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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

radiatus,-a,-um (part.A): provided with rays; spoked, provided with spokes; “diverging from a common center, like rays, as the arms of an umbel, or the ligulate florets of any Composite” (Lindley); “spreading from or arranged around a common center; bearing ray-flowers” (Fernald 1950); with lines or processes diverging from a common center; radiate, bearing rays or ray-florets, having corollas of outer florets ligulate (Stearn); (fungi) radiate, “spreading from a center” (Ainsworth & Bisby) [> L. radio,-are,-atum 1. furnished with rays, irradiated, shining; to emit beams, shine, radiate]; cf. stellatus,-a,-um (adj.A), with narrow divisions radiating from a center like the rays of a star; see capitulum,-i (s.n.II) note;

- carpellis rectis stellatim radiatis (DeCandolle), with the carpels straight, radiate like a star.

- Jungermannia frondibus palmatis dichotome radiatis nervosis (Hooker),a Jungermannia with the fronds palmate, dichotomously radiate, with strong nerve.

- [liverwort) frond segmentis linearibus, dichotomis, dichotomiarum angulis patentibus, radiato-expansis, ita ut frondis totius ambitus sit subrotundus (Hooker), the frond with linear, dichotomous [i.e. forked] segments, with the angles of the dichotomies [i.e. forks] spreading, expanded ina radiant manner, so that thus the circumference of the whole frond may be nearly round.

- nervi radiati petiolo in medio folii fere sito (Swartz), the nerves radiate, with the petiole situated almost in the middle of the leaf.

- corpus ligneum exhibens in centro medullam e qua productions medullares radiantes trans strata lignea annua (DeCandolle), the corpus ligneum dispays in the center, a medulla from which medullar formations radiating across the annual ligneous layers.

- ramisque pube 10-radiata velutinis (DeCandolle), and with the branches velutinous with a 10-rayed pubescence.

biradiatus,-a,-um (part.A): “consisting of two or more rays, as in certain umbels” (Lindley).

fruticosus,-a,-um (adj.A): fruticose, shrubby, bushy, woody; (in fungi), of lichens, “having an upright or hanging thallus of radiate structure” (Ainsworth & Bisby);

- [lichen] thallus nigrescens vel obscure fuscus, satis fragilis, filiformis implexusque vel caespitose fruticulosus aut depresso-radiatus (Nyl.), the thallus blackish or obscurely blackish brown, quite fragile, filiform and interwoven or fruticulose [i.e. having an upright or hanging thallus of radiate structure] [with a clumping habit] or depressed-radiate.

multiradiatus, many-rayed; pluriratiatus, many-rayed; pauciradiatus, few-rayed (Stearn); in Umbelliferae, a ray is a branch of an umbel, hence many-branched, few-branched;

- Umbella mascula pluriradiata, foemina pauciradiata. Umbellulae masculae pluriradiatae, foeminae pauciradiatae (F. Mueller), the male umbel many-rayed, the female few-raded. The male umbellules many-rayed, the female few-rayed [i.e. branched].

- Umbellae compositae, oo-radiatae (B&H), the umbells compound, [indeterminate]-rayed.

- Umbellae compositae, pauciradiatae; umbellulae compactae, flore centrali sessili fertili (B&H), the umbells compound, few-rayed [i.e. branched]; the umbellules (secondary umbels) compact, with the central flower sessile, fertile.

- Umbellae irregulariter compositae, pauciradiatae nunc dichotomae (B&H), theu mbels irregularly compound, sometimes few-rayed (branched) sometimes dichotomous (forked).

- umbellae compositae, pleraeque oppositifoliae, sessiles v. breviter pedunculatae, pauciradiata (B&H), umbels compound, many opposite the leaves, sessile or shortly pedunculate, few-rayed.

- umbellae compositae pauciradiatae v. subsimplices (B&H), the umbells compound, few-rayed or nearly simple [i.e. unbranched, without rays].

- umbellae simplices v. saepius composita et pauciradiata (B&H), the umbels simple [i.e. not compound] or more often compound and few-rayed [i.e. with few umbel-branches].

peltate-radiate: peltate: fixed to the stalk by the center and extending out radially: peltato-radiatus,-a,-um (part.A):

- stigma sessile peltato-radiatum aut apice styli multilobum (DeCandolle), stigma sessile, peltate-radiate or with the apex of the style many-lobed.

- stigma radiato-peltatum (DeCandolle), the stigma radiate-peltate.

quasiradiatus,-a,-um (part.A): “slightly radiant; a term applied to the heads of some Composites whose florets of the ray are small and inconspicuous” (Lindley); “slightly radiant, as where the florets of the ray in some Compositae are small and inconspicuous” (Jackson).

NOTE: in Nymphaeaceae, the stigma may radiate-lobed at the apex:

- stigmate 20-radiato, with the stigma 2o-radiate; stigmale 16-radiato, with the stigma 16-radiate; stigmate 8-10-radiato, with the stigma 8-10-radiate; but stigmata 4-20, radiantia, the stigmas 4-20, radiating.

NOTE: in Compositae (Bentham & Hooker):

- capitula radiata dicuntur si heterogama corollis florum exteriorum (femineorum v. neutrorum) ligulatis, the capitula are said to be radiate if heterogamous with the colollae of the outer flowers (female or neuter) ligulate.

NOTE: in Umbelliferae, radiatus indicates the umbels are ‘rayed’, i.e. ‘branched;’

- umbellae compositae, 3-6-radiatae (B&H), the umbels compound, 3-6-rayed [i.e. branched].

Bowlesia multiradiata (Umbelliferae), many-rayed, or many-branched (in an umbel).

Menispermum radiatum; Sida radiata; Pelargonium radiatum; Sium radiatum; Torilis radiata; Capparis radiatiflora, with flowers spreading from the center; Polyactium multiradiatum, with many rays.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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