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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

tenus (prep. with abl.), always placed after its noun or pronoun in the ablative: up to, as far as, reaching to, down to; cf. usque (adv.); to the (maximum) extent of (the limits to which a action, statement, etc. apply); expresses the limits to which an action, statement is made; to the extent of (Lewis & Short);

1. (with limiting force), just as far as, right up to, as far as;

- folia decidua basi tenus palmatim divisa (F. Mueller), leaves deciduous, divided palmately as far as the base.

- foliolum secundum longitudine tenus rhachis attingens, the second leaflet reaching as far as the length of the rhachis.

- sinu medio tenus laminae exciso, with a sinus cut out as far as the middle of the lamina.

- costa apice tenus currens, costa running as far as the apex.

- marginibus ubique recurvis vel semel revolutis tenus prope apicem, with the margins throughout recurved or once revolute up to near the apex.

- costae apice tenus extendentes, costae extending as far as the apex.

- per totum Americam septentrionalem Canada tenus boreali habitat, it grows throughout North America as far as boreal Canada.

2. up to (a given stage in a process);

- fructificatione tenus sepalis retentis, with the sepals kept up to fructification.

3. to the extent of (the limits to which a action, statement, etc. apply);

- speciebus tenus Rosacearum omnes caules spinosi, to the extent of species of the Rosaceae, all stems spinose.

hactenus (adv.), q.v.: thus far, until now = ad hoc tempus.

loco tenus, locotenus: as far as the locality is concerned, i.e. when citing a botanical locality; (presented) in the place only.

nullatenus (adv.): = nulla tenus (adv.): “in nowise, by no means” (Lewis & Short);

ore tenus: (legal) testimony evidence presented by mouth (ore tenus), i.e. made or presented orally [> L. os, gen.sg. oris (s.n.III), abl.sg. ore, ‘mouth;’ abl.sg. ore, ‘by mouth’]

quadantenus (adv.), quadamtenus (adv.): to a certain point or limit, so far; to a certain extent, in some measure, somewhat; see quodammodo (adv.); see tenus (prep.wsith abl.); verbo tenus, ‘as far as language is concerned’ (Lewis & Short) [> Verbum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. verbo: a word, q.v.; pl. “words, expressions, language”].

nomine tenus, also nominetenus: (enumeration) given by name, in name, as far as the name is concerned, (presented) in name only;

nomine (abl.sg.): in name only, nominally; existing in name only;

- Sexcentas circiter descripsi species, plerasque ex meis, quasdam ex aliorum observationibus: paucas nominetenus ex Michelio & aliis enumeravi (Dill.), I have described around six hundred species, and the greater part [i.e.most] by my own, some from the observations of others: a few, as far as the name is concerned, I have recorded from Micheli and others.

- Muscus terrestris polyspermos major Raj. Hist. III. p. 32. quem nominetus recenset & a Br. Tozzio, Abbate Volambrosano habuisse Guil. Sherardum refert, non differt a vulgari specie, nisi quod folia ejus aliquanto longiora, subter extremitates reflexa sint (Dill.), the earth-dwelling many-seeded, larger moss, which Ray, Hist. III p. 32, enumerated, as far as the name is concerned, and which Guil. Sherardum reported to have repeated by Br. Tozzio, Volambrosan Abbot, does not differ from the common species, except that its leaves may be somewhat longer, reflexed below the extremities [i.e. tip].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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