Type collections of the section of Siberia and Far East


Abolin R.I. (Siberia)

Bunge A.A. (Siberia)

Desoulavy N.A. (Siberia)

Fedorov Al.A and An.A. (Siberia)

Ganeschin S.S. (Siberia)

Gorodkow B.N. (Siberia)

Gueldenstaedt A.J. von (historical collection)

Jurtzev B.A. (Siberia)

Komarov V.L. (Siberia)

Korshinsky S.I. (Siberia)

Kusnezow I.V. (Siberia)

Kusnezow N.I. (Siberia)

Ledebour C.F. (Siberia)

Maack R.C. (Siberia)

Maximowicz C.I. (Siberia)

Meyer C.A. (Siberia)

Middendorf A.F. (Siberia)

Palczewsky N.A. (Siberia)

Pallas P.S. (historical collection)

Pott J.F. (historical collection)

Prokhorov N.I. (Siberia)

Radde G.I. (Siberia)

Schischkin I.K. (Siberia)

Sukaczew W.N. (Siberia)

Tolmatchew A.I. (Siberia)

Turczaninow N.S. (Siberia)


Clematis sp. [polynomial]


From Herbarium of Anton Johann von Gueldenstaedt


Aira altaica Trin.


From Collections of A.A.Bunge from Siberia


Bistorta intercedens V.Petrov


From Collections of N.I.Prokhorov from Siberia


Calamagrostis lapponica Hartm.


From Collections of W.N.Sukaczew from Siberia


Calamagrostis ussuriensis Tzvel.


From Collections of I.K.Schischkin from Siberia


Claytonia arctica Adams var. albiflora Volkova


From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Claytonia czukczorum Volkova


From Collections of B.N.Gorodkow from Siberia


Claytonia soczaviana Jurtz.


From Collections of N.I.Prokhorov from Siberia


Poa pekulnejensis Jurtz. et Tzvel.


From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Poa sabulosa Turcz.


From Collections of N.S.Turczaninow from Siberia


Poa taimyrensis Roshev.


From Collections of A.I.Tolmatchew from Siberia


Polygonum maackianum Regel


From Collections of R.C.Maack from Siberia


Rumex krausii Jurtz. et Petrovsky


From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. var. densiflora Moq.


From Collections of N.S.Turczaninow from Siberia


Poa sibirica Roshev.


From Collections of I.V.Kusnezow from Siberia


Polygonum strictum Ledeb.


From Collections of C.F.Ledebour from Siberia


Rumex arcticus Trautv.


From Collections of A.F.Middendorf from Siberia


Berberis sibirica Pall.


From Collection of Peter Simon Pallas


Berberis sibirica Pall.


From Collection of Johann Friedrich Pott


Hierochloe sibirica (Tzvel.) Czer.


From Collections of I.V.Kusnezow from Siberia


Pinus sylvestris L. subsp. amurensis L.Orlova


From Collections of C.I.Maximowicz from Siberia


Poa paratunkensis Kom.


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Siberia


Rottboellia sibirica Gand.


From Collections of N.A.Desoulavy from Siberia


Vahlodea paramushirensis (Kudo) Roshev.


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Siberia


Pinus mandshurica Rupr.


From Collections of R.C.Maack from Siberia


Pinus sylvestris L. var. sibirica Ledeb.


From Collections of C.F.Ledebour from Siberia


Polygonum dentato-alatum Fr.Schmidt


From Collections of C.I.Maximowicz from Siberia


Aconogonon sukatschevii Tzvel.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of W.N.Sukaczew from Siberia


Betula exilis Sukacz.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of R.C.Maack from Siberia


Calamagrostis turczaninovii Litv.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.S.Turczaninow from Siberia


Cerastium bialynickii Tolm.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.I.Tolmatchew from Siberia


Chenopodium jenissejense Iljin

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Chonopodium frutescens C.A.Mey.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.A.Bunge from Siberia


Corispermum sibiricum Iljin subsp. jenissejense Iljin

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of S.S.Ganeschin from Siberia


Corylus brevituba Kom.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.I.Prokhorov from Siberia


Deschampsia borealis (Trautv.) Roshev.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.F.Middendorf from Siberia


Hierochloe glabra Trin. var. grandiflora Litv.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.A.Palczewsky from Siberia


Imperata sacchariflora Maxim.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of C.I.Maximowicz from Siberia


Poa tristis Trin.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.A.Bunge from Siberia


Polygonum abbreviatum Kom.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.S.Turczaninow from Siberia


Polygonum amphibium L. subsp. amurense Korsh.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Siberia


Polygonum bistorta L. subsp. attenuatum V.Petrov ex Kom.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of R.C.Maack from Siberia


Polygonum bistorta L. subsp. attenuatum V.Petrov ex Kom.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of R.I.Abolin from Siberia


Polygonum middendorfii Kongar

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.F.Middendorf from Siberia


Salix fulcrata Anderss.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of I.V.Kusnezow from Siberia


Salix ledebouriana Trautv.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Siberia


Salix marmorea Al.Theod. et A.Fed.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of Al.A and An.A.Fedorov from Siberia


Salix microstachya Turcz. ex Trautv.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.S.Turczaninow from Siberia


Salix mixta Korsh.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Siberia


Salix pseudopurpurea Laksch.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.I.Prokhorov from Siberia


Salix raddeana Laksch. ex Nas.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of G.I.Radde from Siberia


Salix ursina Al.Theod. et A.Fed.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of Al.A and An.A.Fedorov from Siberia


Stellaria cherleriae (Fisch. et Ser.) F.Williams

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of G.I.Radde from Siberia


Stellaria ciliatosepala Trautv.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.F.Middendorf from Siberia


Stipa altaica Trin.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of A.A.Bunge from Siberia


Stipa altaica Trin.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Siberia


Stipa baicalensis Roshev.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of I.K.Schischkin from Siberia


Urtica cyanescens Kom.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Siberia


Zizania latifolia Turcz.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.S.Turczaninow from Siberia