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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

ut, uti (conj.): as, like, as for example, so that, to introduce an explanation (sometimes without a verb); when used with indicative verb forms: to indicate comparison or example: 'as, as well as, thus, so;'

- species uti supra 2, species as [sc. noted] above 2 (in reference to a previous statement).

- ut e statu sicco apparet, as from the dried state it appears

- ut auctores generi attribuunt, as authors attribute to the genus

- ut in diagnose descripta, as described in the diagnosis (Stearn 1983)

- oculo nudo perceptibiles ut maculae aquales, perceptible with the naked eye as watery spots.

- stigmata, capsula, embryo, uti corolla et androecium, omnia ab illis Primulacearum longe distant, the stigmas, capsule, embryo, like (=as are) the corolla and androecium, all are far distant from those of the Primulaceae.

- vestem relinquere ut anguis, to shed a covering as a snake [sc. does].

- aliquid specierum generis utriculiferum, uti in Utriculariae laxae, some of the species of the genus are utriculiferous, as in Utricularia laxa.

NOTE: ut is used with the subjunctive form of verbs to indicate purpose or result, 'in order that, that, so that; also subjunctive with concession or condition, 'although, in spite of, granted that' the subjunctive is also used with ut so, 'as it'. Consult a Latin grammar for use of the subjunctive mood of verbs.

- [fungi] demum a pluviis forsan ablutum, totum perit, ut in exemplis vetustis discus nudus, plerumque tum distortus, ciliis suis persistenter fimbriatus supersit (S&A), at length, washed away perhaps by rains, the whole perishes, although in old specimens the naked disc may survive, usually then distorted, persistently fimbriate with its own cilia.
ut (adv.), uti (adv.) 'as, like, as for example, so that': used with the adverbs

'sic', 'ita', 'item' meaning 'so, thus, in this manner';

- omnia generum sic constituenda ut auctor denotavit, all of the genera are to be so set up, as the author specified (to be set up in the manner specified by the author).

- ut cum floribus, ita cum fructibus, as with the flowers, so with the fruits.

- ut cum Titanis, ita cum Gigantibus, as (is or was) with the Titans, so (it is or was) with the Giants.

- ut cum petallis Rosae ita cum sepalis Rubi, as with the petals of the Rose, so with the sepals of the Raspberry.

- foliis ut fistula involutis, with leaves involute like a pipe.

- foliis laxioribus, ut a cellulis minus incrassatis, with the leaves more lax, as from cells less thickened. - ut pondere librarum duarum ejus decoctionis, quo remedio reiterato per multos dies sanatos multos vidi ex maligna scabie & ulceribus exedentibus as, for example, I have seen, from the weight of two pounds of a decoction of it, by which remedy, repeated throughout many days, many people recovered from virulent scab [i.e. mange caused by the itch mite] and wasting ulcers.

- [Hepaticae] perichaetio brevi axillari, ut ramulo proprio e parte inferiore rami antheridiiferi (Lindb.), with the perichaetium short, axillary, as a special little branch from the lower part of the antheridium-bearing branch.

ut (adv.), uti (adv.): temporal, 'as,' 'when,' 'while,' 'since;'

- specimina ut deposita, specimens when deposited

- foliis ut madefacta explicatis, with leaves when moistened (made moist) unfurled.

- ovula ut flores expansi evolventia, the ovules when the flowers have expanded developing.

- pileus ut stipes productus incrassatus, pileus expanded while the stipe lengthened.

- semen ut primum germinatum rotundum, the seed when first germinated round.

- ut petala purpurascentia, ita flores colorem transientes, as the petals are turning purple, so are the flowers changing color.
ut (adv.), uti (adv.): of place, 'where';

- folium ut tabe infestatum prolificans, the leaf where infested by a disease proliferating.

- stipe ut contusus purpurascens, the stipe where bruised turning purple.

ut (adv.), uti (adv.): before an appositive noun, 'as, the same as, like;'

- foliis ut fistula involutis, with leaves involute like a pipe.

- petala ut charta tenuia, petals thin like paper.

- species generis non ut eae Rosacearum sed ut eae Brassicacearum oleraceae, the species of the genus not like those of the Rosaceae but as those of the Brassicaceae edible.

- insectis petalas et sepalas ut alimentum manducariantibus, with insects chewing petals and sepals as though it was food.

- semine sarcotesta ut charta tenui praedito, with a seed provided with a sarcotesta thin as paper.

- plantae sarcophagae, ut pisces in flumine Amazonae, plants sarcophagus, as fishes (are) in the Amazon river.

- androecia frequentia, bracteis uti foliis vegetativis sed ad basem gibberis, the androecia frequent, with bracts as [=like] the vegetative leaves but gibbous at the base.

- rami laterales, plerumque uti innovationes geminati gynoecia infecundata subtendentes, the branches lateral, usually as paired innovations subtending unfertilized gynoecia.

- algae maximopere lubricae ramosissimae filiformes coccineo- purpureae, ramulis initio subverticillatis denique frondem ut stratum densum cooperientibus (Agarde), the algae most strongly lubricious [i.e. smooth and slimy], very much branched, filiform, a deep red-purple, with branches at the beginning somewhat verticillate, ultimately covering over the frond as a dense layer.

NOTE: the word following 'ut' is in the same case as the word compared (although the number may be consistent with the sense: 'sepalas ut alimentum' are both in the accusative, but one is plural, the other singular).

velut (adv.), veluti (adv.): just as, like, as, as if; to introduce an example, for example; for instance; velut(i) (conj.) (with si) as if, as though; see ’like;’
ut (adv.) + videtur or videntur, 'it appears as;' see video;

- ut videtur (adv. phrase), as you will, as it seems, apparently.

- pileus ut videtur glaber sed sub lente 10x implicatus vel pannosus, pileus appartently glabrous but under the 10x lens matted or felted.

- species ad 8 in aquis dulcibus Americae temperatae v. tropicae late dispersae, una etiam in variis locis Europeae obvia, ut videtur inquilina, etsi hodie copiosa, to eight species (B&H), species up to 8, in the fresh waters of temperate or tropical America widely dispersed, one also encountered in the various places of Europe, apparently naturalized, although now it is abundant.

ut maximum (adv. phrase): at most, at the most;

- fructibus 2.5-plo longioribus (ut maximum 25.5 cm non 12 cm longis), with fruits 2.5-times longer (at most 25.5 cm not 12 cm long).

ut minimum (adv. phrase): at least.

- fructibus 2.5-plo minoribus (ut minimum 12 cm non 25.5 cm longis), with fruits 2.5-times shorter (at least 12 cm not 25.5 cm long).

- stylus ut minimum 9 cm longus, the style at least 9 cm long.

ut quasi (adv. phrase): as if;

- anthera magna, adnata, longitudinaliter bipartita, ut quasi gemina (Swartz), the anthera large, adnate, longitudinally in two parts, as if paired.

ut videtur (adv. phrase): apparently, as it seems)
ut maximum (adv. phrase): at most.;

- fructibus 2.5-plo longioribus (ut maximum 25.5 cm non 12 cm longis), with fruits 2.5-times longer (at most 25.5 cm not 12 cm long).

ut minimum (adv. phrase): at least.

- fructibus 2.5-plo minoribus (ut minimum 12 cm non 25.5 cm longis), with fruits 2.5-times shorter (at least 12 cm not 25.5 cm long).

- stylus ut minimum 9 cm longus, the style at least 9 cm long.
ut (adv.), uti (adv.): as, in the manner that or of, answering the question: 'how?', in what manner;

- pili glanduliferi pallide virides (non purpureo-virides ut ei typi), glanduliferous hairs pale green (not purple-green as those of the type (pili = ei, both in same case: nom. pl.).

- apicibus truncatis ut in Amblachaenio, with the apices truncate as in Amblachaenium.

- truncus corticem relinquens ut amnis, the trunk shedding its bark in the manner of a snake (i.e. in the way that a snake does).

- ut capsula collapsus ita seta marcidus, as the capsule has fallen so the seta is withered.

- stipulae ut videtus nullae, stipules as it seems none;

- foliis et bracteis ut in typo, with leaves and bracts as in the type.

- species ut in Rosa blanda sed foliis pilosis differt, species as in Rosa blanda but differs by the pilose leaves.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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