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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

nullus, nulla, nullum (irregular adj.A): no, none, not any; lacking, absent; see nonnullus,-a,-um (adj.A), 'some, several;' see ‘absent;’ ‘lacking;’ cf. ullus, ulla, ullum (irregular adj.A), any, anyone, anything; singular plural

m. f. n. m. f. n.

Nom. nullus nulla nullum nulli nullae nulla

Gen. nullius nullorum nullarum nullorum

Acc. nullum nullam nullum nullos nullas nulla

Dat. nulli nullis

Abl. nullo nulla nullo nullis - nullo modo, in no way, in no wise; see 'wise; in no wise.'

- [Anemone nemorosa] var. quinquefolia Nullo modo ab europaea differt; hujus foliorum lobi laterales sunt saepe profunde bipartiti, quod etiam in Europaeanis speciminibus observatur (DeCandolle), the var. quinquefolia differes in no way from the Europaean; the lateral lobes of the leaves of this are often deeply bipartite, which also is observed in European specimens.

- calcar aut nullum aut saccatum, spur either lacking or saccate.

- cystidia nulla, cystidia lacking.

- nullipes, without a stalk, stipe, pedicel, stem; see -footed.

- lumen ob parietum incrassationem fere nullum, ad rimam angustam reductum, lumen on account of the thickness of the walls almost nonw, reduced to a narrow fissure.

- inter species indígenas nulli [dat.sg.] arcte affinis (F. Mueller), among the native species closely related to none.

- (Vide Lineas Malpighiaceasque plures, Coriariam et genera excepta aliorum Ordinum inter Discifloras disco v. nullo v. a cupula staminifera vix distinguendo.) (B&H), see Linea and most of the Malpighiaceae, Coriaria and genera except of other Orders distinguished among the Discifloras by the disc either none or scarcely distinguished from the staminiferous cupule.

- [Ranunculaceae] Petala sepalorum numero aequalia dupla triplave, libera, aestivatione imbricata, rarius abortu nulla, nunc ex filamentis dilatatis facta et tunc plana, nunc ex antheris transformatis orta cucullata (DeCandolle), the petals in number equal to the number of the sepals or double or triple, free, imbricate in aestivation, more rarely none by abortion, sometimes made from dilated filaments and then flat, sometimes arisen from the transformed anthers, cucullate.

- [Clematis montana] pedunculis 1-floris, involucro nullo, with the peduncles 1-flowered, with the involucre none [i.e. absent].

- [Tripterium coelidonii] stipellis nullis (DeCandolle) with no stipellae.

- Ovaria pauca, forsan interdum nulla aut abortiva ut in plerisque speciebus americanis (DeCandolle), ovaries few, perhaps sometimes none or abortice as in most American species.

- foliis glaberrimis, radicalibus nullis, caulino sessili reniformi crenato (DeCandolle), with the leaves completely glabrous, with no basal ones, with the cauline [leaf] sessile, kidney-shaped crenate.

- Nullum discrimen video inter specimina duarum varietatum, sed has disjungo ob patrias diversas (DeCandolle), I see no distinction between specimens of the two species but I divide them due to their different birthplaces.

- aestivatione imbricata, serie quaque aestivatione valvata, serie interna exteriori nunc majore, nunc minore, rarius nulla (DeCandolle), with imbricate aestivation, each series [i.e. row] in aestivation valvate, with the inner series sometimes larger, sometmes smaller than the outer, more rarely none.

- BUERGERIA, Sieb, et Zuce. Fl. Jap. Farn. Nat. i. 78. t. 2, species Japónicas includit, quae nullo charactere a Talauma differe videntur nisi petalis saepius (nec semper) numerosioribus (B&H), Buergeria includes 2 Japonese species, which seem to differ from Talauma by no character except by the petals more often (not always) more numerous.

NOTE: these are irregular A adjectives because the genitive sg. ends in -ius and the dative sg. in -i; cf. ullus, ulla, ullum (irregular adj.A): any, anyone, anything;

- sine ulla dubitatione, without any doubt.

NOTE: in descriptions where an organ does not occur, ignotus,-a,-um (unknown), or incognitus,-a,-um (unknown) may be substituted.

Nullus may also be used in places where an organ or structure is said to be "absent": sporae nullae, spores none, or sporae ignotae, spores unknown. Also non visus,-a,-um (not seen): sporae non visae, spores not seen.

subnullus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., almost none, nearly lacking or absent.

- hypanthio subnullo, with almost no hypanthium.

- hypanthio subnullo, with almost no hypanthium.

- foliis brevioribus obtusioribus 3-partitis, caulinis subnullis (DeCandolle).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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