones] places, especially in the areas of charcoal furnaces.

- Vidi olim Gissae, postea hic in ambulacris glareosis Horti Oxoniensis & in area graminea varietatem C. ante Hybernaculum vetus (Dill.), I once saw it in Gissa, some time after this in the gravelly walkways of the Garden at Oxford and the variety in a grassy area before the old Hybernaculum [i.e. greenhouse, conservatory].

- [Bryum] Hoc nomen apprime respondet huic Muscorum generi, eo quod species ejus per hyemem & primo vere laetissime pullulent, innumeris copiis latissimas areas occupantes (Dill.), this name primarily corresponds to this assemblage of Mosses, its kinds increase throughout winter and for that reason at the onset of spring may spread very luxuriently, occupying the broadest areas in countless multitudes.

- [Lichen Pulmonarius] iIn ambulacris viridarii Вoboli, & signanter circa olitorias areas (Mich.), in the avenues of the viridarium of Boboli, and especially around vegetable-growing areas.

- [Lichen Pulmonarius] on Аbietibus Мontis Sinarii, & Regiae Villa Pratolini, sicuti in Boboli, Viridario ad Pyros, tum in loco dicto ‘i Razzeruoli,’ tum per areas ubi culinares planta coluntur (Mich.), on the fir-trees of Mount Sinarius, and of the Royal Villa of Pratolino [Tuscany, Italy], just as on the Pear trees of the Viridarium of Boboli, sometimes in the place called ‘i Razzeruoli,’ sometimes throughout areas where kitchen greens are cultivated.

Area between veins: intervenium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. intervenio.

Area enclosed by veins or veinlets, vein-islet: areola,-ae (s.f.I).

Area, small: see areole.

testudinarius,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., testudinatus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.: like the shell of a tortoise, with the curved surface divided into areas (Stearn 1996); cf. testudineus,-a,-um (adj.A).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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