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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Alabastrum,-i (s.n.II), dat. sg. alabastri, abl. sg. alabastro: unopened flower, flower bud; “a flower-bud” (Lindley) [> L. & Gk. alabaster,-tri (s.m.II) a casket for perfumes, tapering to a point at the top; the form of a rose-bud, pointed at the top; alabaster,-tri (s.m. [III?], also alabastra (n.pl.), gen.pl. alabastrorum: “a box or casket for perfumes, tapering to a point at the top, a box for unquents; the form of a rose-bud, pointed at the top” (Lewis & Short); > Gk. alabastron (s.n.II); also alabastos or alabastros (s.m.II): “globular vase without handles for holding perfumes, often made of alabaster” (Liddell & Scott); the mineral, alabaster (Eng.noun) os “a compact variety of fine-textured gypsum, usu. white and translucent; also a variety of calcite or aragonite that is translucent and sometimes banded” (after WIII)a]; see bud;

NOTE: “gemmae, leaf buds, as distinguished from alabastra, or flower-buds” (Paxton); see gemma,-ae (s.f.I).

- sepala inaequalia, imbricata, 2 exteriora majora alabastrum amplectentia (B&H), sepals unequal, imbricate the outer two larger, surrounding the alabastrum [unopened flower bud.]

- calyce quum in alabastro 5-angulari ad basem ferrugineo, with the calyx when in bud 5-angled, ferrugineous at the base.

- species Americanae, bractea unica alabastrum includente (DeCandolle), American species with a single bract enclosing the bud.

- charactere ex alabastris juvenilibus, petalis nondum evolutis sumpto(B&H), by the character assumed from the young buds, with the petals not yet developed.

- MARQUARTIA, videtur Millettia nitida, Benth., staminibus in alabastro nimis juvenili examinatis, perperam liberie dictis (B&H), Marquartia seems [to be] Millettia nitida, Benth., by the stamens examined in a too juvenile bud, falsely said [to be] free [i.e. not fused].

- alabastrum abunde resinosum (DeCandolle), the (flower) bud abundantly resinous.

- limbus tubi nunc in alabastro clausus per anthesin in lacinias 2-4 valvatim fissus, nunc in alabastro 3-4- rarissime 5-fidus lobis imbricatis, limb of the tube sometimes enclosed in the flower bud valvately divided [during] anthesis into 2-4 laciniae [i.e. incisions or divisions]], sometimes in a flower bud 3-4-, very rarely 5-divided with the lobes imbricate.

Alabastrum,-i (s.n.II), dat. sg. alabastri, abl. sg. alabastro: unopened flower, flower bud; “a flower-bud” (Lindley) [> L. & Gk. alabaster,-tri (s.m.II) a casket for perfumes, tapering to a point at the top; the form of a rose-bud, pointed at the top; alabaster,-tri (s.m. [III?], also alabastra (n.pl.), gen.pl. alabastrorum: “a box or casket for perfumes, tapering to a point at the top, a box for unquents; the form of a rose-bud, pointed at the top” (Lewis & Short); > Gk. alabastron (s.n.II); also alabastos or alabastros (s.m.II): “globular vase without handles for holding perfumes, often made of alabaster” (Liddell & Scott); the mineral, alabaster (Eng.noun) os “a compact variety of fine-textured gypsum, usu. white and translucent; also a variety of calcite or aragonite that is translucent and sometimes banded” (after WIII)]; see bud;

NOTE: “gemmae, leaf buds, as distinguished from alabastra, or flower-buds” (Paxton); see gemma,-ae (s.f.I).

- sépala inaequalia, imbricata, 2 exteriora majora alabastrum amplectentia (B&H), sepals unequal, imbricate the outer two larger, surrounding the alabastrum [unopened flower bud.]

- calyce quum in alabastro 5-angulari ad basem ferrugineo, with the calyx when in bud 5-angled, ferrugineous at the base.

- species Americanae, bractea unica alabastrum includente (DeCandolle), American species with a single bract enclosing the bud.

- charactere ex alabastris juvenilibus, petalis nondum evolutis sumpto(B&H), by the character assumed from the young buds, with the petals not yet developed.

- MARQUARTIA, videtur Millettia nitida, Benth., staminibus in alabastro nimis juvenili examinatis, perperam liberie dictis (B&H), Marquartia seems [to be] Millettia nitida, Benth., by the stamens examined in a too juvenile bud, falsely said [to be] free [i.e. not fused].

- alabastrum abunde resinosum (DeCandolle), the (flower) bud abundantly resinous.

- limbus tubi nunc in alabastro clausus per anthesin in lacinias 2-4 valvatim fissus, nunc in alabastro 3-4- rarissime 5-fidus lobis imbricatis, limb of the tube sometimes enclosed in the flower bud valvately divided [during] anthesis into 2-4 laciniae [i.e. incisions or divisions]], sometimes in a flower bud 3-4-, very rarely 5-divided with the lobes imbricate.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
Copyright © P. M. Eckel 2010-2023

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