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A Checklist of the Mosses of Chile

Welcome | Abstract | Introduction | Acknowledgments
Systematic Arrangement of Genera | Recognized Species
Checklist | Literature Cited

Each accepted taxon in the following pages will be linked to the nomenclatural database, associated authority files, and specimen lists.

Taxon Groups: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z

Lamprophyllum splendidissimum (Mont.) Mitt. ==
Schimperobryum plendidissimum fide Magadant 1959.

Lembophyllum auriculatum (Mont.) Par. ==
Calliergon auriculatum fide Magadant 1972 == Acrocladium auriculatum

Lepidopilum (Brid.) Brid. (HOOKERIACEAE Schimp.)
L. erectiusculum Tayl. W3Most
Mitten 1869.
Dist. Andes Chilenses (Sachapata).
L. splendidissimum Mont. ==
Schimperobryum splendidissimum fide Magadant 1959.

Leptobryum (Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G.) Wils. (BRYACEAE Schwaegr.)
L. pottiaceum Dus. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908 (as Wollnya pottiacea, Herzog 1954).
Dist. V. Valparaiso; XII. Str. of Magellan.
L. pyriforme (Hedw.) Wils. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Matteri 1985b.
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 5329, 10579); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
L. pyriforme var. antarcticum (C. Müll.) Par.
Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
L. pyriforme var. fuegianum (C. Müll.) Par.
Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
*L. stellatum (Herz) Broth. W3Most
Dist. II. Antofagasta (Mahu 6118).
L. wilsonii (Mitt.) Broth. W3Most
Bartram 1952 (as Wollnya wilsonii, Herzog 1954).
Dist. METRO. Santiago; III. Atacama.

Leptodictyum (Schimp.) Warnst. (AMBLYSTEGIACEAE G. Roth)
L. riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. var. jaffueli Thér. W3Most
Thériot 1935 (as Amblystegium jaffueli, Thériot 1924).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera, Santiago, Talagante (Mahu 8617); X. Osorno, Valdivia (Mahu 23877).
L. riparium (Hedw.) Warnst. var. looseri Thér. W3Most
Thériot 1934b.
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. San Antonio (Mahu 12608).

Leptodon Mohr, nom. cons. (NECKERACEAE Schimp.)
L. smithii (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr var. smithii W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Thériot 1924; Brotherus 1924b; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog 1954, 1960; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. Valparaiso; VII. Linares (Taylor & Gereau 11058); VIII. Bio-Bio, Nuble (Mahu 23066, Queirolo 10427); IX. Cautin (Mahu 11533, 23107); X. Llanquihue; XI. General Carrera; Juan Fernandez Is.
L. smithii var. longirepens Card. & Thér. W3Most
Thériot 1924.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.

Leptodontium (C. Müll.) Hampe ex Lindb. (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
L. bullocki Thér. ==
Leptostomum bullocki fide Thériot in Andrews 1951 = Leptostomum menziesii fide Hyvnen 1987.
L. capituligerum C. Müll. W3Most
Seki 1974.
Dist. XI. Aisen.
L. fernandezianum Broth. =
Leptodontium longicaule var. microruncinatum fide Zander 1972.
L. longicaule Mitt. var. microruncinatum (Dus.) Zand. W3Most
Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Leptodontium fernandezianum, Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957; as Leptodontium microruncinatum, Dusén 1906a; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1925; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog 1954; Robinson 1975).
Dist. IV. Limari (Fray Jorge); V. Valparaiso (Hatcher & Engel 13866); IX. Cautin; X. Chiloe, Llanquihue, Valdivia; XII. Guaitecas Is., Magallanes; Juan Fernandez Is.
L. microruncinatum Dus. ==
Leptodontium longicaule var. microruncinatum fide Zander 1972.
L. pungens (Mitt.) Kindb. W3Most
Robinson 1975 (as Leptodontium skottsbergii, Bartram 1957).
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
L. skottsbergii Bartr. = Leptodontium pungens fide Zander 1972.
L. splachnoides (Hook.f. & Arn.) Thér. ==
Leptostomum splachnoideum fide Hyvnen 1987.

Leptostomum R. Brown, nom. cons. (LEPTOSTOMATACEAE Schwaegr.)
L. menziesii (Hook.) R. Brown W3Most
Mitten 1869; Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908; Dusén 1903b; Herzog 1922, 1954; Catdot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924b; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1952, 1957; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Leptodontium bullocki, Thériot 1929a; as Leptostomum bullocki, Andrews 1952).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin (Mahu & Mahu 10750, 23765), Malleco (Mahu 6108); X. Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia (Elgueta 11184); XII. Cape Horn, Hermite Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan; Juan Fernandez Is.
L. splachnoideum Hook. f. & Arnott W3Most
Mitten 1869; Thériot 1935; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog 1954; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991b (as Leptodontium splachnoides, Thériot 1929a).
Dist. IX. Cautin (Mahu 11552, Mueller 20788); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12656), Llanquihue (Mahu 23945, Mahu & Tapia 21464), Osorno (Mahu 21605, 22852), Valdivia (Mahu 11805, Montero 10500); XI. Aisen.

Leptotheca Schwaegr. (AULACOMNIACEAE Schimp.)
L. gaudichaudii Schwaegr. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Leptotheca spegazzinii, Dusén 1903b).
Dist. VIII. Concepcion (Mahu 20178); IX. Cautin, Malleco (Crosby 13090, Mahu 6021); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12407), Llanquihue (Mahu 21558, 21567), Osorno (Mahu 13875), Valdivia (Crosby 11759, 12934); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego; Juan Fernandez Is.
L. spegazzinii C. Müll. = Leptotheca gaudichaudii fide Cardot 1908.

Lepyrodon Hampe (LEPYRODONTACEAE Broth.)
L. gunckeli Thér. W3Most
Thériot 1934b.
Dist. IX. Malleco; X. Valdivia (Crosby 11768).
L. hexastichus (Mont.) Wijk & Marg. W3Most
Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b (as Lepyrodon implexus, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Thériot 1924, 1927a; Brotherus 1924b; Reimers 1926; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952, 1957).
Dist. VII. Curico (Landrum 5123); VIII. Arauco (Crosby 13040), Nuble (Mahu 13617, Queirolo 33751); IX. Cautin (Crosby 11949, Mahu 11094), Malleco (Crosby 12960, Mahu 23454); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12313, 12582), Llanquihue, Osorno (Crosby 12082, Mahu 21256), Valdivia (Crosby 12727, Mahu 7764); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes; Juan Fernandez Is.
L. lagurus (Hook. f.) Mitt. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908; Dusén 1903b; Herzog 1922; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Thériot 1934b; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. VII. Talca (Torres 20863); VIII. Bio-Bio, Nuble (Elgueta 12448); IX. Cautin (Crosby 11792, Mahu 23949), Malleco (Crosby 13057, Dusén 877, Mahu 23293); X. Llanquihue, Osorno (Crosby 12096), Valdivia (Crosby 11744, 11763); XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Cape Horn, Clarence Is., Hermite Is., Hoste Is., Magallanes (Dusén 580, Mahu 12929), Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego (Lechler s.n., Wilkes s.n.), Ultima Esperanze (Romanato 10712).
L. lagurus var. laxior Card. & Broth.
Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
L. implexus (Kunz.) Paris =
Leyprodon hexastichus fide Van der Wijk & Margadant 1960.
L. implexus fo. flagellifera Broth.
Brotherus 1924b.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
L. implexus var. reptans Reim.
Reimers 1926.
Dist. X. Valdivia.
L. parvulus Mitt. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Brotherus 1924b; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. IV. Choapa (Mahu & Moreno 13820); V. Petorca (Moreno 13825); IX. Cautin (Mahu 11313, 11116a); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12591), Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia (Crosby 11619, Mahu 13926); Juan Fernandez Is.
L. tomentosus (Hook.f.) Mitt. var. tomentosus W3Most
Mitten 1869; Brotherus 1924b; Thériot 1935; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1957; Herzog 1960; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. VIII. Arauco (Crosby 13045); IX. Cautin (Mahu 24005, 24006), Malleco (Mahu 5794, 23299); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12643), Llanquihue, Osorno (Crosby 12251), Valdivia (Crosby 11464, 12830); XI. Aisen (Crosby 16193, 16274); XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego; Juan Fernandez Is.
L. tomentosus var. minor Card. & Broth.
Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
L. tomentosus var. patagonicus Card. & Broth.
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Seki 1974.
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.

Leskea fuegiana Besch. == Hygroamblystegium fuegianum

Lescuraea Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. (LESKEACEAE Schimp.)
L. chilensis Herz. W3Most
Herzog 1954.
Dist. V. Aconcagua; X. Osorno (Mahu 8526).

Leucoloma billardierii (Schwaegr.) Broth. == Dicranoloma billardieri
L. capillare Dus. == Dicranoloma capillare
L. capillifolium Broth. in Dus. = Dicranoloma menziesii fide Robinson 1975.
L. dusenii Broth. in Dus. == Dicranoloma dusenii
L. fuegianum Dus. == Dicranoloma fuegianum
L. fuegianum var. laxum Dus. == Dicranoloma hariotii var. laxum fide Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
L. grandialare Dus. = Dicranoloma robustum fide Cardot 1908.
L. hariotii (C. Müll.) Broth. == Dicranoloma hariotii
L. imponens (Mont.) Dus. == Dicranoloma imponens
L. muelleri Dus. == Dicranoloma muelleri
L. muelleri var. strictifolium Dus. ==
Dicranoloma robustum var. strictifolium fide Van der Wijk & Margadant 1960.
L. nigricaule (Aongstr.) Broth. ==
Dicranoloma nigricaule = Dicranoloma chilense fide Ochyra & Matteri 1996.
L. nigricaule var. gracile Dus. =
Dicranoloma capillare fide Cardot 1908.
L. nigricaule var. flexuosulum Dus. ==
Dicranoloma nigricaule var. flexuosulum fide Bartram in Roivainen 1937.
L. perremotifolium Dus. == Dicranoloma perremotifolium
L. perremotifolium var. fragile Dus. ==
Dicranoloma perremotifolium var. fragile fide Thériot 1935.
L. peruncinatum Dus. =
Dicranoloma nigricaule fide Robinson 1975 = Dicranoloma chilense fide Ochyra & Matteri 1996.
L. robustum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Broth. == Dicranoloma robustum
L. robustum var. flexuosum Dus. =
Dicranoloma australe fide Cardot 1908.
L. robustum var. lagunicola Dus. ==
Dicranum robustum var. lagunicolum fide Cardot 1908.
L. setosum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Broth. == Dicranoloma setosum

Leucomium Mitt. (LEUCOMIACEAE Broth.)
L. crinitifolium (C. Müll.) Mitt. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Allen 1987b.
Dist. Without exact locality.

Lopidium Hook.f. & Wils. (HYPOPTERYGIACEAE Mitt.)
L. concinnum (Hook.f.) Wils. W3Most
Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957; Matteri 1973b; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b (as Hypopterygium concinnum, Cardot 1908; as Hypopterygium flexisetum, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; as Lopidium plumarium, Mitten 1869; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Reimers 1926; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; as Hypterygium plumarium, Bartram 1952).
Dist. V. Valparaiso; VIII. Arauco (Crosby 13043); IX. Cautin; X. Chiloe (Crosby 12450, Landrum 714, Moreno 20583), Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue, Osorno (Crosby 12079, Mahu 21217), Valdivia (Crosby 12214, Mahu 10508); XI. Aisen; Juan Fernandez Is.

L. plumarium (Mitt.) Hampe = Lopidium concinum fide Matteri 1973.

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