Collections of A.I.Tolmatchew from Siberia

Dates of collection:

1926-1969, including:

1926: Dikson, lower courses of the Enisei

1928: Taimyr

1955-1957, 1960: Yalutia (lower courses of the Lena and Olenek Rivers)

1948-1951, 1954, 1955: Sakhalin

Region of collection:

Siberia: mainly Arctic

Far East


Tolmatchev A.I.

Kiseleva A., Norin B.N., Petrovsky V.V., Pigulevskaya O.V., Rubin A.M., Tolmatchev Yu.A., Tolmatcheva E.A., Shtepa V.S. and others

Volume of collection:

1955-1957, 1960: 6000 sheets

1948-1951, 1954: 500 sheets

The total amount of the collections are much more

Income date to LE:

As the material was collected

LE Section of storage:

Section of Siberia and Far East

Type collections of the section of Siberia and Far East


The labels of most collections are printed; the printed text includes: the expedition name, region of collecting (sometimes with locality and geographical values), year, the collectors' names. Precise localities, habitats and dates are written by hand.

There are sheets with labels written on the form-sheets of the Herbarium of Far East Branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (duplicate?).

A.I.Tolmatchev was the originator of publication of "Arctic flora of the USSR" (vols.1-10, 1960-1987) and the editor-in-chief of its 8 volumes.


Lipschitz S.Ju., Vassilczenko I.T. Herbarium centrale URSS. Leningrad, 1968. 142 p.

Compiler & Date:

Sokolova I.V., 2006

Poa taimyrensis Roshev.


Cerastium bialynickii Tolm.

(Specimen authenticum)

Allium schoenoprasum L.

(Representative specimen)

Anemone reflexa Steph.

(Representative specimen)

Anemone richardsonii Hook.

(Representative specimen)

Asplenium incisum Thunb.

(Representative specimen)

Astragalus alpinus L.

(Representative specimen)

Caltha palustris L.

(Representative specimen)

Claytonia Joanneana Roem. et Schult.

(Representative specimen)

Claytonia arctica Adams

(Representative specimen)

Delphinium elatum L.

(Representative specimen)

Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl.

(Representative specimen)

Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb.

(Representative specimen)

Mitella nuda L.

(Representative specimen)

Pleurospermum uralense Hoffm.

(Representative specimen)

Potentilla emarginata Pursh.

(Representative specimen)

Rheum compactum L.

(Representative specimen)

Ribes maximoviczii Kom.

(Representative specimen)

Salix rotundifolia Trautv.

(Representative specimen)

Saxifraga sachalinensis Fr. Schmidt

(Representative specimen)

Spiraea beauverdiana Schneid.

(Representative specimen)

Stellaria bungeana Fenzl

(Representative specimen)