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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

papyraceus,-a,-um (adj.A): papyraceous, papery, as most leaves are when dried; “resembling paper’ (Paxton); “made from the papyrus reed” (Glare); = chartaceus,-a,-um (adj.A), chartaceous, made of paper, paperlike, thin and stiff, papery, papyraceous; “having the texture of writing paper” (Lindley); (fungi) “papery; resembling paper or parchment” (S&D); see chartaceous; see papery;

Molendinum,-i (s.n.II) papyraceum (adj.A), abl.sg. molendino papyraceo: a paper-mill;

- [Mnium crudum; moss] Locus. Uda montosa saxosa amat: molendinum papyraceum circa Chemnitium in Saxonia, haud infrequens mihi obviam fuit (Hedw.), Location. it loves wet, mountainous, stoney places: a paper mill around Chemnitz in Saxony, was encountered by me, hardly infrequent [i.e. common].

- arillis papyraceis, with papery arils.

- cortice laevi (non papyraceo vel squamato), with the cortex smooth (not papyraceous or scaly).

- [Brossardia] siliqua tarde dehiscens, orbiculata, basi et apice integra, compressissima; loculis 2-3-spermis, latissime alatis, papyraceis (B&H), the silqua tardily dehiscent, orbiculate, entire at the base and apex, completely compressed, with the locules 2-3-seeded, very broadly winged, papery.

- drupa putamine papyraceo v. lignescente, abortu 1-locularis 1-sperma (B&H), drupe with the stone papery or somewhat woody, by abortion 1-locular, 1-seeded.

- folia opposita, oblonga, ampla, petiolata, papyracea, integerrima, eglandulosa, (B&H), leaves opposite, oblong, big, petiolate, papery, completely entire, glandless.

- fructus endocarpio adhaerente papyraceo (B&H), fruit with the endocarp adherent, papery.

- [Boswellia] arbores, cortice saepe papyraceo, balsamiflua (B&H), trees, with the bark often papery, flowing with balsam.

- [moss] Gymnostomi truncatì radices sordibus purgatae colorem rubellum amoenum ostendunt, quo chartae papyraceae leuiter tinguntur (Brid.), the roots of Gymnostomum truncatum when cleansed of impurities displays a lovely reddish color, by which papyraceous [i.e. papyrus] papers are lightly tinged.

- [fungi] stroma inter sphaerulas pro unaquaque condenda cellulas papyraceas tenuissimas pellucentes flavidas efformans (S&A), the stroma between the spaerules, for every single individual [sc. sphaerule] to be produced, forming very thin, pellucid yellowish papery cells.

- [fungi] lamellae secus marginem prae tenuitate pellucente subtiliter papyracea fere semper varie fissae, juxta stipitem ad angulum rectum infractae longe lineatim, ut stipes inde striatus appareat, decurrunt (S&A), lamellae along the margin, due to the pellucent [i.e. transparent] thinness, finely paper-like almost always split [i.e. divided] in various ways, beside the stipe bent inward at a right angle, long lineate-decurrent so that from there the stipe may appear striate.

- [fungi] lamellae secus marginem prae tenuitate pellucente subtiliter papyracea fere semper varie fissae (S&A), lamellae along the margin, due to the pellucent [i.e. transparent] thinness, finely paper-like almost always split [i.e. divided] in various ways.

- [fungi] lamellae distinctae, admodum latae (in majoribus semunciam fere), decurrentes, albae, secus marginem papyraceo - pellucidum saepe lutescentes (S&A), the lamellae distinct [i.e. separated], very broad (in larger fungi almose a half-inch), decurrent, white, along the margin papery-pellucid, often somewhat yellow.

- [fungus] margine constanter crispo subpapyraceo (S&A), with the margin evenly crisped [i.e. contorted], slightly papery.

- [fungi] pilei membranacei, quasi papyracei, plicabiles, plus minus longitudinaliter plicati, elastici simul, distensiles ita, ut plicae evanescant fere, at membrana dein relaxata illico restituantur (S&A), pileus membranaceous, as if papery, able to be pleated [i.e. folded], more or less longitudinally plicate, at the same time it is elastic, and so, able to be distended, so that the plicae [i.e. folds] almost disappear, and, when the membranes are relaxed, may at once be restored [i.e. to their original condition].

- [fungi] Thelephora rosea. Substantia admodum tenuis, papyracea, nonnumquam veluti pulverulenta, subradiatim rugulosa (S&A), the substance extremely thin, paper-like, sometimes as if covered with powder, somewhat rugulose [i.e. with small wrinkles] in rays.

Betula papyracea; Daphne papyracea


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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