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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

-pus, gen. sg. -podis (s.m.III), acc.sg. –podem, abl. sg. –pode, nom.& acc. pl. -podes: in Gk. comp. having (such a) foot, stalk, base; -footed, -based, -stalked, -pedicelled, -peduncled, -petioled, -rooted; -billed, -snouted; (in mosses) -setaed, (in fungi) -stiped; in Gk. comps. = ‘foot’ or ‘stalk’ (Lindley) [> Gk. pous, gen.sg. podos (s.m.III), a foot]; cf. –pod (Eng. noun suffix), pl. pods; see –stalked;

The Greek noun pous (s.m.III), genitive sg. podos, ‘a foot,’ is rendered into Latin as -pus, with the genitive sg. podis.

NOTE: the stem of –pus,-podis to which prefixes and suffixes are added is –pod-. NOTE: the suffix -opus, in compounds: the -o- is the connecting vowel: -o- + -pus.

NOTE: -pus is the noun itself, not a part of another noun (such as a syllable).

NOTE: such compounds are not second declension masculine nouns (-us,-i (s.m.II)); the nominative plural does not end in –i.

NOT a part of polysyllabic nouns, e.g. –campus, -carpus; -corpus,-oris (s.n.III); hippus [> Gk. (h)ippus > Gk. hippos (s.m.II); hippE = mare: horse.

NOTE: pous (s.m.II), gen.sg. podos, dat. sg. podi: “foot, both of men and beasts; in pl. a bird’s talons; the arms or feelers of a polypus; properly the foot from the ankle downwards; but also of the leg with the foot; foot, as that with which one runs”(after Liddell & Scott); = Lat. pes, gen.sg. pedis, q.v.].

NOTE also that the Greek foot (pous) was a unit of length, e.g. 100 podes = one plethron, 600 podes = a stade, 5000 podes = a million (the Greek mile); see ‘foot’ (Eng.noun).

Endings (suffixes) in –pus,-podis are used:

1. as epithets (nouns in apposition) modifying a genus name, but are not adjectives, and

2. as nouns, especially in generic names. Both usages are declined in the same way and function syntactically the same way in a sentence.

1. as epithets (third-declension nouns, with gender and number, functioning as adjectives, but actually nouns in apposition);

NOTE: -pus,-podis may be used in epithets as a noun in apposition to the generic name and are declined as a noun (not an adjective), hence it is declined as a masculine third declension noun without reference to the gender of the generic name with which it is associated.

NOTE: these epithets may also be Latinized as A adjectives ending in –podus,-a,-um (adj.A), e.g. brachypus,-podis (s.m.III), a short foot = but brachypodus,-a,-um (adj.A), short-footed; micropus,-podis (s.m.III), with a small foot (stalk, stipe, etc.) = micropodus,-a,-um (adj.A), small-footed; see –podus,-a,-um (adj.A).

NOTE: it is an error to render this suffix (usually when used with the connecting vowel -o-) as if it were an A adjective, or a noun of the first or second declensions: e.g. trachyopa or trachyopum is in error and should be altered to -o-pus (with the genitive singular in -o-podis), which would be a noun in apposition.

1. AS NOUNS IN APPOSITION; the following are treated as adjectives (epithets), but declined like the noun -pus,-podis:

     singular   plural          singular    plural  
Nom.  –pus      -podes      Nom.  apus       apodes  
Gen.  –podis    -podum      Gen.  apodis     apopodum
Dat.  –podi     -podibus    Dat.  apodi      apodibus
Acc.  –podem    -podes      Acc.  apodem     apodes
Abl.  –pode     -podibus    Abl.  apode      apodibus
1. apus, gen.sg. apodis (s.m.III), abl.sg. apode: lacking a foot, stalk or base, stemless, footless, e.g. ‘sessile;’ see apus,-podis (s.m.III); cf. apodus,-a,-um (adj.A).

2. (animals) aeluropus,-podis (s.m.III), cat’s paw, cat’s foot; chenopus,-podis (s.m.III), with the shape of a goose’s foot; lagopus,-podis (s.m.III), hare-footed, with a rabbit’s foot; ornithopus,-podis (s.m.III), with a bird’s foot.

3. (numerals) hexapus,-podis (s.m.III), with six feet; octapus,-podis (s.m.III), with six feet, stalks, etc.; pentapus,-podis (s.m.III), with five feet, stalks.

4. (colors) erythropus, with a red foot; haematopus, with a blood-red stalk (foot); melanopus, with a black foot; porphyropus, with a purple foot.

5. (general) brachypodus,-podis (s.m.III), with a short foot, stalk or stipe; campylopus,-is (s.m.III), with a bent foot, seta, stalk; lasiopus,-podis (s.m.III), with a woolly foot or stalk; macropus, with a large or big foot; mesopus,-podism (s.m.III), with the stalk (foot) attached in the middle; micropus,-podis (s.m.III), with a small foot; pleuropus, with the foot (i.e. stipe) attached to the side (i.e. laterally); pteropus,-podis (s.m.III), winged-footed.

- pileo pleuropode, with the pileus stipe stalked on the side [laterally].

- pileo mesopode, with the pileus stalked in the middle.

- cyathopus,-podis (s.m.III), from Gk. Kyathos, ‘cup,’ + pous,-podis, ‘foot,’ Cup-foot, where the apex of the peduncle is cup-shaped (in Cionachne cyathopus (or cyathopoda [adj.A]).

Genus: note, although the genus ends in fem., masc. and neut. endings, the epithet ends in –us, that is –pus as it is a noun (in apposition to the generic name);

fem. Mycena haematopus (Fr.) Quel. a mushroom, from the broken stalk (stipe) or flesh exuding a blood-red latex;

masc. Agaricus porphyropus (a fungus).

neut. Elaphoglossum pteropus C. Chr.

- ab Elaphoglosso pteropode C. Chr. differt, it differs from Elaphoglossum pteropus C. Chr.

NOTE: in the somewhat confused grammar of the grass genus Chionachne in Bentham & Hooker, the epithet is cyathopus,-podis (s.m.III), a noun: ‘cup-foot,’ in allusion to the cup-shaped apex of the peduncle, but rendered recently as ‘cyathopoda,’ ‘cup-footed.’

- [Chionachne] In C. cyathopode [= abl.sg.], F. Muell. articuli fructiferi plures fere Tripsaci (B&H), in Chionachne cyathopodus F. Muell. many fruit-bearing joints are almost [like those] of Tripsacum.

2. AS NOUNS (generic names): -pus (s.m.III), gen.sg. –podis: ‘foot:’

      singular   plural           singular    plural
Nom.  –pus      -podes      Nom.  Octopus    Octopodes  [a genus of molluscs]
Gen.  –podis    -podum      Gen.  Octopodis  Octopodum
Dat.  –podi     -podibus    Dat.  Octopodi   Octopodibus
Acc.  –podem    -podes      Acc.  Octopodem  Octopodes
Abl.  –pode     -podibus    Abl.  Octopode   Octopodibus

NOTE: a Latinized noun alternative to the suffix -pus,-podis may be -podium,-ii (s.n.II), q.v.

NOTE: often in generic names rendered -podium,-ii (s.n.II): Lycopodium L. Clubmoss [> Gk. lycos, a wolf, and pous, foot, from a fancied resemblance (Fernald 1950); Polypodium L. [> Gk. polys, many, and pous, foot, "alluding to the branching rhizomes" (Fernald 1950).

NOTE: family names: -podiaceae - Chenopodiaceae; Erpodiaceae, Gloeopodiaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Oedipodiaceae, Polypodiaceae.

NOTE: in text, if spelled with lower case ‘p’, then probably an English word, like octopus, Eng.pl. octopuses. But if capitalized, as in a proper noun, then it is the genus name and the plural is –podes.

1. Hexapus,-podis (s.m.III): a hexapod [i.e. six feet]; see hexapod.

2. Monopus,-podis (s.m.III): monopod, a kind of birth defect resulting in a person with only one leg or foot [> Gk. mono-, ‘one, single’ + pous, foot].

3. Lat. Oedipus,-podis (s.m.III), irregular declension, “a king of Thebes, the son of Laius and Jocasta; who solved the riddle of the Sphinx, hence, a solver of enigmas" (after Lewis & Short) [> Gk. oidipous,-podos (s.m.III), ‘the swollen-footed’ > oidi-, swollen + pous, foot.

4. Generic names:


Adenopus, -podis (s.m.III), (Cucurbitaceae); cf. adenopodus,-a,-um (adj.A): “having sticky pedicels” (Stearn 1996).

Aeluropus,-podis (s.m.III) (Poaceae); Cat’s-paw, Cat’s foot, from Gk. aelur-, aeluro-: in reference to or similar to a cat > Gk. aelurus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. aeluro = Gk. ailouros or aielouros (s.m.II): a cat, q.v.

Arctopus,-podis (s.m.III) Linn., “From [Gk.] arktos, a bear, and pous, a foot; alluding to the spines which beset the plant, and which have been compared to the claws of a bear. Apiaceae” (Paxton).

Axonopus,-podis (s.m.III)(Gramineae; Poaceae), Carpet grass [> Gk. axOn,-onos (s.m.III), an axle, Latin, ‘axis’ + pous, ‘foot’ (Fernald (1950); “in reference to the structure of the plant. Poaceae” (Paxton).

Coronopus,-podis (s.m.III), abl.sg. Coronopode, nom. & acc. pl. Coronopodes, “Crow’s-foot” (Brassicaceae): “name from the Greek korone, crow, and pous, foot, from the deeply cleft leaves” (Fernald 1950).

Elephantopus,-podis (s.m.III) L., Elephant's-foot (elephas, elephant + pous, foot). Asteraceae.

Lasiopus,-podis (s.m.III), Cassini. From lasios, hairy, and pous, a foot; alluding to the woolly footstalks of its heads of flowers. Asteraceae (Paxton).

Lycopus,-podis (s.m.III): “name compounded of the Greek lycos, a wolf, and pous, foot, from some fancied likeness in the leaves” (Lamiaceae) (Fernald 1950).

Micropus,-podis (s.m.III), Linn. From mikros, small, and pous, a foot. Asteraceae (Paxton).

Ornithopus,-podis (s.m.III), Linn., Bird’s foot. From ornithos, a bird, and pous, a foot; the pods are like the claws of a bird. Fabaceae (Paxton).

Perianthopodus,-podis (s.m.III)(Cucurbitaceae).

Streptopus, gen.sg. Streptopodis Michx. (s.m.III), Twisted-stalk (> Gk. streptos, twisted, + pous, foot or stalk) Liliaceae.


Gymnopus,-podis (s.m.III), a genus of fungi; G. dryophilus, G. peronatus; G. quercophilus.

Rhizopus,-podis (s.m.III) (Mucoraceae) [> Gk. rhiz-, root + pous,-podis (s.m.III).


Platypus, q.v.;

1. (insect) Platypus,-podis (s.m.III), q.v., nom. & acc.pl. platypodes, a genus of weevils, the Platypus beetle; the wood-boring ambrosia beetle.

2. (mammal) the English name of the mammalian Duckbill, Duck-billed Platypus, with a wide foot, i.e. bill [> Gk. platy-, broad, wide + pous,-podis, foot], family Ornithorhynchidae; Order Monotremata: Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

Zapus, gen. sg. Zapodis, a genus of mice (Zapus hudsonius, the meadow jumping mouse, subfamily Zapodinae), perhaps in reference to its extraordinary feet.


Octopus,-podis (s.m.III), q.v., nom. & acc.pl. octopodes (Order Octopoda) [> Gk. octo-, eight + pous,-podis (s.m.III), foot).


Campylopus,-podis (s.m.III) Brid., a genus of moss, in reference to the curved pedicel (seta) [> Gk. campylo-, bent, curved, + pous, a foot, referring to the curved or cygneous seta].

Plagiopus,-podis (s.m.III) Brid.] nomen a voce plagios ‘obliquus’ et pous, ‘pes,’ ob pedunculum thecae oblique insertum, ductum (C. Mueller), the name derived from the word [Gk.] plagios, ‘oblique’ and pous, ‘foot,’ due to the peduncle [i.e. seta] of the theca obliquely inserted.

[REPTILIA:] Pygopus,-odis (s.m.III), ‘scaly-foot;’ Pygopus lepidopus, ‘common scaly-foot.’


- incluso Oedematopode (B&H), with Oedematopodus included.

- foliolum in petiolo articulatum in Isotropodis speciebus paucis (B&H), the leaflet articulated into the petiole in a few species of Isotropodus.

- Legumen Ornithopodis (B&H), the legume of Ornithopodus.

- genus ab Ornithopode paullulum diversum (B&H), a genus only a little bit distinct from Ornithopodus.

- huc referendae species 3, prius ORNITHOPODI [=dat.sg.] (B&H), species 3, to be referred to this place, previously in Ornithopodus.

- Involucri bracteae sub-2-seriatae in Corymbio, 8 in séries 2 dispositi in Elephantopode (B&H), the bracts of the involucre nearly 2-seriate in Corymbium, 8 arranged in 2 rows in Elephantopodus.

- habitus Campylopodibus nonnullis rigidis simillimus((C.Mueller), the habit very similar to some rigid Campylopodes.

- Flores dioici in Arctopode, the flowers dioicous in Arctopodus.

- [Dicranum; moss] foliis praecipue superioribus chlorophyllosis cum praecedente inter Campylopodes solitarium (C. Mueller), solitary with the prededing by the leaves, especially the uppermost chlorophyllose among the Campylopodes.

- [moss] nomen ob pedunculum curvum Campylopodi[=dat.sg.] affinem ductum. (C. Mueller), name deribed from a relationship to the Campylopus due to the curved peduncle [i.e. seta].

- [moss] statura Seligeriarum pusillarum, pedunculus Campylopodis [=gen.sg.] sectionis, peristomium Dicrani (C. Mueller), with the height of a very small Seligeria, the peduncle of a section of Campylopodus, the peristome of Dicranum.


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