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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

tam (adv.): see tamquam (conj.);

1. tam quam before adjectives and adverbs: both... and...;

- broadly dispersed throughout warmer regions on both sides of the globe, in America both boreal and tropical (B&H)

- [Agaricum] ad vitium pedamenta tam in urbanis hortis, quam in agris (Mich.), on the stakes of vines both in city gardens, and in the fields.

- florum structura tam masculinorum quam femineorum omnino Taxodicarum B&H), the structure of the flowers, both the masculine and the feminina, is entirely of the Taxodicae.

- nomina vernacula apud scriptores tam Graecos quam Romanos valde confusa, the vernacular names among the writers both the Greeks as well as the Romans, strongly confused.

- capsulae tam grandes quam pro genere parvae, the capsules both large and small for the genus.

- Hedraiostylus ... species plures continet tam Americanas quam Africanas et Asiaticas stylorum columna crassissima obovoidea, Hedraiostylus contains many species both American and African and Asiatic with the column of styles very thick, obovoid.

2. quam ... tam, before comparatives and superlatives;

- quam longiora folia ... tam longiores petioli, the longer the leaves, the longer the petioles.

- quam magis sporae, tam magis valvae capsularum, the more the spores, the more the valves of the capsule.

3. before substantives: tam ... quam, so much ... as...; as much by [+ abl.]

the... as the...; equally ... as, as well as the ...;

- Catalogus stirpium tam indigenarum quam exoticarum qua Lutetiae coluntur (= Catalogue of plants indigenous as well as exotic insofar as they are cultivated in Paris), Paris, 1601 [Jean Robin, French Botanist].

- ab iis differt tam forma exterior, quam lobis appendiculatis, from these it differs as much by the exterior shape as by the appendiculate lobes.

- species nobis tam fructu quam habitu ad Podocarpum referenda, the species by us as much by the fruit as the habit is to be referred to Podocarpum.

- genus tam habitu quam characteribus floralibus abunde diversum, the genus as much by the habit as the floral characters fully different.

- genus tam habitu quam staminibus in ordine distinctissimum (B&H), a genus most distinct in the order as much by the habit as by the stamens.

- Boronia granulata (a clariss. C. Moore prope urbem Goulburn reperta) quidem praecedenti affinis est, facillime tamen disernitur [sic] tam ramis dense tuburculatis [sic] teretibus, quam antheris appendicula destitutis (F. Muell.), Boronia granulata (found by the most eminent C. Moore near the city of Goulburn) [although] is certainly related to the preceding, it is nevertheless most easily distinguished as much by the branches densely tuberculate, terete [i.e. round-cylindrical], as by the anthers lacking appendiculae [i.e. small appendages].

4. demonstrative particle without a correlative (such as qualis): so, so very, so much, of such a degree:

- Rosaceae per genera varia tam arcte connectuntur ut difficillime characteribus certis dignoscere possumus, the Rosaceae through various genera are so closely connected that with the utmost difficulty we are able to differentiate them by unambiguous characters (B&H).

5. tam ... ut..., so many ... that ...;

- Species ad 30, sed ab auctoribus tam inordinate multiplicatae ut in libris plus quam 180 descriptas et 250 enumeratas invenimus (B&H), species to 30, but by authors so erradically multiplied that in books we encountered more than 180 described and 250 listed.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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