Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia

Dates of collection:

Region of collection:

Middle Asia


Kamelin R.V.

Income method:

Collected in expeditions organised by the Komarov Botanical Institute.

LE Section of storage:

Section of Middle Asia. Stored in main funds.


Lipshits S.Yu. & Vasilchenko I.T. 1968. Tsentralnyi Gerbariy SSSR: istoricheskiy ocherk [Central Herbarium of the USSR: historical abstract]. Leningrad, Nauka.

Compiler & Date:

Novoselova M.S. & Raenko L.M., 2004

Astragalus iljinii R.Kam.


Allium karataviense Regel

(Representative specimen)

Allium margaritae B.Fedtsch.

(Representative specimen)

Astragalus inaequalifolius Basil.

(Representative specimen)

Astragalus macropterus DC.

(Representative specimen)

Astragalus rupifragus Pall.

(Representative specimen)

Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

(Representative specimen)

Convolvulus pseudocantabrica Schrenk.

(Representative specimen)

Cousinia pseudomollis Winkl.

(Representative specimen)

Cousinia umbrosa Bunge

(Representative specimen)

Dianthus acicularis Fisch. ex Ledeb.

(Representative specimen)

Dianthus angrenicus Vved.

(Representative specimen)

Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

(Representative specimen)

Dianthus baldshuanicus Lincz.

(Representative specimen)

Euphorbia rapulum Kar. et Kir.

(Representative specimen)

Korolkowia sewerzowii Regel

(Representative specimen)

Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

(Representative specimen)

Onobrychis baldshuanica Sirj.

(Representative specimen)

Polygonum atraphaxiforme Botsch.

(Representative specimen)

Polygonum aviculare L.

(Representative specimen)

Salsola arbuscula Pall.

(Representative specimen)

Silene scabrifolia Kom.

(Representative specimen)

Silene subadenophora Ovcz.

(Representative specimen)