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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Sarcocarpium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. sarcocarpio: sarcocarp, “a fleshy fruit” (WIII); “the fleshy part of the pericarp lying between the epicarp and endocarp” (Lindley); “1. the succulent and fleshy part of a drupe; 2. a general name for a baccate fruit” (Jackson); “Sarcocarp, the most fleshy part of fruit, under the pericarp”(Paxton) [> Gk. sarx, gen.sg. sarkos, flesh + karpos, fruit];

- sarcocarpio saepissime tenui v. rarius carnoso, with the sarcocarp very often thin or more rarely fleshy.

- [Seetzenia] capsula ovoidea, 5-cocca, coccis ab axi solutis 1-spermis dorso sarcocarpio angusto vestitis ceterum nudis, endocarpio crustaceo apice intus exciso (B&H), capsule ovoid, 5-coccous [i.e. with 5 mericarps], with the mericarps separated from the axis, 1-seeded, [clothed] on the back with a narrow carcocarp, otherwise naked, with a crustaceous endocarp inside with the apex excised [i.e. removed by cutting].

- [Aptandra] Drupa subglobosa, ultra medium calyce accreto inclusa, "sarcocarpio tenui, mesocarpio sublignoso, endocarpio tenui carnosulo albo" (fide R. Spruce) (B&H), drupe almost globose, enclosed beyond the middle by the united calyx.

- [Pleurostylia] Fructus indehiscens, 1-2-locularis, sarcocarpio tenuiter carnoso, styli cicatrice laterali, endocarpio solubili crustáceo basi fisso (B&H), the fruit indehiscent, 1-2-locular, with the sarcocarp thinly fleshy, with the scar of the style lateral, with the endocarp separable, crusted, divided half-way at the base. - drupa carnea ovata stylo acuminata ad trientem calyce inclusa, sarcocarpio viscossimo (F. Muell.), drupe fleshy, ovate, acuminate by the style, enclosed by the calyx as far as its third part.

- Drupa elongato-oblonga, obtusa, compressa, basi tubo calycis parvo cincta, sarcocarpio coriaceo, putamine crustáceo v. ligneo 2-loculari (B&H), drupe elongate-oblong, obtuse, compressed, at the base somewhat surrounded by the tube of the calyx, with the sarcocarp leathery, with the putamen crustaceous or ligneous [i.e. woody] 2-locular.

- OMPHACARPUS, species 2 v. 3 ex Archipelago Indico et una ex Africa tropica, fructus sarcocarpio fibroso-subexsucco, ceterum cum Grewiis veris convenientes (B&H), species 2 or 3 from the Indian Archipelago and one from tropical Africa, withe the sarcocarp of the fruit fibrously nearly juiceless, otherwise corresponding to the true Grewiae.

- [Olacineae] drupa subglobosa, ultra medium calyce accreto inclusa, " sarcocarpio tenui, mesocarpio sublignoso, endocarpio tenui carnosulo albo" (fide R. Spuce) (B&H), drupe nearly globose, included beyond the middle in the fused calyx “with a thin sarcocarp, the mesocarp somewhat woody, the endocarp thin, somewhat fleshy, white.” (according to Richard Spruce).

- drupa carnea ovata stylo acuminata ad trientem calyce inclusa, sarcocarpio viscossimo, putamine ruguloso biloculari ovato 1-2-spermo leviter compresso margine subcarinato, emarginatura apicis bidentata (F. Mueller), drupe fleshy ovate, acuminate with the style, embedded to one third with the calyx, with the sarcocarp extremely viscous, with the putamen with little wrinkles, bilocular, ovate, 1-2-seeded, slightly compressed, with the margin somewhat keeled, with the notch of the apex bidentate [i.e. with two teeth].

Persoon’s mycological classification (Synopsis Methodica Fungorum 1801):

Classis I. Angiocarpi: fungi clausi, seu semina ut plurimum copiosa interne gerentes [Angiocarpi, i.e. bearing their seeds internally].

Ordo II. Sarcocarpi [the Fleshy Fungi]. Fungi carnosi farcti [SOLID. (Sclerotium, Thelobolus, Tuber, Pilobolus, Sphaerobolus, etc.)

“Thus in the Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Plum, and most other drupaceous fruits, the separable skin is the epicarp; the pulpy part, which is eaten, the mesocarp or sarcocarp; and the stone enclosing the seed, the endocarp or putamen” (Bentley).

“The Drupe.—This is a superior, one-celled, one- or two-seeded, indehiscent fruit, having a fleshy or pulpy sarcocarp, a hard or bony endocarp or pyrene, and the pericarp altogether separable into its component parts, namely, of epicarp, sarcocarp, and endocarp” (Bentley).

Elais guineensis and E. melanococca, the Guinea Oil Palms.—The sarcocarp of the drupaceous fruits of these Palms abounds in oil, which when extracted is known as Palm Oil. This is a solid butter-like oil, of a rich orange-yellow colour (Bentley).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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