Region : Tadzhikistan


Alexeenko F.N. (Middle Asia)

Botschantsev V.P. (Middle Asia)

Bukinitsch D.D. (Middle Asia)

Dubiansky W.A. (Middle Asia)

Egorova T.V. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko B.A. & Fedtschenko O.A. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko B.A. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko O.A. (Middle Asia)

Kamelin R.V. (Middle Asia)

Knorring O.E. (Middle Asia)

Komarov V.L. (Middle Asia)

Korshinsky S.I. (Middle Asia)

Kuschakewicz A.A. (Middle Asia)

Lipschitz S.Y. (Middle Asia)

Lipsky V.I. (Middle Asia)

Michelson A.I. (Middle Asia)

Minkwitz Z.A. (Middle Asia)

Ovczinnikov P.N. (Middle Asia)

Regel A.E. (Middle Asia)

Schrenk A.I. (Middle Asia)


Saussurea chondrilloides C.Winkl.


From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Saussurea kuschakewiczii C.Winkl.


From Collections of A.A.Kuschakewicz from Middle Asia


Saussurea saxosa Lipsch.


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Astragalus exasperatus N.Basil.


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Geranium candidum Kom.


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Saussurea colorata C.Winkl.


From Collections of A.A.Kuschakewicz from Middle Asia


Saussurea karategina Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Saussurea masarica Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus iljinii R.Kam.


From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Astragalus iskanderi Lipsky


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Astragalus janischewskyi M.Pop.


From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Lappula badachschanica M.Pop. ex Ikonn.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Lappula tadshikorum M.Pop.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of W.A.Dubiansky from Middle Asia


Allium gusaricum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Allium karataviense Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Allium karataviense Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Allium tianschanicum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A. and O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Allium turcomanicum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Astragalus dsharbi B.Fedtsch..

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus surchobi Gontsch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Convolvulus fruticosus Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A. and O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pseudocantabrica Schrenk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Cousinia submutica Franch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Cousinia submutica Franch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.E.Knorring from Middle Asia


Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Dianthus barbatus L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia


Euphorbia lamprocarpa Prokh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.E.Knorring from Middle Asia


Euphorbia lipskyi Prokh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Euphorbia polytimetica Prokh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Gladiolus segetum Gawl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Gladiolus segetum Gawl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Iris rosenbachiana Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Juno narbuti (B.Fedtsch.) Vved.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Juno narbuti (B.Fedtsch.) Vved.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Juno rosenbachiana (Regel) Vved.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Korolkowia sewerzowii Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Lappula brachycentra (Ledeb.) Guerke.

Representative specimen

From Collections of P.N.Ovczinnikov from Middle Asia


Lappula paulseni (Brand) M.Pop.

Representative specimen

From Collections of F.N.Alexeenko from Middle Asia


Lappula paulseni (Brand) M.Pop.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.Y.Lipschitz from Middle Asia


Lappula paulseni (Brand) M.Pop.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.D.Bukinitsch from Middle Asia


Lappula popovii Zak.

Representative specimen

From Collections of P.N.Ovczinnikov from Middle Asia


Lappula tadshikorum M.Pop.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Lappula tadshikorum M.Pop.

Representative specimen

From Collections of T.V.Egorova from Middle Asia


Onobrychis baldshuanica Sirj.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Phleum phleoides (L.) Simk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Phleum phleoides (L.) Simk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Poa alpina L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Poa alpina L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Poa alpina L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia


Poa litvinoviana Ovcz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Poa litvinoviana Ovcz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Poa litvinoviana Ovcz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A. and O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L. f. vulgaris Koch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I. Schrenk from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Poa nevskii Roshev. var. ciliatiflora Roshev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Salsola collina Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Salsola collina Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of T.V.Egorova from Middle Asia


Salsola collina Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.E.Knorring from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Silene sarawschanica Regel et Schmalh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Silene sarawschanica Regel et Schmalh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Silene scabrifolia Kom.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Silene subadenophora Ovcz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Taraxacum brevirostre Hand.-Mazz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia