Species : Thalictrum simplex L.


Alexeenko F.N. (Caucasus)

Busch E.A. & Busch N.A. (Caucasus)

Busch N.A. (Caucasus)

Korshinsky S.I. (East Europe)

Lipsky V.I. (Caucasus)

Litwinow D.I. (Caucasus)

Meinshausen K.F. (East Europe)

Menitsky Yu.L. & Popova T.N. (Caucasus)

Meyer C.A. (Caucasus)

Schirajewsky I.I. (East Europe)

Woronow Ju.N. (Caucasus)


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of C.A.Meyer from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.A.Busch from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from East Europe


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of K.F.Meinshausen from East Europe


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.I.Schirajewsky from East Europe


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Yu.L.Menitsky and T.N.Popova from Caucasus