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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Sapor,-oris (s.m.III), abl.sg. sapore: flavor, taste; “the taste which a thing has” (Lindley); the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance; the taste, q.v.;

- sapor plantae urens. Odor nauseolus (Swartz), the taste burning [i.e. to the senses]. The odor somewhat nauseous.

- odore suavi, sapore insipido, caustico, ardente (Swartz), with a pleasant odor, with an insipid [i.e. indistinct] taste, biting [i.e. like cayenne pepper], with a burning taste.

- radix carnosa, ramosa, odore & sapore Zingiberis (Swartz), the root fleshy, branchy, with the odor and taste of Zingiber.

- sapore salsuginis, with the taste of salt (gen.sg.); subsalinus,-a,-um (adj.A), somewhat salty.

- herba pilis destituta, sapore subsalina, pluri-multicaulis (F. Mueller), an herb lacking hairs, with a somewhat salty taste, very many to many-stemmed.

- [fungus] sapor vix ullus (S&A), the taste scarcely any.

- [fungus] sapor in nostris valde nauseosus quidem, at constanter totus mitis (S&A), the taste in our [sc. species] certainly strongly nauseous, but the whole consistently sweet-tasting.

- [Agaricus; fungus] Totius fungi caro alba firma esculenta videtur, sapore praedita miti grato Boleti fere edulis: quamobrem ab insectis limacibusque cupide conquisita, perforata ac semivorata haud raro offenditur (S&A), the firm white flesh of the entire fungus seems fit for eating, since, provided with the pleasing [i.e. succulent], attractive taste of a Bolete, it is almost edible: wherefore being sought out eagerly by insects and slugs, it is not uncommonly found perforated [i.e. pierced with holes] and half eaten.

- [fungus] sapor prorsus mitis, nec ullatenus amaricans: in deliciis inde ab animalculis variis habitus (S&A), the flavor is certainly sweet-tasting [i.e. succulent], not in any way growing bitter: whence regarded by various small animals as highly delicious.

- [Crataeva gynandra] Sapor plantae urens. Odor nauseolus (Swartz), the taste of the plant is burning [i.e. to the tongue]. The odor somewhat nauseous.

- baccae 1/2 - 3/4| poll., metientes sapore acidulo non ingrato fere pañis secalis, unde arbor in itinere Leichhardtiono nomen "Breadfruit- tree" accepit (F. Muell.), berries measuring 1/2 - 3/4 inch, with the slightly acid [i.e. sour] not unpleasing taste of wheaten bread, whence the tree on Leichhardtio’s journey received the name “Breadfruit-tree.”

- [Portulaca filifolia] sapor nunc jucunde acidus, nunc amaricans et plus minus nauseosus (F. Muell.), the taste sometimes enjoyably acid [i.e. sour], sometimes made bitter and more or less slightly nauseating.

- [fungus] sapor gratus, ei , qui est in Artemsia Dracunculo L., haud absimilis (S&A), the taste is pleasing, to that which is in Artemisia Dracunculus L., it is not dissimilar.

- sapor Glycyrrhizae dilutus (S&A), the dilute [i.e. faint] flavor of Glycyrrhiza [i.e. liquorice, licorice].

- [fungus] sapor per varios gradus amarus (S&A), the taste through various degrees bitter.

- odor parum distinctus: sapor ingratus, vehemens, acris (S&A), odor somewhat distinct: the flavor unpleasant, powerful, acrid [i.e. sharp, harsh].

- [fungus] Sapor odorque prorsus peculiaris, vix describendus (S&A), the taste and odor very peculiar, hardly to be described [i.e. defined].

- [fungus] sapor lenis, nullatenus amaricans (S&A), the taste mild, not at all made bitter [i.e. with age].

- [Gymnopodes limacinus; fungus] avide a limacibus insectisque propter saporem mitem dulcem appetita, saepissime semidevorata offenditur (S&A), sought greedily after by slugs and insects because the taste is succulent, sweet [i.e. not bitter], most often found half devoured.

- [fungus] sapor vehemens, felleus, omnium forsan amarissimus (S&A), the taste is powerful, like bitter-gall, possibly the bitterest of all.

- drupa primo purpureo-rufa, sapore satis jucundo (F. Muell.), the drupe at first purple-red, with a quite pleasant taste.

- [Capparis] sapor plantae acris, subsalinus, Tetradynamarum, unde nomen Jamaicensium, Mustard-shrub (Swartz),the taste of the plant acrid [i.e. sharp, harsh,] somewhat salty, of the Tetradynamae [i.e. Cruciferae; Brassicaceae], whence the name of the Jamaicans, “Mustard-shrub.”

- [Annona] sapor & odor fructus, florum, totiusque plantae Ribis nigri simillimus (Swartz), the flavor and odor of the fruit, flowers and the whole plant very similar to Ribes nigrum.

- [Stemodia] Sapor salso-amarus (Swartz), the taste salty-bitter.

- odor florum Cacaliae suaveolentis. Sapor totius herbae amarus (Swartz), the odor of the flowers as of Cacalia suaveolens. The taste of the whole plant bitter.

- [fungi] saporem distinctum non animadvertimus (S&A), we do not notice a distinct taste.

graviter (adv.), q.v., with words relating to taste, smell or disease: disagreeably, unpleasantly, offensively, strongly.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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