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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Twig, rod, wand, stick; “a small shoot or branch usu. without its leaves: a portion of stem of no definite length or size” (WIII); a slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub; Eng.synonyms: stick, sprig, shoot, branchlet:

ramulus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. ramulo 'the smaller divisions of a much-branched plant;' ramunculus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. ramunculo, 'the ultimate division of a branch;' sarmentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. sarmento, 'cut and green twigs, small branches, brushwood;' scopa,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., abl.sg. scopa: a thin branch, twigs, shoots, a sprig; surus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. suro: 'shoot, twig;’ virga,-ae (s.f.I), shoot, twig [i.e. most recent growth;’, rod, switch, slender green branch, scion; a wand; vimen,-inis (s.n.III), abl.sg. vimine, a long flexible shoot, an osier; see branchlet, pole, wand; see rod; see surculus, sucker-like outgrowth.

twig-like: “long, flexible and wandlike” (Jackson).

Viminaria,-ae (s.f.I), Smith. From vimen, a twig; the appearance of the species is that of a bundle of twigs, being destitute of leaves. Fabaceae. (Paxton).


rhipi-, q.v., also ripi-: in Gk. comb. rhipid-, rhipis, wickerwork, made of flexible osier-twigs, etc.

Ripogonum,-i (s.n.II) Forster. From ripos, a flexile twig [as for weaving or plaiting], and gonos, a shoot. Smilaceae. Ornamental climbers (Paxton).

rhops-, q.v.: in Gk. comp., a twig; bush, shrub; underwood, brushwood [> Gk. r[h]Ops (s.f.III), gen. rhOpos: shrub, bush; in plural: underwood, brushwood (Liddell & Scott]); dim. rhOpion (s.n.II): bush; twig, bough.

Chamaerops, Linn. Chamai, on the ground, rhops [s.f.III], a twig; alluding to the low growth of the plants. Palmaceae. (Paxton)

thamn-, q.v., thamno-, -thamnius,-a,-um (adj.A): (in Gk. comp.) -bush, -shrub, usually describing a habit with many branches (bushy); with small branches or twigs;

Thamnidium, Link. From thamnos, a twig, the appearance of the plant when under the microscope. Mucoraceae. A minute plant found on putrid substances (Paxton).

Flagellum,-i (s.n.II), q.v., abl. sg. flagello: “(obsol.) a twig, or small branch; also a runner like that of the Strawberry” (Lindley).

“A twig is a small thin terminal branch of a woody plant. The buds on the twig are an important diagnostic characteristic, as are the abscission scars where the leaves have fallen away. The color, texture, and patterning of the twig bark are also important, in addition to the thickness and nature of any pith of the twig.

“There are two types of twig, vegetative twigs and fruiting spurs. Fruiting spurs are specialized twigs that generally branch off the sides of branches and are stubby and slow-growing, with many annular ring markings from seasons past. The age and rate of growth of a twig can be determined by counting the winter terminal bud scale scars, or annular ring marking, down the length of the twig. Also birds likes twigs because they can sit on it” [from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, July 20, 2018).

“The Trunk (Truncus,-i (s.m.II)) is peculiar to trees and shrubs, and is perennial. The principal stem in these plants has obtained the following denominations; its principal divisions are called branches (Rami), and its subdivisions twigs (Ramuli)” (Willdenow).

“The main divisions of the stem are called branches, while the smaller divisions of these are commonly termed twigs” (Bentley).

“Branches: 1. First branches, Ramus,-i (s.m.II): First divisions of the stem. 2. Second branches, branchlets, twigs, Ramuli [Ramulus,-i (s.m.II)]: First divisions of the branches. 3. Third branches, small twigs, Ramunculi [Ramunculus,-i (s.m.II): Second divisions of the branches.” (S. Gray).

Algae: “twig” was used by S. Gray to indicate the secondary branches of the “Conferva” (= “Crowsilk”) and other members of the THALASS0PHYTAE. e.g., Conferva albida: branches clustered about 4- together; twigs opposite, zigzag, the smallest nearly parallel (S. Gray).

Twigs are often laying on the ground, as in organisms, particularly fungi, growing on fallen twigs rotting on the ground, along with cast off leaves, seeds, fruit, i.e. quisquiliae,-arum (pl.f.I), q.v., litter; the waste or refuse of anything, the droppings of trees, sweepings, dejecta, rubbish, fallen matter.

Many decoctions, medicines, flavorings etc. are made from the twigs of plants, as they are pliable, flexible, they are often used in weavings such as basket-making, and useful objects, such as besoms (brooms):

“The wood of the cornels [Cornus] is hard, and the large trunks are valued for millwork, while the smaller branches and twigs are made into lace-bobbins, butchers' skewers, and toothpicks” (Burnett). “The young twigs of Cornus Florida, stripped of the bark and rubbed endwise against the teetb, are said to render them extremely white.” (Burnett).
Twig, little, small rod, wand: virgula,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. virgula.

living on twigs, branches: ramicola,-ae (s.c.I), abl. sg. ramicola.

made or consisting of twigs or shoots, twiggy: virgatus,-a,-um (adj.A), virgate, made of twigs, twiggy; “producing many weak branches” (Lindley); virgeus,-a,-um (adj.A).

Twiggy place, place full of brushwood: virgetum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. virgeto; see thicket.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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