Malagasy/Indo-australo-malesian Phytogeographic Connections
Home | Introduction | Gondwanan Relicts | "Lemurian Stepping Stones"
Long Distance Dispersal | Conclusion | References
Podocarpus and descendants of the early angiosperms
distributions in South America (Chile), Africa (esp. E. Africa), Madagascar, and Australo-Malesia (E. of Wallace's Line): N.E. Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Guinea
often (pre)montane cool mesic taxa
Paleomagnetic data from the western Indian Ocean has firmly
established the paleogeographic history of Madagascar (Rabinowitz
et al. 1983). Figure 1 depicts a schematic representation of
Gondwanan land masses from the time Madagascar arrived at its
current position 121 MYA until the separation of Greater India
from Madagascar 88 MYA (Storey et al. 1995), by which time the
break-up of virtually all of the individual Gondwanan land masses
had begun. Throughout the period rifting was occurring both
between Africa/South America and Greater India/Antarctica,
although each pair remained within close proximity through the
end of the Cretaceous/early Tertiary. By 80 MYA, direct land
routes between New Zealand and New Caledonia and
Antarctica/Australia had been severed (Mildenhall 1980); very
slow rifting between Australia/New Guinea and Antarctica had also
begun, but New Guinea did not emerge above sea level until the
late Eocene at which time Gondwanan elements first entered
(Axelrod & Raven 1982). A dispersal pathway through Antarctica
to South America remained possible until the close of the Eocene
(Raven 1979).
Figure 1. Schematic representation of Gondwanan land masses
during initial Cretaceous radiation of the angiosperms, between
the time of arrival of Madagascar at its present position (121
MYA) and the time of separation of Greater India from Madagascar
(88 MYA). Throughout the time period, rifting is occurring
between both Africa/South America and Greater India/Antarctica,
although each pair remains within close proximity at the end of
the period. India is also shown (broken border) after collision
with Asia (45 MYA), at which point a direct link with W. Malesia
is established. Abreviations: MADAG = Madagascar; N.C. = New
Caledonia; N.G. = New Guinea (submerged until late Eocene); N.Z.
= New Zealand.
The time period spanned in Figure 1 is also contemporaneous
with the initial radiation of the angiosperms. Insofar as
Madagascar began to separate from Africa during the late Jurassic
(165 MYA), it is probable that angiosperms were not present on
the island during most of its slow rafting to its current
position. Paleobotanical data from Madagascar at this critical
time period are scant. Palynomorphs from mid-Cretaceous (middle
Albian to late Cenomanian) samples near Antsiranana belong to the
Gondwana microfloral Province, dominated by bisaccate gymnosperms
and ferns, but are lacking angiosperms
(Herngreen et al. 1982).
Another Cenomanian assemblage from Ankanotra is dominated by the
conifer Classopollis; however, six different angiosperm pollen
types are present. Despite the lack of late Cretaceous data, it
is reasonable to assume that by the close of the Mesozoic,
numerous angiosperm lines had established themselves in
Madagascar via either direct land routes through India from the
south, or by short distance dispersal across water gaps.
What neobotanical evidence therefore (as well as
paleobotanical data from elsewhere in Gondwana) points to the
presence of Cretaceous Gondwanan relicts in Madagascar? The
break-up of Gondwana by the end of the Cretaceous would have
resulted in vicariance in basal angiosperm lineages, and thus,
relationships today would be manifest at higher taxonomic levels
(van Steenis 1984).
Modern distributions would be essentially
austral and/or cool mesic (pre)montane: South America, extending
northward along the Andes into Central America; Africa,
especially cooler upland East Africa (with survival into the
Miocene and then extinction in South Africa, e.g., Chloranthaceae and Winteraceae (Coetzee & Muller
1984)); Madagascar; and Australo-malesia east of Wallace's line,
i.e., Australia, New Caledonia, New Guinea, and New Zealand. The
possiblity of "Noah's Ark" rafting on India, and therefore the
presence of relicts on the granitic islands of the Seychelles and
India/Sri Lanka, as well as then subsequent dispersal into W.
Malesia must also be considered (a scenario rejected by Raven &
Axelrod 1974). Mid to late Cretaceous/early Tertiary floras from
Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand
(Birkenmajer & Zastawniak 1989;
Burger 1993; Dettman 1989;
Dettman & Jarzen 1990;
Mildenhall 1980) confirm the notion of a subhumid mesothermal
climate across Antarctica, which supported a broad-leaved forest
with numerous angiosperm pollen types. Space permits the
discussion of only a few examples to illustrate the distribution
patterns above.