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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

spadix,-icis (adj.B): “date-brown, nut-brown, chestnut-brown; = spadiceus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.

Spadix,-icis (s.m. or f. III), abl.sg. spadice, nom. & acc. pl. spadices, dat. & abl. pl. spidicibus; lit. ‘branch,’ “a branch or axis bearing numerous closely packed sessile flowers, and inclosed in a spathe or spathes. A spike inclosed in a spathe” (Lindley); “a spike with a fleshy axis, as in Aroids” (Jackson), esp. infructescence of palm; “A spadix is a form of spike in which the florets are densely crowded along a fleshy axis, and enclosed by one or more large, brightly–colored bracts called spathes. Usually the female flowers grow at the base, and male flowers grow above. They are a characteristic of the Araceae family, for example Jack–in–the–pulpit (species Arisaema triphyllum) and Wild Calla (genus Calla)” (Wikipedia 2014); in palms, the whole inflorescence [> L. spadix,-icis = Gk. spadix, “a palm-branch broken off, together with its fruit; [= spadicum-i (s.n.II)]” (Lewis & Short); see interfoliaceus,-a,-um (adj.A), infrafoliaceus,-a,-um (adj.A); see spike;

- [Typha] flores in spadicibus terminalibus cylindraceis densissime conferti (B&H), the flowers very densely packed into terminal cylindric spadices.

- [Sparganium] flores in spadicibus globosis axillaribus conferti (B&H), the flowers packed into globose axillary spadices.

- [Aroideae] Flores in spadicem simplicem dispositi, nunc hermaphroditi et omnes conformes, nunc monoici feminei in parte superiore spadicis, rarissime dioici, distincti v. varie confluentes, masc. et fem. non raro in laminam spadicem involventem demum solutam confluentes (B&H), the flowers arranged in simple spadices, sometimes hermaphrodite and all similar, sometimes monoicous, the female ones in the upper part of the spadix, very rarely dioicous, separate or variously confluent, the male and female ones not rarely confluent in the blade enveloping the spadix, finally separating.

- spadix spatha brevior, totus inclusus, sessilis, basi femineus, superne hermaphroditus, appendice erecta clavata, spadix than the spathe shorter, all included, sessile, at the base female, above hermaphrodite, with appendage erect club-shaped.

- palma spadicibus inter frondes erumpentibus, palm with spadices between the fronds breaking out, i.e. with interfoliar spadices.

- flores monoici in distinctis spadicibus, flowers monoecious on different spadices.

- spadices sessiles vel pedunculati pluripedales, basi et ad ramos compressos spathis incompletis vaginati, interdum vaginas foliorum perforantes, spadices sessile or pedunculate several feet long, at base and at the compressed branches by imcomplete spates sheathed, sometimes the sheaths of leaves perforating (Stearn). ALL?

- flores in spadices dispositi (B&H), flowers arranged in spadices.

- spadicibus fasciculatis v. paniculatis spathaceo-bracteatis (B&H), with the spadices fasciculate or paniculate, spathaceous-bracteate.

- spathae variae, nunc numerosae tubulosae pedunculum v. pedunculum et ramos spadicis vaginantes (B&H), spathes, spathes various, sometimes numerous, tubulose, sheathing the peduncle or the peduncle and branches of the spadix.

- flores in alveolis spadicis numerosi (B&H), flowers numerous in the alveoli of the spadix.

- spadix florifer 1-2 poll, longus, 2 lin. crassus (F. Mueller), flowering spadix 1-2 inches long, 2 lines [4.2 mm] thick.

- [Alleluchieae] tubus spathae ope dilatationis spadicis clausus v. in loculos 2 divisus (B&H), the tube of the spathe, by the force of the expansion of the spadix closed or divided into 2 locules.

- spadix inappendiculatus, spathae dorso adnatus (B&H), the spadix lacking appendages, adnate to the back of the spathe.

- spadicis appendix crinita (B&H), the appendage of the spadix crinite [i.e. with a tuft of long, weak hairs].

- spadicis appendix processubus conicis onusta (B&H), the appendage of the spadix burdened with [i.e. full of] conical processes.

- flores omnes fértiles v. pauci ad basin v. apicem spadicis abortu unisexuales (B&H), all of the flowers fertile or a few at the base or apex of the spadix by abortion unisexual [i.e. of only one sex].

- stigma in centro verticis sessile v. subsessile, in directione spadicis elongatum, depressum, medio sulcatum (B&H), the stigma in the center of the top sessile or subsessile, elongate in the direction of the spadix, depressed, sulcate in the middle.

- flores in spadice tenuissimo apice fauci spathae accreto monoici, feminei et masculi longe distantes (B&H), the flowers monoicous, with the throat of the spathe united at the apex into a very delicate [thin] spadix], the female and masculine ones far distant [from one another].

- spatha stipitem longissimum pedunculifórmem spadicis vaginans, lamina incompleta v. 0. Spadix sursum florens (B&H), the spathe sheathing the very long, peduncle-like stipe of the spadix, with the blade incomplete or none. The spadix flowering upwards [i.e. from below].

- flores in spadice inappendiculato abortu unisexuales, superiores feminei ovariis effoetis, inferiores masculi antheris effoetis (B&H), the flowers in a spadix lacking appendages by abortion unisexual [i.e. with only one sex], the upper female ones with empty ovaries, the lower masculine ones with the anthers empty.

- spadicibus terminalibus solitariis dense cylindraceis, pedunculis basi squamatis supra medium spatha cucullata lanceolata patente praeditis spathae spadicique aequilongis v. longioribus, floribus sexlobis hexandris (F. Mueller), with the spadices terminal, solitary, densely cylindrical, with the peduncles at the base scaly; above the middle provided with a cucullate, lanceolate spreading spathe, equal in length to the spathe and spadix or longer, with flowers with six lobes, six-stamened.

NOTE: the term spadix, used for the whole inflorescence in palms, was “not used in this book because of its ambiguity within palms” (Uhl, N. W. & J. Dransfield; 1987. Genera Palmarum: L. H. Bailey Hortorium and the International Palm Society. Lawrence, Kansas.
-spadix,-icis (adj.B): in L. and Gk. comp., (with such a) -spadix;

- nematospadix,-icis, with thread-like spadix;

- inflorescentia monospadici, with a monospadicate inflorescence.

- Gk.: acanthospadix, with a thorny spadix; galactospadix, with a milky or milk-white spadix; haematospadix, with a blood-red spadix; macrospadix, with a large spadix; microspadix, with a small spadix;

- L.: angustispadix, with a narrow spadix; arcuspadix, with a curved or arched spadix; brevispadix, with a short spadix; carneospadix, with a fleshy spadix; curtispadix, with a short or stumpy spadix; curvispadix, with a curved or arcuate spadix; enormispadix, with an immense spadix; gracilispadix, with a slender spadix; julospadix, with a spadix like a catkin; luteospadix, with a yellow spadix; roseospadix, with a rose-colored spadix; tenuispadix, with a thin or delicate spadix.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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