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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Ramentum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. ramento, nom. pl. ramenta: 'what is shaved, grated or rubbed off; scrapings, shavings, chips, etc.;' splinters, “thin membranous expansions found upon the surface of plants, and resembling hairs in composition, except that they are not composed of a single longitudinal series of cells, but of many series of cells arranged on the same plane” (Lindley); “thin chaffy scales of the epidermis, as the scales of many ferns” (Jackson); (botany) one of the thin brownish chaffy scales upon the leaves or young shoots of some plants, especially upon the petioles and leaves of ferns (Wikipedia, 2018); “something scraped off; a minute particle, shaving; any of the thin brownish often fringed or laciniate scales that are borne upon the leaves or young shoots of many ferns and that consist of a single layer of cells; the armor of a fossil cycad stump that suggests in appearance the ramenta of existing ferns” (WIII). (in mosses) strap-shaped bracts on the vaginula of Neckera foveolata (p. 743, Moss Flora of Mexico) [> L. ramentum,-i (s.n.II) scrapings, shavings, chips, a scale or scaling, shreds; small pieces (Lewis & Short); > L. radere, to scratch, scrape]; see particle, see chaff, scab, scale, scurf.

NOTE: not used in fungi.

- ramenta ferri, silings or shavings of iron.

- calyptra profunde fissa, ramentis obtecta (Mitten), calyptra deeply divided, covered with [ramenta].

- [algae] ramenta rachide multiplo (usque decuplo) tenuiora, media vel suprema longiora, simplicissima flexilia et levissimo aquae motu fluctuantia (Agardh), the raments many times (to 10 times) thinner than the rachis, the middle or highest parts longer, very much unbranched, [flexible] and rising in waves with the slightest motion of the water.

- (algae) caespite herbaceo-viridi dense intricato, ramis filorum inferioribus subdivaricatis intricantibus, superioribus erectiusculis apice penicillo lineari-lanceolato plumatis, ramentis distichis simplicibus abbreviatis subaequilongis (Agardh), with the clump herbaceous-green, densely interwoven, with the lower branches of the filaments nearly divaricate, entangled, the upper nearly erect, plumed with a linear-lanceolate, penicillum [i.e. brush-like tuft of hairs] at the apex, with the raments distichous, simple [i.e. unbranched], shortened, nearly the same length.

- (algae) ramenta distiche egredientia, saepissime lineam non longa, omnia longitudine aequali, aut media vix sublongiora (Agardh), the raments distichously coming forth, most often not a line long, all with equal length, or the middle ones scarcely a little longer.

Algae. “a frond, originating in a narrow undivided primary leaf, having its surface on both sides densely asperated [i.e. roughened] with minute, lanceolate ramenta, a line or less in length, with involute tips.”

- frons cartilaginea, filiformis, continua, subramosa, undique ramentis carnosis filiformibus simplicibus ramosisve obsessa, the frond cartilagineous, thread-like, continuous [i.e. uninterrupted], somewhat branched, in every part beset with fleshy, thread-like, simple or branched ramenta.

- [SPHACELLARIA, algae] Sph. Bertiana Denot., anne ramenta novella a Cladostepho propullantia? (Agardh); is Sphacellaria Bertiana, perhaps young ramenta budding off from [a] Cladostephus? Ramenta fluminum [=gen.pl. flumen]: what rivers throw up on their banks, grains of sand; bits, morsels, small pieces.

paleiformis,-e (adj.B), less correctly paleaeformis,-e (adj.B), “resembling a palea or chaff, as Ramenta, q.v.” (Lindley).

Palea, q.v., Pale, Palet: “the scales constituting the ramentum on ferns” (Jackson): palea,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., abl.sg. palea, nom. pl. paleae, acc. pl. paleas, dat.& abl. pl. paleis.

Scobis,-is (s.f.III), abl. sg. scobe: fine particles, powder or dust produced by sawing, rasping, etc.; sawdust, scrapings, filings; ramenta appear to be coarser, larger particles than scobes.

Vaginella,-ae (s.f.I), nom. pl. vaginellae: “(obsol.) the brown scale-like hairs commonly called ramenta” (Lindley).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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