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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Perigonium, “ (obsol.) usually the same as perianthium [perianth, q.v.]; sometimes as perichaetium” (Lindley); (in mosses), the male inflorescence, which consists of the leaves or bracts surrounding the antheridia, q.v.; also called the androecium,-ii (s.n.II), q.v.; “the androecium; strictly the cluster of modified leaves or underleaves (bracts; bracteoles) enclosing the antheridia” (Magill 1990); see Hedwig note below; see perigon;

- (moss) folia perigonii late ovata, caulinis teneriora, hyalina, margine haud incrassata (DozyMoeken), the leaves of the perigonium broadly ovate, more delicate than the cauline, hyaline, at the margine hardly thickened.

- (moss) folium perigonii intimum brevissimum, antheridia prorsus involvens (DozyMoeken), the innermost leaf of the perigonium very short, entirely enveloping the antheridium.

- (moss) folia perigonii circiter octo late ovata, valde concava, convoluta, integerrima, costa destituta; exteriora minora cuspidato-apiculata; interiora erecta, valde hyalina et laxissiine areolata (DozyMoeken), leaves of the perigonium around eight, broadly ovate, strongly concave, convolute, completely entire, lacking a costa; the outer smaller, cuspidate-apiculate, the inner erect, strongly hyaline and very laxely areolate

- folia perigonii subsena, latissime ovata vel ovato-subrotunda, interiora late ovato-acuminata, erecta, apicibus patula, acete convoluta, ceterum foliis caulinis et rameis similia. (DozyMoeken), the leaves of the perigonium approximately six, very broadly ovate or ovate-roundish, the inner broadly ovate-acuminate, erect, spreading at the apices, tightly convolute, otherwise similar to the cauline and branch leaves.

NOTE: (moss) Hedwig: in the following passage, the perigonia includes both the male and female flowers (i.e. sex organs: the antheridia and archegonia);

FLOS masculus in summitate trunci disciformis, foliis perigonialibus extimis maximis recurvis, interspersis perquam numerosis folliculis spermaticis filisque succulentis ante explosionem breuioribus, subin longioribus, minutulis. Absoluta impraegnatione e centro surgit continuatio, Polytrichi communis reliquorumque in modum.

Femineus etiamnum e summitate trunci simplicis vel eius divisionum intra perigonium e maximis foliis demum decrescentibus, oriundus; tribus, rarissime quatuor genitalibus filisque succulentis articulatis brevibus ditatur. Frequentissime unicum tantum genitalium, nonnunquam duo, rarius tria, quatuor rarissime impraegnata reperiuntur; unde PEDVNCVLVS unius eiusdemque subinde perichaetii solitarius, gemellus tri-quadrimellusque, erectus, rubellus, modice longus, rigidulus, vasculis, ad parum augentia vitra, spiraliter ductis reperitur (Hedw.);

- The male flower at the summit of the trunk [i.e. the lower, unbranched part of the stem] disc-shaped, with the outermost perigonial leaves the most recurved, interspersed with extremely numerous spermatic follicles [i.e. antheridia] and succulent filaments [i.e. paraphyses], shorter before the discharge, shortly afterwards longer, nearly minute. With the fertilization complete, the continuance of growth springs up from the center in the manner of Polytrichum communis and the rest.

The female [sc. flower] born even now from the summit of the undivided trunk [i.e. stem] or of its divisions within the perigonium, finally diminishes from having the largest leaves; enriched with three, very rarely four short, jointed [genitalia, sex organs, i.e. archegonia] and succulent filaments [i.e. paraphyses]. Most frequently only one of the sex organs, sometimes two, more rarely three, extremely rarely four is found fertilized; whence a solitary PEDUNCLE [i.e. the seta] is found, of one and the same perichaetium, solitary, twin-born, and three-four-born [i.e. triplets, quadruplets], that is erect, reddish, somewhat long, a little rigid, with spirally formed vessels to somewhat magnifying glasses [i.e. low-powered lenses].

- folium perigonii feminei ad augmentum II. b. Simile folium ad augmentum IV (Hedwig); a leaf of the female perigonium at a magnification of 2. b. a similar leaf at a magnification of 4.

NOTE: axillary perigonia in mosses are presently referred to as lateral (not terminal) perigonia.

NOTE: in vascular plants, see perigon.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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