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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

radial, radially, “growing on the circumference of a circle” (Lindley); in a radial manner, issuing outward in rays from a common center, having parts arranged like or in rays, “developing uniformly around a central axis, opp. to dorsiventral” (WIII); actinomorphic (Jackson); also, relating to a ray or ray flower: radialis,-e (adj.B) (Stearn); cf. radius,-ii (s.m.II), q.v.; see radians,-antis (part.B), ‘radiate;’ stellate, actinomorphic; cf. dorsiventral; see actin-, actino-: in G. comp., rayed, star-like, radiating from a center [> Gk. actis,-inos, s.f.III, ray, beam of sunlight];

- striae in superficie capsulae radiales, the streaks on the surface of the capsule radial.

- parietes radiales, radial walls.

- parietibus radialibus maxime aequaliterque incrassatis, with the radial walls very greatly and equally thickened.

Ray floret, in Compositae: flosculus,-i (s.m.II) radialis (adj.B), abl.sg. flosculo radiali.

Symmetria,-ae (s.f.I), radialis, abl. sg. symmetria radiali: radial symmetry: “having similar parts regularly arranged about a central axis (as in a starfish)” (WIII); actinomorphic, q.v. radially symmetric, so that a line drawn through the middle of a structure along any plane will produce a mirror image on either side, regular: actinomorphus,-a,-um (adj.A); see actinomorphic; see zygomorphic.

NOTE: dorsiventral, q.v.: of an organ which is flat with distinct dorsal and ventral surfaces, as in the leaves of many liverworts; with distinction of back and front, or placed with reference to the back or front.

Ramificatio,-onis (s.f.III), abl.sg. ramificatione: the branching, branch-system, branching patterns; “the scheme of branching or separation into branches” (Jackson); place where a branch arises; see ‘branching (pattern);’

- ambitus totius systematis ramificationis, outline of the whole system of branching (Stearn).

- ramificatio infravaginalis, the branching infravaginal.

- folia plana, saepe paribus sub ramificationes oppositis pseudoverticillata (B&H), leaves plane, often with opposite pairs below the [place where the branch arises] pseudoverticillate.

- Celastrineis arcte affines sunt, et non nisi habita, ramificatione, foliis compositis, staminibusque oppositipetalis differunt (B&H) they are closely related to the Celastrineae and they differ only by the habit, the manner of branching, the compound leaves and the stamens opposite the petals.

- bracteae ad ramificationes oppositae (B&H), the bracts opposite the ramifications [i.e. the places where the branch arises].

- differt ramificatione copiosiore, it differs by the branching more abundant.

- (algae) ramificationes maxime varias, cornu cervi formam nonnunquam aemulantes vidi in Hydrodictyi cellulis eremobiis, quarum alio loco mentionem feci (Braun), the branching patterns most variable, I have sometimes seen them suggesting the form of a deer’s horn in the eremobic cells of Hydrodictyon, of which I have made mention in another place.

- [Thalictrum aquilegifolium] stipellis ovatis binis ad basin petioli ramificationum (DeCandolle), with the stipels ovate, two each at the base of the branching of the petiole.

- floribis subnutantibus laxe paniculatis, stipellis minimis ad basin praecipuorum petioli ramificationum (DeCandolle), with the flowers somewhat nodding, laxly paniculate, with the stipells very small at the base of the main branching of the petiole.

Ramificatio intercalaris (adj.B), “in Hepaticae where branching arises below the apical cell” (Jackson).

Ramificatio terminalis (adj.B), “”the branching arising from a division of the apical cell (Leitgeb)” (Jackson).

Ramificatio,-onis (s.f.III) monopodialis, monopodial branching, branching differentiated into primary and secondary shoots (stems and branches); a growth pattern with a single and continuous axis.

. Ramificatio,-onis (s.f.III) sympodialis: symodial branching, branching made up of successive secondary axes (not from a terminal bud) each of which represents one fork of a dichotomy, the other fork of which is of weaker growth or suppressed entirely.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
Copyright © P. M. Eckel 2010-2023

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