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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

raro (adv.): seldom, rarely, not commonly; “rarely, seldom, unusually” (Glare); compar. rarius (adv.), less commonly, more rarely; superl. rarissime (adv.), most rare, most seldom; = rarenter (adv.); opp. saepe (adv.), q.v., often, frequently, many times;

NOTE: not to be confused with abl.sg. of rarus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v..

positive degree: raro (adv.);

- [Didynamia] stamina longitudinem corollae raro superantia (Linn.), the stamens rarely overtopping the length of the corolla.

- petala saepissime 4 v. 5, raro 0, perigyna, rarius epigyna, rarissime hypogyna (B&H), the petals most often 4 or 5, rarely 0, perigynous, more rarely epigynous, most rarely hypogynous.

- herbae fruticesve, foliis alternis v. raro oppositis saepius indivisis; stipulae saepissime adsunt, etsi in fruticibus caducae (B&H), herbs or shrubs, with alternate leaves or rarely opposite, more often undivided; stipules most often present, even if caducous in the shrubs.

- arbores fruticesve saepe scandentes, foliis oppositis v. rarius alternis indivisis et raro lobatis; stipulae saepius adsunt (B&H), trees or shrubs often climbing, with leaves opposite or more rarely alternate, undivided and rarely lobate; the stipules more often [i.e. than usual] present.

- glandulae petiolo v. pagina inferiore folii non raro adsunt (B&H), the glandules not rarely present on the petiole or the lower surface of the leaf.

- apothecium vulgo persistens, raro evanescens, apothecium commonly persistent, seldom disappearing.

- pericarpium siccum vel extus succulentum, rarius totum carnosum, pericarpium dry or externally succulent, more rarely entirely fleshy.

comparative degree: rarius (adv.);

NOTE: not to be confused with compar. neuter nom.& acc. sg. rarus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.

- [Penthorum] Petala saepe quinque rarius nulla (Linn.), the petals often five, more rarely [i.e. less commonly] none.

- [Cleome] Filamenta sex (rarius 12. s. 24.), subulata, incurva (Linn.), filaments six (more rarely [i.e. less commonly] 12 or [=seu] 14.), subulate, incurved.

- [CORISPERMUM] Stamina. Filamenta 1. (rarius [i.e. less commonly] 2, 3, 4, 5.) filiformia, petalis breviora (Linn.), the Stamens. Filaments 1 (more rarely 2, 3, 4, 5), thread-shaped, shorter than the petals.

- [Galium] pedunculi capillares, foliis breviores, saepius uniflori, rarius bifidi (Linn.), the peduncles hair-like, shorter than the leaves, more frequently with one flower, more rarely bifid.

- gynoecium dimerum occurrit, etsi rarius, etiam in Stylophoris Americanis (B&H), a two-parted gynoecium occurs, even if more rarely, also in American Stylophora.

- calyx rarius aequaliter et parallele (infinity sign)-nervius, petala 5, lamina integra 2-fida vel rarius laciniata, basi saepius 2-squamata (B&H); the calyx more rarely equally and parallely [infinitely] nerved; petals 5, with the lamina entire, 2-fid or more rarely laciniate, at the base more often 2-scaled.

- Sepala distincta, herbacea v. rarius petaloidea, imbricata v. valvata v. in calycem valvatum rarius imbricatum coalita (B&H), sepals distinct, herbaceous or more rarely like a petal, imbricate or valvate or fused into a valvate calyx, more rarely imbricate.

superlative degree: rarissime (adv.);

- herbae, rarissime fruticuli (B&H), herbs, very rarely small shrubs.

- flores rarissime irregulares, flowers very rarely irregular [i.e. unlike one another].

- torus parvus, elevatus v. stipitiformis, rarius carnoso-incrassatus, rarissime in discum expansus (B&H), the torus [i.e. receptacle] small, elevated or appearing stalked, more rarely fleshy-thickened, most rarely expanded into a disc.

- embryo in albumine farinoso, curvus, rarissime rectus (B&H), the embryo in a mealy albumen, curved, most rarely straight.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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