Collections of W.A.Dubiansky from Middle Asia

Dates of collection:


Region of collection:

Middle Asia: Syr-Dariyinskaya, Uralskaya & Turgayskaya provinces (1904; 570 specimens), Zakaspiyskaya province (1906; 1'355 specimens).


Dubiansky W.A., Basilevskaja N.A.

Volume of collection:

Over 7'000 specimens.

Income method:

Collected in field expeditions of the Botanical Museum & Botanical Garden.

LE Section of storage:

Section of Middle Asia. Stored in main funds.


Lipshits S.Yu. & Vasilchenko I.T. 1968. Tsentralnyi Gerbariy SSSR: istoricheskiy ocherk [Central Herbarium of the USSR: historical abstract]. Leningrad, Nauka.

Compiler & Date:

Roskov Yu.R., 2004

Saussurea ninae Iljin.


Lappula tadshikorum M.Pop.

(Specimen authenticum)

Lappula dzharkentica M.Pop. ex Golosk.

(Representative specimen)

Lappula macrantha (Ledeb.) Guerke.

(Representative specimen)

Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

(Representative specimen)