Interactions of Organisms and the Atmosphere
A comprehensive 2-volume text that gives biologists and meteorologists all the tools
they need to engage in productive interdisciplinary dialogue.
by William P. Lowry and Porter P. Lowry II
* Tables of Contents
-Volume 1
-Volume 2
* Reviews
* Prices and Ordering
-Volume 1
-Volume 2
* About the Authors
* Sample Chapter
* William P. Lowry Memorial Fund
First awards given June
"Volume 1 [is] a friendly and useful introduction to relevant meteorological matters, using
patient explanation and leading... students of geography, biology, geology and ecology... far enough
into the subject that they will be able to discuss it adequately with meteorological experts."
* * *
"Volume 2 is a uniquely wide introduction to living nature... at the bottom of the atmosphere.
[It] covers matter seldom found in meteorology textbooks, certainly not at this length and in such an
insight-inducing manner. [This] is the best book now available that introduces... biology [to]
meteorologists; it will remain valuable for very many years to come..."
* * *
-- Jon Wieringa, Wageningen University, in "Meteorologische Zeitschrift"
"Biologists must understand the physical sciences, and physical scientists must understand
biology, or both will fail in their efforts to understand how the world functions. Professor Lowry
and his son have collaborated to produce the two rich and fascinating volumes of Fundamentals of
Biometeorology, which are both informative and inspirational, and which will amply reward detailed
study by anyone interested in the functioning of life on Earth" -- Peter H. Raven,
Director, Missouri Botanical Garden