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Table 30. The most diverse herbaceous taxa by region and elevation zones with their numbers of species.
Families |
Galápagos |
Coastal |
Amazonian |
0500 m |
5001000 m |
10001500 m |
0500 m |
5001000 m |
0500 m |
5001000 m |
Poac. 50 |
Poac. 39 |
Poac. 27 |
Poac. 125 |
Orchidac. 133 |
Poac. 70 |
Orchidac. 107 |
Cyperac. 36 |
Asterac. 29 |
Asterac. 18 |
Bromeliac. 76 |
Bromeliac. 113 |
Bromeliac. 63 |
Bromeliac. 80 |
Asterac. 34 |
Cyperac. 21 |
Cyperac. 14 |
Asterac. 75 |
Poac. 96 |
Arac. 57 |
Dryopteridac. 60 |
Pteridac. 19 |
Pteridac. 19 |
Solanac. 10 |
Cyperac. 71 |
Arac. 86 |
Cyperac. 56 |
Arac. 52 |
Amaranthac. 17 |
Dryopteridac. 17 |
Amaranthac. 9 |
Arac. 68 |
Dryopteridac. 70 |
Marantac. 54 |
Poac. 52 |
Dryopteridac. 14 |
Thelypteridac. 15 |
Pteridac. 9 |
Orchidac. 66 |
Gesneriac. 61 |
Dryopteridac. 52 |
Piperac. 47 |
Solanac. 14 |
Orchidac. 12 |
Scrophulariac. 9 |
Dryopteridac. 57 |
Asterac. 59 |
Orchidac. 52 |
Gesneriac. 41 |
Thelypteridac. 14 |
Polypodiac. 11 |
Thelypteridac. 9 |
Gesneriac. 46 |
Piperac. 42 |
Piperac. 45 |
Asterac. 35 |
Solanac. 11 |
Piperac. 37 |
Cyperac. 37 |
Asterac. 41 |
Cyperac. 35 |
Fabac. 36 |
Pteridac. 28 |
Gesneriac. 35 |
Marantac. 28 |
Andean |
10001500 m |
15002000 m |
20002500 m |
25003000 m |
30003500 m |
35004000 m |
40004500 m |
> 4500 m |
Orchidac. 322 |
Orchidac. 414 |
Orchidac. 382 |
Orchidac. 341 |
Orchidac. 193 |
Asterac. 83 |
Asterac. 54 |
Poac. 20 |
Bromeliac. 171 |
Bromeliac. 154 |
Bromeliac. 129 |
Asterac. 142 |
Asterac. 121 |
Poac. 77 |
Poac. 53 |
Asterac. 15 |
Poac. 119 |
Poac. 111 |
Poac. 112 |
Poac. 133 |
Poac. 106 |
Orchidac. 48 |
Gentianac. 25 |
Brassicac. 9 |
Arac. 95 |
Piperac. 93 |
Asterac. 107 |
Bromeliac. 118 |
Bromeliac. 70 |
Scrophulariac. 41 |
Scrophulariac. 25 |
Caryophyllac. 7 |
Piperac. 94 |
Asterac. 86 |
Piperac. 78 |
Scrophulariac. 65 |
Scrophulariac. 57 |
Cyperac. 40 |
Brassicac. 23 |
Scrophulariac. 7 |
Dryopteridac. 84 |
Dryopteridac. 81 |
Dryopteridac. 63 |
Dryopteridac. 58 |
Dryopteridac. 51 |
Lycopodiac. 33 |
Cyperac. 23 |
Apiac. 5 |
Gesneriac. 80 |
Arac. 66 |
Scrophulariac. 51 |
Cyperac. 57 |
Cyperac. 48 |
Gentianac. 29 |
Rosac. 21 |
Gentianac. 5 |
Asterac. 70 |
Gesneriac. 63 |
Cyperac. 41 |
Piperac. 52 |
Lycopodiac. 37 |
Bromeliac. 24 |
Caryophyllac. 19 |
Rosac. 5 |
Cyperac. 46 |
Pteridac. 38 |
Campanulac. 38 |
Apiac. 35 |
Piperac. 37 |
Dryopteridac. 24 |
Apiac. 14 |
Ranunculac. 4 |
Pteridac. 40 |
Scrophulariac. 30 |
Arac. 36 |
Solanac. 35 |
Gentianac. 33 |
Rosac. 24 |
Geraniac. 14 |
Genera |
Galápagos |
Coastal |
Amazonian |
0500 m |
5001000 m |
10001500 m |
0500 m |
5001000 m |
0500 m |
5001000 m |
Thelypteris 14 |
Thelypteris 15 |
Thelypteris 9 |
Anthurium 46 |
Anthurium 63 |
Peperomia 42 |
Peperomia 46 |
Cyperus 13 |
Asplenium 10 |
Amaranthus 4 |
Peperomia 35 |
Peperomia 40 |
Calathea 37 |
Diplazium 26 |
Asplenium 11 |
Paspalum 7 |
Asplenium 4 |
Thelypteris 29 |
Guzmania 32 |
Thelypteris 29 |
Anthurium 26 |
Amaranthus 8 |
Elaphoglossum 6 |
Cyperus 26 |
Diplazium 30 |
Anthurium 28 |
Thelypteris 24 |
Alternanthera 6 |
Adiantum 5 |
Guzmania 22 |
Tillandsia 27 |
Aechmea 27 |
Asplenium 24 |
Chamaesyce 6 |
Blechnum 5 |
Heliconia 22 |
Thelypteris 25 |
Selaginella 26 |
Calathea 21 |
Elaphoglossum 6 |
Cyperus 5 |
Tillandsia 21 |
Columnea 22 |
Heliconia 21 |
Guzmania 21 |
Eleocharis 6 |
Panicum 5 |
Asplenium 20 |
Heliconia 20 |
Adiantum 19 |
Selaginella 18 |
Hyptis 6 |
Diplazium 20 |
Pitcairnia 19 |
Asplenium 19 |
Aechmea 16 |
Paspalum 6 |
Scleria 16 |
Andean |
10001500 m |
15002000 m |
20002500 m |
25003000 m |
30003500 m |
35004000 m |
40004500 m |
> 4500 m |
Anthurium 70 |
Peperomia 93 |
Peperomia 78 |
Peperomia 52 |
Epidendrum 40 |
Huperzia 27 |
Gentianella 19 |
Draba 7 |
Peperomia 92 |
Pleurothallis 61 |
Epidendrum 57 |
Epidendrum 51 |
Peperomia 37 |
Gentianella 21 |
Lachemilla 17 |
Calamagrostis 6 |
Guzmania 50 |
Anthurium 54 |
Pleurothallis 51 |
Tillandsia 48 |
Elaphoglossum 34 |
Calamagrostis 18 |
Calamagrostis 14 |
Arenaria 5 |
Pleurothallis 47 |
Epidendrum 52 |
Tillandsia 43 |
Pleurothallis 39 |
Tillandsia 33 |
Lachemilla 18 |
Geranium 14 |
Gentianella 5 |
Tillandsia 43 |
Tillandsia 46 |
Elleanthus 37 |
Elaphoglossum 31 |
Huperzia 28 |
Elaphoglossum 17 |
Draba 13 |
Lachemilla 5 |
Diplazium 39 |
Guzmania 36 |
Anthurium 32 |
Calceolaria 29 |
Calceolaria 25 |
Bartsia 14 |
Valeriana 11 |
Xenophyllum 5 |
Thelypteris 39 |
Elleanthus 34 |
Thelypteris 30 |
Elleanthus 27 |
Gentianella 23 |
Carex 13 |
Huperzia 11 |
Azorella 4 |
Epidendrum 35 |
Diplazium 31 |
Guzmania 28 |
Asplenium 26 |
Pleurothallis 21 |
Geranium 13 |
Bartsia 10 |
Festuca 4 |
Elleanthus 31 |
Dracula 29 |
Asplenium 25 |
Odontoglossum 25 |
Asplenium 18 |
Valeriana 13 |
Cerastium 8 |
Poa 4 |
Thelypteris 25 |
Solanum 18 |
Ranunculus 8 |