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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

squarrosus,-a,-um (adj.A): squarrose, also squarrous > L. squarrosus, scurfy, scabby: “rough with divergent scales or processes; esp. having stiff spreading bracts, as in an involucre” {WIII];

1. squarrose, also squarous: “covered with bodies which spread at right angles, or at a greater angle, from the surface which bears them; or being so arranged” (Lindley); “rough or scurfy with spreading and out-standing processes, as the tips of bracts” (Jackson); fungi) rough with scales (Ainsworth & Bisby); (fungi) “(of the pileus or stipe) covered with recurved scales” (S&D);

- [Lepidota squarrosa; fungus] pileo octunciali squamis densis squarroso (S&A), with an eight inch pileus, squarrose with dense scales.

- [Lepidota aurivellus] pileus pulchre luteus , squamis obsitus ferrugineis , at nec densissime adeo ac in praecedente congestis, et adpressis potius quam squarrosis (S&A), the pileus is beautifully yellow, beset with ferrugineous scales, but not congested to such an extent as in the preceding [i.e. L. squarrosa], and they are appressed rather than squarrose.

- [Gymnopodes; fungus] pileus hemisphaericus, obtuse et obsolete umbonatus , hinc inde rimosus, squamis plus minus squarrosis tectus (S&A), the pileus is hemispheric, obtusely and poorly [i.e. faintly] ubonate, fissured [i.e. cracked] here and there, covered over with the scales more or less squarrose.

Pholiota squarrosa, “the shaggy scalycap, the shaggy Pholiota, the scaly Pholiota: Both the cap and the stem are covered in small, pointed scales that are pointed downward and backward The specific epithet squarrosa is derived from Latin, and means "scurfy" (Wikipedia).

2. squarrose, also squarous; “having its parts or processes (such as the tips of phyllaries) spreading or recurved at the end” (Fernald 1950); “with parts spreading or recurved at the ends” (Stearn 1996); squarrose, i.e. rough with scales, tips of bracts, the leaves on the stem of a moss, etc., projecting outwards usually at about 90*; (bryphytes) “spreading at right angles” (Magill 1990);

(Carex) spreading or recurved at the tip, as when the perigynia are either spreading or squarrose; opp. ascending;

(Quercus) when the scales on the acorn cup are spreading to squarrose vs. imbricate.

(Vernonia) the involucral bracts may be squarrose (spreading and/or with reflexed tips).

- [Echinolytrum; Cyperaceae] glumis numerosissimis squarrosis, nucibus compressis margine saepius subtiliter glochidiatis (B&H), with a high numer of squarrose glumes, with the kernels compressed on the margin, often finely glochidiate. - [Mitrospora; Cyperaceae] glumis tenuiter recurvo-acuminatis in spiculis squarrosis (B&H), with the glumes delicately recurved-acuminate on squarrose spicules.

Bromus squarrosus, the rough brome, is a brome grass. The specific epithet squarrosus is Latin, meaning "with spreading tips" (Wikipedia).

- [Bartramia gigantea] folia caulina reflexa squarrosa rigida (C. Muell.) stem leaves bent back, squarrose [i.e. recurved at the tips].

- (moss) folia perigonialia ovata squarrosa (C. Muell.) perigonial leaves ovate squarrose [i.e. spreading-recurved].

- [moss] folia caulina dense imbricata tortuosa squarrosa, basi erecta vaginante inferne angusta superne sensim late dilatata, (C. Muell.), cauline leaves densely imbricate, twisted, squarrose, with an erect, sheathing base, narrow toward the bottom, gradually broadly dilated toward the apex.

- (moss) ramis subapproximatis elongatis deflexis julaceis, comalibus densissimis stellato-squarrosis (Mueller), with branches almost close to one another, elongate, bent downwards, julaceous, the comal [ones] very dense, stellate-squarrose [i.e. the rays bent downward].

- Sphagnum squarrosum; moss] ramis subapproximatis elongatis deflexis julaceis squarroso- foliosis curviusculis, comalibus densissimis stellato – squarrosis (F. Muell.), with the branches quite close to one another, elongate, bent downwards, julaceous, squarrose-foliate, slightly curved, the comal ones very dense, stellate-squarrose. Bartramia squarrosa; Leucophanes squarrosum.

squarroso-recurvus,-a,-um (adj.A), squarroso-reflexus,-a,-um (part.A): squarrose-recurved; (in bryophytes) “spreading at right angles, with the tips curved downward” (Magill 1990); in leaves, as on the stem of a moss, when wetted bend away from the stem at an angle of ca. 90* and also the leaf tips are again bent backwards away from the plane of the squarrose leaf; squarroso-recurvus,-a,-um;

- folia squarroso-recurva, leaves squarrose-recurved.

squarrose-dentate, “having teeth which do not lie in the plane of the leaf, but form an angle with it” (Lindley); “having teeth which do not lie in the plane of the leaf, but at an angle” (Jackson): squarroso-dentatus,-a,-um (adj.A).

squarrose-laciniate: “lacerated in a squarrose way” (Lindley) [i.e. with the tips spreading/reflexed]: squarroso-laciniatus,-a,-um (adj.A).

squarrose-pinnatipartitus (part.A): “deeply pinnatifid with squarrose [i.e. spreading] divisions, as the leaf of Achillea Millefolium” (Lindley).

squarroso-pinnatisectus,-a,-um (part.A): squarrose-pinnatisect; “pinnatifid, with the segments so straggling as to appear on different planes” (Lindley), i.e. spreading with the tips reflexed.

stellato-squarrosus,-a,-um (adj.A): like a star with the rays spreading and curved down.

squarroso-foliosus,,-a,-um (adj.A): squarrose-foliate; with the leaves on the stem spreading and reflexed at the tips.

squarroso-patulus,-a,-um (adj.A): spreading [e.g. leaves] at 90* and between 45* – 90*.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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