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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Ray, beam (as of light); “the branch of an umbel or similar inflorescence; the ligule or strap-like marginal flower of many Compositae, when differentiated from the disk-flowers (Fernald 1950): radius,-ii (s.m.II), q.v., abl.sg. radio, nom. pl. radii, gen.pl. radiorum, acc. pl. radios, dat. & abl.pl. radiis [> L. radius,-ii, s.m.II, a staff, rod; a ray, beam of light: radii solis, rays of the sun]; in Charophytes see -dactylus,-a,-um (adj.A), dactyl; see radius,-ii (s.m.II) above; [as the branches of an umbel or a partial, i.e. secondary umbel: see radiatus,-a,-um (part.A);

- umbellae compositae, radiis inaequalibus (B&H), the umbells compound, with unequal rays [i.e. umbel-branches].

- umbellae compositae, primordialis nonnunquam caulem brevissimum terminans, radiis elongatis pedunculos umbellas simplices ferentes simulantibus; laterales in ramos elongatos saepius minores (B&H), the umbells compound, the first-formed sometimes terminating a very small stem, with the rays elongate resembling peduncles bearing unbranched umbels; the lateral ones on elongate branches more often smaller.

- radii ad furcam primam 7-10, quorum 1-3 plerumque simplices, ad furcam secundam 4-7, quorum 0-2 in radiis 4-5 denuo furcati, radiis ultimis bicellularibus, cellula inferiore versus basin cellulae ultimae sensim angustata, cellula ultima parva angusta acuta, rays at the first fork 7-10, of which 1-3 commonly simple at the second fork 4-7, of which 0-2 into rays 4-5 once more forked, with ultimate rays 2-celled, with the lower cell towards the base of the end (apical) cell gradually narrowed, the end cell small acute (Stearn).

- radii primarii 7-10, secundarii 4-7, tertiarii 2-3, primary rays 7-10, secondary 4-7, tertiary 2-3; see radius (Stearn).

- radii in radiis minoribus denuo furcati, rays into lesser rays again forked.

- [Umbelliferae] Bracteae sub radiis exterioribus umbellae et pedicellis umbellularum plures v. paucae involucrum et involucella constituuntr v. rarius omnino desunt, intra umbellas v. capitulum, sub radiis interioribus nunquam (nisi intra capitulum Eryngii) obviae (B&H), the bracts under the exterior rays of the umbel and the pedicels of the umbellules many, or few, constitute the involucre and involucel or more rarely completely absent, within the umbels or the capitulum, under the interior rays [they are] never encountered (except within the capitulum of Eryngium).

Corona,-ae (s.f.I): “(obsol) the ray of the capitula in Compositae” (Jackson).

NOTE: the bracts under the umbel (umbella) constitute the involucre; those beneath the umbellula (secondary umbel) constitute an involucel.

- [Umbelliferae] bracteae intra umbellas v. capitulum, sub radiis interioribus nunquam (nisi intra capitulum Eryngii) obviae (B&H), bracts within the umbels or capitulum, under the inner rays are never (except within the capitulum of Eryngium) encountered.

- umbellae radiis dichotomis, floribus femineis alaribus sessilibus(B&H), with the rays of the umbel dichotomous, with the female flowers alar, sessile.

- umbellae saepius irregulariter compositae, radiis floribusque paucis (B&H), the umbels more often irregularly compound, with the rays [i.e. branches] and flowers few.
Ray floret, in Compositae: flosculus,-i (s.m.II) radialis (adj.B), abl.sg. flosculo radiali.

rays, full of: radiosus,-a,-um (adj.A): full of rays, emitting many beams, radiant: radiosus,-a,-um (adj.A); see radians,-antis (part.B).
ray-shaped: radiatiformis,-e (adj.B): the the form or shape of a ray or rays; “having outer florets of the capitulum larger than those of the disc but not ligulate” (Stearn); cf. stelliformis,-e (adj.B): star-shaped, stellate.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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